

Agenda Item: LSPN 3

Labor and Social Protection Network Meeting - Agenda

Purpose: Consideration

Submitted by: LSPN Coordinator

/ 32nd Human Resources Development Working Group Meeting Hiroshima, Japan
24-28 February 2010



32nd Human Resource Development Working Group (HRD WG)

Asia – Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)

26 ~ 27 February 2010


Hiroshima, Japan

  1. Call of Meeting to Order
  1. Introduction of Participants, especially new comers
  1. Confirmation of Agenda
  1. Reports on completed, on-going or in the pipeline projects:

1)APEC Forum – Japan

2)“Good Practices and Policies for Young People in Work” – New Zealand

3)“Retraining Policies for Women and Youth unemployment to help APEC Economies sustain long term growth and prosperity in the post Global Economic Crisis” – Vietnam

  1. Discussion and Consideration of the output of the project – “Labor Market Policy Responses in APEC Economies to the Worldwide Recession”
  1. Discussion and drawing of implications to the Mandate of LSPN of the latest statements of the Leaders and Ministers of APEC regarding the promotion of “Inclusive Growth, Balanced Growth, Sustainable Growth and Knowledge-based Growth”
  1. Discussion and Drawing of Implications to LSPN Mandate of observations and recommendations from the Joint Meeting of the Economic Committee and the HRD WG on 24 February 2010
  1. Discussion and consideration of observations/lessons from the Technical Learning Session (Plenary Meeting) of 25 February 2010, including Japan’s priorities for APEC 2010 as host economy, particularly as they affect the preparation for HRDMM, the need to work based on multi-year plans, and the need to identify projects that support “Inclusive Growth, Balanced Growth, Sustainable Growth and Knowledge-based Growth”
  1. Discussion and consideration of results of multi-lateral agencies’ approaches and recommendations in relation to the employment effects of the Global Economic Crisis to the mandate of LSPN
  1. Finalization of LSPN Inputs and Recommendations to the Preparation of the HRD Ministerial Meeting in China, particularly in helping define its Expected Outputs
  1. LSPN’s own consideration of the findings and recommendations of the Independent Assessment of the HRD WG by Dr. Jacqui True
  1. Joint Session with the CBN – Joint Consideration of the findings and recommendation of the Independent Assessment conducted by Dr. Jacqui True by CBN and LSPN
  1. Consideration of New Project Proposals
  1. Election of New LSPN Coordinator
  1. Any Other Matter
  1. Adjournment

Amended Agenda (27 February 2010)

(9) Discussion and consideration of results of multilateral agencies’ approaches and recommendations in relation to the employment effects of the Global Economic Crisis to he Mandate of the ILO (Presentation by the ILO)

(5) Discussion and consideration of the output project “Labour Market Policy Responses in APEC Economies to the Worldwide Recession” (USA to lead)

(13) Consideration of new project proposals

  • Philippines;
  • Japan (self funded);
  • Malaysia

(11) LSPN’s own consideration of the findings of the Independent Assessment of the HRD WG conducted by Jacqui True (All)

(10) Finalisation of inputs and Recommendations to the preparation of the HRDMM in China, particularly in helping define its expected outputs (All)

(12) Joint Session with CBN (CANCELLED)

(15) Other business