The Main Title[Times New Roman, 14point, bold, centered]

―Subtitle in the Next Line―1

[Blank Line]

JACET Hanako1, KANSAI Taro2, and KANTO Jiro2

[Use *** when submitting]

JACET University1, JACET Kansai College2

[Use *** when submitting]

[Blank Line]

[Blank Line]

Abstract[Bold, 12 point, centered]

Start with no indentation. Do not exceed 200 words. Use the justification for all the part of the paper. Use the Times New Roman, 12 points through the paper (Excluding Paper Titles)…

[Blank Line]

Keywords:education reform, proficiency, testing
[Max 5 words, no capitalization]

[Blank Line]

1. Introduction[Bold, 12 point, centered]

1.1English Education in Japan[Bold, 12 point, flush left]

Indent the first line of a new paragraph with 5 spaces…

[Blank Line]

1.2Previous Studies

Previous studies show that…

[Blank Line]

2. Method

2.1 Participants and Materials

The participants in the study were ...

[Blank Line]

2.2 Procedures

The author…

[Blank Line]

3. Results

3.1 Current and Desired Levels of English Proficiencies

First, the teachers’ self-assessed current and desired English proficiencies were analyzed based on their survey responses…

[Blank Line]

Table 1Current and Desired Proficiency [Do not italicize “Table X,”do not add the period after X,and do not italicize the title.]

Skill Types / Current / Desired
Solo-teaching / Team-teaching
Listening & speaking / 1.29 (.50) / 2.52 ( .77) / 2.03 ( .68)
Grammar in speech / 1.75 (.73) / 3.23 (1.16) / 2.64 (1.02)
Pronunciation / 1.66 (.59) / 3.07 (1.02) / 2.56 ( .94)
Reading / 1.74 (.85) / 2.71 ( .99) / 2.23 ( .85)
Writing / 1.36 (.55) / 2.04 ( .79) / 2.50 (1.01)

Note. Standard deviations are indicated in parentheses.

[Blank Line]

Next, we examine the change of the scores in the two classes.

[Blank Line]

Figure1. Comparisonof the scores in two classes (Italicize “Figure X,” but do not italicize the title. Do not use “Fig. X.” Add the period after X. Do not use the color.)

[Blank Line]

4. Discussion

Looking at the results in Table...

[Blank Line]

5. Conclusion

Regarding English abilities and teaching skills, gaps were found consistently between...

[Blank Line]



(You should mention the Kakenhi grant in Acknowldements not in the Notes. Eg. This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers xxxxxxxx, yyyyyyyy, zzzzzzzz.When submitting, however, all the lines should be substituded with aserisks (***).)

[Blank Line]


1.This study was orally presented at … (Do not use the “Notes Function” of the MS Word.)

[Blank Line]


[Authored book]

Author, A. A. (1994). Title of work. Location/City, State: Publisher.

[Course of Study]

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. (2008). Shogakko gakushu shido yoryo [A course of study for elementary schools]. Tokyo: Tokyoshoseki.

[Edited book]

Brown, F. (Ed.). (2006). Maximize business profits through e-partnerships. Hershey, PA: IRPress.

[Published proceedings]

Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1991). A motivational approach to self: Integration in personality.In R. Dienstbier (Ed.), Nebraska Symposium on Motivation: Vol. 38. Perspectives onmotivation (pp. 237-288). Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

[Unpublished doctoral dissertation or master’s theses]

Harvey, P. C. (1982). Variations on direct instruction in one third grade classroom.Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.

[Chapter in an edited book]

Kaplan, S. (1992). Environmental preference in a knowledge-seeking, knowledge-usingorganism. In J. H. Barkow, L. Cosmides, & J. Tooby (Eds.), The adapted mind:Evolutionary psychology and the generation of culture (pp.581-589). New York:Oxford University Press.

[Journal article]

Benson, P. (2006). Autonomy in language teaching and learning. State-of-the-art article.Language Teaching, 40, 20-40. doi:10.1017/S026144806003958

Lutz, S. L., Guthrie, J. T., & Davis, M. H. (2006). Scaffolding for engagement in elementaryschool reading instruction. Journal of Educational Research, 100, 3-20.

[Instance of publication in press]

Oxford, S. (in press). Roadmap for e-commerce standardization in Korea. InternationalJournal of IT Standards and Standardization Research.

[Paper presented at the conference]

Panktree, C., & Briere, J. (1991, January). Early data on the Trauma Symptom Checklist forChildren (TSC-C). Paper presented at the meeting of the American Professional Societyon the Abuse of Children, San Diego, CA.

[Proceedings in CD-ROM]

Stead, G. (2004). M-learning; try it out. Published in ICET 2004 Conference Proceedings(CD-ROM), Singapore, September 9-11, 2004.

[Web sites]

Paola, C. & Leeder, M. (2011). Environmental dynamics: Simplicity versus complexity.Nature, 469, 38-39. doi:10.1038/469038a

Vanden Bos, G., Knapp, S., & Doe, J. (2001). Role of reference elements in the selection ofresources by psychology undergraduates. Journal of Bibliographic Research, 5, 117-123. Retrieved October 13, 2001, from

(For blind-reviewing, the first- and co-authors’ names, and their publication informationshould be substituted with *** as follows at the time of submission.)



