The Lewis Cross Cultural Communication Model
"Cultural behavior is the end product of collected wisdom, filtered and passed down through hundreds of generations as shared core beliefs, values assumptions, notions and persistent action patterns. In other words, culture is a collective programming of the mind, that distinguishes the members of one human group from another." Richard Lewis
The behavior we accept as normal is actually formed from learned and inherited beliefs based on our religious upbringing, ethnic, generational, class, and gender programming, as well as the educational socialization and the professional ethics we have been taught and accepted.
These are actually all very subjective norms, that are based on the culture we have spent the most time growing up in. When we travel or move to other countries we cannot assume that our normal behaviours are known or accepted as the norm there.
Third Culture Kids are unique in their ability to transcend cultural boundaries, because they have lived in so many different cultures.
Differences within countries
The US leans slightly toward the multi-active pattern because of the presence of a large Spanish speaking population in America.
The UK leans toward a reactive pattern because of the large Asian presence.
Canada is located right in the middle between Linear-Active and Reactive because in Canada, you'll find a large Linear-Active population and a large population with Reactive Communication Patterns.
What is The Truth?
/- For a German and a Finn, the truth is the truth.
- In Japan and Britain the truth is permissible, if it doesn't rock the boat.
- In China there is no absolute truth.
- In Italy the truth is negotiable.
Does signing a contract in Japan, South America, or Italy mean the same thing?
Signing a contract means one thing to the North American mindset, but like the truth, depending on the culture, it can have many interpretations. /To a Swiss, a Scandinavian, a Brit, and a North American a contract is a formal document, a sacred covenant, that once signed must be adhered to.
To a Japanese, however, a signed contract doesn't mean it is settled at all. It is merely a starting point, and can be modified at will, as the circumstances require. To a Japanese it doesn't make sense to apply the terms of a contract, if things have changed.
To a South American mind, a contract is an ideal that is unlikely ever to be achieved. They will sign it just to avoid argument.
In Italy, it is assumed that a signed contract is negotiable. Italians call the American's insistence on abiding by a signed contract, naive and idealistic.
To an American,changing a contract would likely be viewed as a "corruption of justice".
The Lewis Cross Cultural Communication Survey
- Shows the Characteristics of Each Cultural Type -
LINEAR-ACTIVE / MULTI-ACTIVE / REACTIVETalks half the time / Talks most of the time / Listens most of the time
Gets data from stats, research / Solicits information first-hand from people / Uses both data and people sources
Plans ahead step by step / Plans grand outline only / Looks at general principles
Polite but direct / Emotional / Polite and indirect
Partly conceals feelings / Displays feelings / Conceals feelings
Confronts with logic / Confronts emotionally / Never confronts
Dislikes losing face / Has good excuses / Must not lose face
Compartmentalizes projects / Lets one project influence another / Sees the whole picture
Rarely interrupts / Often interrupts / Doesn't interrupt
Job-oriented / People-oriented / Very people-oriented
Sticks to the facts / Juggles the facts / Statements are promises
Truth before diplomacy / Flexible truth / Diplomacy over truth
Sometimes impatient / Impatient / Patient
Limited body language / Unlimited body language / Subtle body language
Respects officialdom / Pulls strings / Networks
Separates the social & professional / Interweaves the social & professional / Connects the social & professional
Does one thing at a time / Multi tasks / Reacts to partner's action
Punctuality very important / Punctuality not important / Punctuality important
Promoting Harmony through Understanding
By being aware of the communication traits of each 'Cultural Type', it's surprising how quickly you'll learn how to get along better both personally and professionally with other cultures, because you'll be able to foresee how they are likely to react.
This can promote harmony in relationships, by allowing empathy and understanding to develop. When we can see that most of our reactions come from how we've been programmed by our culture, we can step back and find the humor in it all, and we don't have to take ourselves so seriously.
Maybe we, Linear-Active types, can learn from the Multi-Active types how to live a less frantic, and more relaxed lifestyle, which would contribute so much more to our enjoyment of life.