NJ Driver Examination - Manual Questions
Chapter 6: Drinking, Drugs, & Health
1. Driving while under the influence of intoxicating beverages means:
2. After two to four drinks, alcohol begins to impair your:
3. If a person has been drinking, which of the following can sober them up?
4. Whether your blood alcohol content (BAC) rises above legal limits depends on:
5. What is the best way to reduce your chances of having an alcohol related accident?
6. For individuals under 21, NJ law states that you may be under the influence if your BAC is:
7. If a motorist has reached a BAC of slightly above .05%, the risk of your causing a motor vehicle collision does what?
8. If a motorist has reached a BAC of .10%, the risk of causing a motor vehicle collision is how many times greater?
9. If a motorist has reached a BAC of .15%, the risk of causing a motor vehicle collision is how many times greater?
10. What is the NJ Implied Consent Law?
11. Refusal of a breath test in NJ is equal to driving with a BAC of .10% and an MVC insurance surcharge of:
12. Which of the following drinks contain the highest alcohol content: 5 ounces of table wine, 1 ½ ounces of whiskey or 12 ounces of beer?
13. If a person gets drunk in your home and has a motor vehicle accident after leaving your home, you can become involved in a:
14. Drugs that may affect basic driving skills are: