The Lion King - An Ecological Study for AP Environmental Science
After watching the movie, respond to each of the following questions. Questions 1-4 refer to the movie as a whole. Questions 6-20 refer to specific scenes in themovie or ideas in ecology. You will need to answer all questions on a separate sheet of paper. Typing thispaper, although optional, is encouraged. Your answers will be graded based on length,completeness of information and quality. This assignment will count as test grade.
1) Identify a food chain consisting of organisms in the movie. Include at least 4organisms and be sure to identify which organisms are the producers, first level, secondary level, and tertiary level consumers. In addition, state the nutritional modalityof the consumer (herbivore, carnivore, etc.)(8 pts.)
2) Make a list of as many organisms you can identify that contributed to a balancedecosystem in and around Pride Rock. Using the characters from the movie, draw and label a complete food web, explain how they are connected, and categorize the organisms by theirnutritional modality. You must have at least 10 organisms to receive credit.(10 pts.)
3) During the movie Simba is in 3 different Biomes. Identify the 3 Biomes and describe characteristics of the biome that allowed you to identify it.(6 pts.)
4) Give an example from the movie of a population, a community, a symbiotic relationship, a predator-prey relationship, and a competitive relationship(5 pts.)
5) Introducing Baby Simba Scene- List 3 biotic Factors and 3 abiotic factors from the Lion King introduction. The birds riding on the tusks of the elephant feed on insects the elephant stirs up. What kind of symbiotic relationship exists between the two? commensalism/mutualism/parasitism(7 pts.)
6) During a lion and cub moment, Mufasa says to Simba, “everything you see exists in a delicate balance…respect all creatures” How can this quote be related to the concept of a food web or chain? What is the implied warning? What could happen if this balance is not respected? Indicate a scene in the movie that is an example of this loss of balance. (8 pts.)
7) In an attempt to explain the circle of life, Mufasa says to Simba; “when we dieour bodies become the grass…the antelope eat the grass..” Draw a diagram belowusing this idea and complete the circle. Describe this process in detail.Specifically explain what organisms play a role in this process, and explain how this could be an incorrect statement.(6 pts.)
8) Describe three scenes in the movie that show the following three distinct
scavenger behaviors:(6 pts.)
a) Consume already dead animal meat
b) Willingness to kill and consume young, sick or small animals
c) Willingness to kill larger weakened animals in a pack.
9) Dance Number Scene - What type of animals (herbivores or carnivores) are the most numerous in this scene? Explain why this is the case in all ecosystems(4 pts.)
10) Elephant Graveyard Scene - List 2 abiotic factors that seem to be lacking in the habitat of the hyenas, which would explain the lack of producers in this area. The hyenas live in the Darkland. Are they in the same niche as lions living in Pride Rock?(4 pts.)
11) Shenzi, one of the Hyenas says “no wonder we are dangling at the bottom of thefood chain” Is this quote biologically accurate? Explain why or why not.(4 pts.)
12) When Simba falls from exhaustion after running away from Pride Rock, Vulturesbegin to encircle him. What nutritional role do these vultures play in the
ecosystem?(4 pts.)
14) A carnivore gets its nourishment from meat. What else can a carnivore use for itsnourishment? Why is a decomposer never included in a food chain? How can the nitrogen in Scar’s body eventually end up in the atmosphere? (4 pts.)
15) Pumba asks Simba “what’s eating you?” Timone jokes’ “Nothing, he’s at the topof the food chain” What does Timone mean? Is there truly a “Top” of the food
chain? Why or why not? What is one advantage and one disadvantage of being atthe “top” of the food chain?(6 pts.)
16) Scar replacing Mufasa reflects a stable ecosystem being replaced by an unstableone. Describe 3 ways that the movie indicates this change in ecosystems.(6 pts.)
17) Serabi (the Lioness) is summoned by Scar and reprimanded for not providing
food. She responds; “the herds have moved on, It’s over, there’s nothing left. We
have only one choice, we must leave Pride Rock” How does this quote support
the idea that Flora dictates Fauna (plant life in an area dictates how much animal
life is there)(4 pts.)
18) Rafike states “It is time”. On the surface, one might think he is only referring toSimba replacing Scar as king, However he is referring to something ecologicallygreater. What does Simba replacing Scar symbolize? What occurred in the movieto reflect this transition?(4 pts.)
19) During the movie, the water at Pride Rock dries up. Then after it catches on fire, rain falls to replenish the environment, and it becomes a savannah again. What ecological phenomenon does this scene represent? Explain(4 pts.)
*20) Describe any political and economic environmental injustices that you may have observed.(Extra credit)