Elementary American Sign Language (SL 001)
Guideline for Research Paper
· Pick one topic from the provided list on the professors’ web page. Research it to be sure you are comfortable with the topic and the quantity of information/research you can find, so you can comfortably write your paper at the minimum number of words needed. Each topic is limited in how many students may use it.
· Email the professor with your choice. You will be emailed back either: 1) Approval 2) Approval of a modified listed topic; or 3) that the topic is already taken and the student needs to pick another topic.
· You must follow the topic that was approved by the instructor in the email. (Copy and Paste the approval thread at the end of your paper.)
· In writing your paper you must use at least one article from the Gallaudet Encyclopedia (GE) or American Annals for the Deaf (AAD) OR SAGE Deaf Studies Encyclopedia (SAGE.)
· Your research paper musts have a Minimum of three (3) references, with at least one reference from Gallaudet Encyclopedia (GE) OR American Annals of the Deaf (AAD). The majority of your resources must be current (published within 5 years.) If you use the GE, you must cite the author, which is found at the END of the article next to the works cited at the end of the article. If you use a source, especially the web, where there is no copyright date, it is considered an old source. NOTE: if you use a database to access the AAD or GE, you need to cite it properly, with the name of the book, so the professor knows your source.
· You may NOT use .com url’s as sources, all electronic sources, must be .edu or .org. Search engine sites like Wikipedia and About.com or other similar sites are NOT allowed as citations.
· Your research paper must be submitted via www.turnitin.com , and follow the MLA format. The Writing Lab has all of the MLA format guidelines and specifications. A title page or footnotes are not to be used. (You may also find MLA information at this site: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/) Picture at end of guidelines…
· Per MLA your research paper must have a Works Cited page. Please give the URL’s in your works cited page for online sources.
· Your paper must be a minimum of 1800 words in the introduction, body and conclusion. If it is not a minimum of 1000 words for the introduction, body and conclusion it will not be graded.
· You may submit your MLA outline for the teacher to review, but the teacher will not proof/review your complete written paper. You may make an appointment with the Writing Lab for help in the writing process. If you feel you need in depth help with basic grammar/proofing, see the professor.
· You must assume that the audience reading your paper does not know ASL or Deaf Culture.
· Your research paper must be a Cultural perspective NOT a Pathological or Medical perspective.
· Your paper must reflect depth to your research. i.e. how much information on the topic you were able to gather and report upon. Cursory reviews or broad generalization of articles will not suffice. Support your opinions with data/research.
· Avoid plagiarism, cite your sources. If a source is a major reference for your paper, cite it consistently and continually throughout your paper. If you would like more information on plagiarism and how to avoid it you may ask your instructor or visit http://www.indiana.edu/~wts/wts/plagiarism.html .
· You should keep any drafts (to avoid plagiarism issues) to prove you did the work, if needed. (These do not need to be turned in, they are for your safety only.)
· Your analysis must come to a conclusion that needs to be a synthesis of your research. Your opinions on the approved topic should be reflected here. This is where I want you to substantially discuss what YOU think of your topic and what you learned. Do realize your opinions need to be based off of research presented in your paper and not just ideological ideals. Back up your opinions with research to show why you believe what you do.
· Your paper should be written in the third person, with the exception of your conclusion, which can be in the first person.
· Your research paper must uploaded to turnintin.com on time, by the due date given in the syllabus. See syllabus for more information on late papers. Assignments will not be accepted in hard copy. If for some reason you cannot get into turnitin, email the professor right away!
· If you go to the SJDC Library’s web page and click on databases the GE is under *Gale Virtual Reference Library and the AAD is under CINAHL. In the search function you will need to type in the name of the GE or AAD in the publication box to get articles from only that publication.
*Here are sample pictures of MLA from the link above* you can find them yourself if you click the link with the asterisk * above.