Using the Internet in Mathematics Teaching

Author: Szilvia Tapiska, MA , Methodology of Informatics in Education

Supervisor: Dragan Cvetković, PhD

Institution: University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Education,

Department of Informatics, Sombor

The introduction of newtechnologies inall spheresof human life, work and creativityis oneof the most importanttrendsand processesin today'slife.

In the first part of this paperI willemphasizethe importanceof the Internet ineducation andin general, the importance of mathematicalcontent,such asmathcompetence, mathskills, the importance and using ofthe Internetin mathematics teachingasinnovation.

Large andrapid changesin scienceand technologyrequire thatthe field of educationmust be modernized -as one of the most importantfactorsfor thedevelopment of the society. Usingthe Internetin implementationof mathematicalcontentin the elementary schoolis necessary, despite the series of theirspecificapplication. This methodhelpsto students to workindependently andshouldn’t be ignored. Importance of developingpsychological andpedagogicalknowledge, as well as individual differencesamong students allows them to workfor their own pace.

The main part of this paper will point out the importance of the Internet andcomputer applications in mathematics teaching.Since we live ina time whena manis consideredilliterateif is notfamiliar withcomputing,modernizationof mathematics teachingis apriority taskfor each school.Using the Internetallowsquick accesstoall kinds ofdatabasesworldwide.

For example, the contents of millions of booksmade are​​available toteachers and students byusingtechnology. These possibilitiesare much biggerthansomeof the biggestencyclopedia,or allof them together.Given the importanceof engagingstudentsabout qualityof knowledgeand the development ofthinkingskills, teachingshouldensureconditionswho can contributeup toreflectiveengagement ofevery student andoptimal development ofthe individual,taking into account also his individualcapacity.

Sothequestion ishowtohelp that educationbecome moreactive,developmental andstimulatingfor all students, in this case methodology of mathematicsteaching.

The main goalof Computerand Internetin educational processisformulationof new methodsfor improvingthe processof acquiring knowledgefrom different scientificareas.

In order toprovethe success ofabove,I conductedresearch intwo elementary schoolsin NoviSad, in "Petőfi Sándor," and "NikolaTesla". In the final partof this work I will beexposed toauthenticstatistical dataobtained during my research.

Keywords: Internet, innovation, information technology, mathematics, educational software.