April 5, 2015

“The Lord Is Risen!”

Leader: Greg Miles

Sopranos: Sheila Dempsey

Carol Stettheimer

Altos: Sharon Gregory

Jenny Thompson

Tenors: Graham Miles

Gregg Waycaster

Bass: Matt Dodson

Jim Gregory

April 12, 2015

“Confident in God’s Promises”

Leader: Paul George

Sopranos: Chéree Moulin

Lora Vifquain

Altos: Joanna Holmes

Joyce Parker

Tenors: Neil Gilliland

Brady Hammond

Bass: Darrell Craven

Matt Crocker

Khris Robinson

April 19, 2015

“Being More Like Our Lord”

Leader: Paul George

Sopranos: Amanda Cabaniss

Lindsay Walker

Altos: Leah Eagle

Lynn Kirkland

Tenors: Michael Banes

Brady Hammond

Bass: Paul Kelly

Derek Thompson

April 26, 2015

“Unashamed Because of Mercy”

Leader: Greg Miles

Sopranos: Sarah Arthurs

Kristin Lowrey

Altos: Jessica Balentine

Melinda Gargiulo

Tenors: Neil Gilliland

Derek Thompson

Bass: Darrell Craven

Charlie Vifquain

Hallelujah! What a Savior (C5) [27-15] 337

Come People of the Risen King (C1) [34-51]

Welcome – Prayer

Children’s Reading: Psalm 118:1-24

Wonderful, Merciful Savior (Db3) [1-3]

My Savior, My God (Db3) [35-04]



Readings: Acts 10:34A, 37-43

Colossians 3:1-4

Man of Sorrows (D1) [34-53]

Before the Throne of God Above (D5) [12-16]

In Christ Alone (Eb5) [18-8]




Hope of the Nations (Ab5) [35-01]

Standing On the Promises (Bb/F) 452

For The Lord Is A Righteous God (Bb3) [6-19]

All Because Of Jesus (A1) [27-1]


During Bread:

Never Once (Bb5) [36-06]

During Cup:

Whom Shall I Fear (Ab5) [35-02]

During Sharing Our Blessings:

Blessed Be Your Name (A3) [33-04]

Dismiss to Children’s Worship




The Joy of the Lord (F1) [3-2]

Light the Fire Again (F1) [10-3]

Take My Life (Holiness) (F3) [8-2]

Let Us Be You (F1) [18-18]


During Bread:

Oh, To Be Like Thee (D1) 429

During Cup:

Had It Not Been the Lord (G1) [2-10]

During Sharing Our Blessings:

Lord, Reign in Me (C3) [12-4]

Dismiss to Children’s Worship




Oh Our Lord (Eb3) [34-58]

All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name (G5) 162

Christ Above Me (G1) [7-23]

Salvation Belongs to Our God (G5) [7-9]


During Bread:

Lord, I Need You (E1) [34-08]

During Cup:

As the Deer Thirsts (Ab3) [4-12]

During Sharing Our Blessings:

Overwhelmed (Fm/F) [34-59]

Dismiss to Children’s Worship


April 5, 2015
April 12, 2015
April 19, 2015
April 26, 2015


Communion Thoughts


(Background Music and Video)

Christ Is Risen (E1) [31-2]

Concluding Message

God Is Able (G1) [32-13]



He’s Always Been Faithful (C1) [16-20]

More than Conquerors (C1) [27-9]


How Great Is Our God (Bb5) [35-12]



Start A Fire (E/A) [12-27]

Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus (E1) [8-4] 602


From The Inside Out (Bb5) [27-3]



As the Deer (D3) [28-2] 71

It Is Well With My Soul (D5) [31-24] 490


Healing Grace (Eb3) [2-15]


LifeSong LifeSong LifeSong LifeSong LifeSong LifeSong LifeSong LifeSong LifeSong LifeSong LifeSong LifeSong LifeSong