KWL Chart
OWL Chart
Picture Walk
Mystery Box
Literature Link
Vocab. Develop.
Other ______
Anticipation Guides / Put magnets in mystery box and have them play 20 questions to figure it out
Magnet Mystery Hunt page-search the classroom and find all the things that are attracted to a magnet.
The Tortoise and the Hare-fast and slow
Magnet Maze-rabbit and frog-put paper clips on the bottom and move them through the maze / Vocabulary: repel, attract, magnetic
Children can draw a maze of their own
That Magnetic Dog lesson from More Picture Perfect Science Lessons
Construct A Model
Solve A Problem
Stop and Jot
Question Sort
Other ______/ Collect a variety of materials and students will work to determine if they are magnetic or not (record on Does it Attract sheet)
Hide items in the sand table and have children use the magnets to find them
Use the Does It Attract sheet-this time using only metals-why are not all metal items attracted to magnets? / Magnet bottles
Paper clips
Marble box
Refrigerator magnets
Graphic Organizer: ______
Whole Group Share
Small Group Share
Writing Tie-In
Most Valuable Point
Sketch to Stretch
Other ______/ Why do magnets attract some items but not others?
Write about one thing magnets attract and why
Venn Diagram: What attracts/what does not? / Have students create a project (poster, brochure, etc) to demonstrate what they learned about magnets.
What items did the magnet pick up?
Were there any items that the magnet did not pick up?
Were you surprised by any of the results?
Venn Diagram
Apply Skills to new situation
Art Activity
Other ______/ North/South points on magnets-discuss why the magnets repel/attract each other
What Can Mag-E Pick Up? Worksheet
Put water in a pan-will the magnets attract in the water? Put magnetic items in the water, do they attract?
On another day, put items in glasses, bowls, plastic cups-use the magnets on the outside, will they still attract the items in the water, through the material?
How do we know which magnet is stronger? How can we find out if the magnet is stronger?
Use piles of paper clips and test the strength of magnets.
How close did the magnet need to be to the paper clips?
Science Journal
Class Book
Other ______/ Magnet journal-students record their observations about magnets in the beginning, after some exploration
Students create a page in a class book about something that attracts magnets.
Learner Outcomes:
Unit At A Glance
Week of: ______Unit: ______Magnets______
Learner Outcomes:
The learner will be able to sort items that attract and repel magnets.
The learner will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of magnet strength.
The learner will be able to manipulate a paper clip through a magnet maze.
Core Standard 1: The Nature of Science
Asking Questions and Making Observations
Ask open-ended questions about events and processes in the natural world and make careful observations in an effort to answer these questions.
Standard Indicators: K.1.1, K.1.2, K.2.2
Core Standard 2: The Nature of Technology
Create structures using natural or human-made materials and simple tools. Examine how component parts of the structures can be disassembled and reassembled into new and different structures. Describe the physical properties of these structures in words and pictures.
Standard Indicators: K.2.2, K.5.1
Core Standard 3: Physical Science
Properties of Matter
Describe objects in terms of the materials that compose them and of their physical properties. Draw pictures that portray the features of each object described.
Standard Indicators: K.2.2, K.3.1, K.5.1, K.6.1, 1.1.1
Core Standard 3: Physical Science
Changes in Matter
Experiment with ways in which objects can be physically changed. Describe, and draw pictures to show, how changing the object makes it the same or different from a similar unchanged object of the same materials.
Standard Indicators K.2.2, K.3.1, K.6.1, 1.1.1
Core Standard 3: Physical Science
Experiment with ways in which different objects can move and compare their movements
Assessment Format:
Materials Needed:
Copyright 2007 Kristen Poindexter