Team Report Template: Selected Topics Self-Studies 2
Middle States Commission on Higher Education
3624 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2680
Phone: 267-284-5000 Fax: 215-662-5501
Team Report Template for Selected Topics Self-Studies
I. Context and Nature of the Visit
Ø institutional overview
Ø scope of institution at the time of the evaluation (information drawn from the “Statement of Accreditation Status”), including:
s degree level(s) (Note: include certificate/diploma programs)
s branch campuses (Note: all must be visited)
s additional locations (Mark with “*” those that were visited)
s distance education (List programs for which 50% or more is offered via DL)
s other (e.g., contractual arrangements, consortia, etc.)
s self-study process and report (self-study design/model, level of participation)
II. Affirmation of Continued Compliance with Requirements of Affiliation
Ø Based on a review of the self-study, interviews, the certification statement supplied by the institution and/or other institutional documents, the team affirms that the institution continues to meet the requirements of affiliation in Characteristics of Excellence in Higher Education.
(The certification statement should have been included with the executive summary of the
If the institution continues to meet the requirements of affiliation, no further details are necessary. If the team cannot affirm continued compliance with the requirements of affiliation, specific details must be provided.
III. Compliance with Federal Requirements; Issues Relative to State Regulatory or Other Accrediting Agency Requirements
Ø Based on a review of the self-study, certification by the institution and other institutional documents, and interviews, the team affirms that the institution’s Title IV cohort default rate is within federal limits or that the institution has an acceptable plan in place to address federal compliance issues. In addition, the team must affirm the institution’s compliance with the relevant requirements under the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 such as those on distance education and transfer of credit. If the team cannot affirm compliance with these federal requirements, specific details must be provided.
Ø If the team is aware of any issues relative to state regulatory requirements or the institution’s status with other (e.g., programmatic) accrediting organizations, those issues should be noted here.
Continued next page
IV. Evaluation Overview
Ø Within this narrative section, the team should provide an overview of its evaluation and analysis, including noteworthy areas of progress or improvement, as well as institutional aspects worthy of commendation. This evaluation overview should reflect and be consistent with the details provided in section V of the report.
V. Compliance with Accreditation Standards
The format in this section (including subparts A, B, and C) should follow the structure of the self-study,
but it takes into account the “documentation roadmap” developed by the institution for its selected topics self-study, noting what is covered in the document review and what is addressed by the self-study in part or fully.
This section of the team report usually will follow the organizational structure of the institution’s self-study (e.g., related standards often are grouped together rather than being addressed as separate standards). However, there must be clear designation of how the standards align with the team report format.
VI. Summary Recommendations Requiring Follow-Up Action and Requirements
Frame each recommendation for follow-up or requirement by first quoting in full the related accreditation standard. Then present the specific team recommendation or requirement.
This summary forms the basis for the accreditation action that the team is recommending to the Commission. It does not include the team’s suggestions or recommendations that will be routinely addressed in the Periodic Review Report.
Excerpt: Team Visits (2006, pp. 45-48)