*The style should be based on the APA 6th Eidtion. However, we have added several local rules. You need to add numbers to the section titles, justify the whole text, and combine “Table X” and the table titles in one line, not in two lines. Please read the checklist below carefully.

[本紀要の執筆書式は原則としてAPAに準じますが,(1)セクションタイトルに連番を付すこと,(2)ジャスティフィケーション(両端ぞろえ)を実施すること,(3)表上のTable Xとタイトルを2行にせず1行にすること,の3点に関してローカルルールを取っています。下記をご確認ください。]

# / In English / In Japanese / ☑
1 / Length of manuscripts including References, Appendix, Notes:
no more than 20 printed pages / 原稿の長さ(References, Appendix, Notesを含む):20ページ以内
2 / Use Times New Roman
12 point (excluding Paper Titles) , 14 point (Paper Titles) / 文字:Times New Roman。論文タイトルは14ポイント,その他は 12 ポイント。
3 / Margins 4.0 cm on Top & Bottom, 2.5 cm on Left&Right. 40 letters (full-width) in a line. 35 lines in a page. / 上下余白 4.0 cm, 左右余白 2.5 cm。横全角40文字・縦35行で設定。
4 / For pagination, use Arabic numerals placed at the center in the footer. / ページ番号を各ページ下・中央(フッタ内)に入れる。
5 / The whole manuscript should be justified. / Word上で「両揃え」(ジャスティフィケーション)を行う。
6 / Indent the first line of each paragraph with 5 spaces except Abstract. / パラグラフの冒頭は 5 スペースインデントする。Abstractは除く。
7 / Paper Titles: 14 point, boldface, centered. Capitalize the first letter of all words except articles, conjunctions and prepositions of three letters or less. (e.g., Among, in, the, When) / 論文タイトル: 14 ポイント,太字,センタリング。3 文字 以下の前置詞,接続詞,冠詞を除くすべての語頭を大文字 にする。(例: Among, in, the, When)
8 / Abstract: Should follow the title, and the name and affiliation (which should be substituted with ***). Start with no indentation. / Abstract: タイトル・氏名・所属の下にスペース2行,インデントなしで開始。氏名と所属はアステリスク(***)で記載。
9 / Keywords: Should follow Abstract. Treat keywords as one-word, italicized, boldface. Maximum five keywords. Write below the abstract, centered. / 見出し語としてのKeywordsは1語とし,Abstract の次に書く。イタリック,太字。センタリング。5 語まで。
10 / Headings should be numbered. (e.g., 1, 1.1, 1.1.1)
Level 1: Centered, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Headings.
Level 2: Flush left, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Headings.
Level 3: Flush left, boldface, lowercase headings with the first letter of the first word uppercase. / Headings:見出し番号をつける。
第1レベル:センタリング,太字,語頭は論文タイトルに 準ずる。
第 2 レベル:左寄せ,太字,語頭は論文タイトルに準ずる。
第 3 レベル:左寄せ,太字。最初の語頭のみ大文字。
11 / Figures and Tables should be centered. Their titles should be left-aligned. Numbers in figures or talbes: 9 points or bigger. / Figures およびTablesそのもの はセンタリング。それぞれのタイトルは左寄せ。図表内の数字のサイズは、9ポイント以上とする。
12 / Title should appear below the figure and it should be left-aligned. E.g.,
Figure 1. Comparison of English proficiency of three different classes. / 図のタイトルは図の下。左寄せ。例Figure 1.Comparison of English proficiency of three different classes.)★Figure 1.はイタリック・ピリオドつき。タイトル部分はイタリックなし(Tableの場合と違うので注意)。
13 / Title should appear above the table and it should be left-aligned. E.g.,
Table 1 Comparison of Test Scores Between Two Classes of Business Major / 表のタイトルは表の上。左寄せ。例Table 1 Comparison of Test Scores Between Two Classes of Business Major ★Table 1はイタリックなし・ピリオドなし。タイトル部分はイタリック(Figureの場合と違うので注意)。★Table 1とタイトルは2行にわけず続けて1行に。
14 / Notes should be placed before references if necessary. Do not use the Notes Function of the MS Word. / Notes:必要があれば,引用文献の前に入れる。1. など,半角数字+ピリオド+内容。MS WordのNotes機能は使用しないこと。
15 / References should conform to APA 6th ed., formatted as hanging indentation with the second and subsequent lines indented with five spaces. Include only the works that you mentioned. / References: 各文献の 2 行目から 5 スペースのインデント。 形式は APA6 版による。実際に引用した文献のみ。
16 / Acknowledgements should follow the conclusion, and be substituded with *** when submitting. / Acknowledgements はconclusionの次に入れる。本文は応募時点ではアステリスク(***)で置き換え。
17 / For blind-reviewing, the first- and co-authors’ names should be substituted with asterisks (***) throughout the manuscript. In the References section, both the authors’ names and their publication information should be substituted with asterisks. / ブラインド・レビューのために,原稿にある全ての投稿者名(共著者名を含む)をアステリスク(***)で置き換える。 References においても,投稿者名(共著者名を含む)とその 出版情報をすべてアステリスクで置き換える。

History of the Revisions:

2017/06/07 The 1st version has been online.

2017/06/06 The 1st version has been finalized.