

January 2,2011

Welcome and Announcements


We Enter with Praise

God’s Greeting and Ours

Leader:Grace, mercy and peace to you from God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


Leader:The Lord be with you!

People:And also with you!

Hymn of Praise#1“Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee”

Call to Worship:Adapted from John 7:37-38; 8:12; Isaiah 60:3

Leader:Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink.”

People:We are thirsty, Lord, satisfy us with your living water.

Leader:“Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him.”

People:We believe, Lord, help our unbelief.

Leader:Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

People:You are our light, O Lord. Dispel the darkness that we might have life.

All: May all nations come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn and adore you with great joy!

Congregational Singing “How Great is Our God”

Pastoral Prayer of AdorationDave Rozema

Call to ConfessionJohn 3:19

Leader:"The light has come into the world, and people loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil." Let us confess our sin to God.

Silent Prayer of Confession

Song of Forgiveness#141 “O Little Town of Bethlehem”

Receive with Anticipation

Sermon ScriptureGenesis 3:14-24


“East of Eden, West of Heaven”

Hymn of Response#125 “Joy to the World”


We Prepare to Feast

Receiving Communicant MembersMicah Torres, Kimberlee Kinzie

We Commune with Joy

Declaration of God’s Invitation and Promises

Distribution of Bread and the Cup
(Please hold elements for corporate partaking)

Prayer of Thanksgiving and Commitment


Congregational Response“Doxology”


Would you like prayer for any special need? Following the service an elder will remain in the front of the sanctuary to pray with anyone who desires prayer.

Worship Leader: Dave Rozema

JanuaryUshers: Jerry McKean, David Lano

Events atChurch

Sunday,January 2

Morning Worship10:30 AM

Wednesday, January 5

Midweek Connection (Pioneers & Youth resume Jan. 12)7:00 PM

TODAY: Lord’s Supper and Deacons’ Fund offering
New adult classes, New Testament Survey and Gospel in Life.

REVISED CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS:During the annual meeting January 19, 2011, the congregation will be voting on changes to the church’s Constitution and By-Laws. To see the changes, please see the Constitution and ByLaws folder on a table in the foyer.

NEW ELLIOTT: Deb and Gary’s granddaughter, Zoey Grace Elliott was born Tuesday this week. Congratulations!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY: Brandi Cowern and Marcy Brandt both celebrate birthdays Monday this week. Caroline Robinson, one of our shut-ins, turns 101 on Tuesday this week. If you would like to send a greeting, her address is 211 W. 24th St. 68845. Mary Wolf is a year older on Thursday. Happy Birthday from your church family.


Budgeted Need $3,076.12 $159,958.24

Received Last Week $2,301.75 $157,057.58