~~~~~~~THE ETERNAL DEATH~~~~~~~
( The Lake Of Fire That Shall Consume Unto Ashes )
( Rev.20:14; Malachi 4:1-3 )
OhTruly!The LORD JESUS Declares that, there shall be 2-Resurrections. And Blessed are All The Repentant, Who are True and Faithful. For They shall have part in The First-Resurrection. And shall Receive The Crown of Life. But
all the unrepentful, shall have part in the Second ( 2nd) Resurrection. Who shall come forth from their sleeping death, at the endof the 1,000-years.
( Rev.20:5-6; Matt. 5:21-29 )
Truly! When our SAVIOUR descends from The Kingdom of Heaven to our Earth. HE shall upon HIS Return, COMMAND as Promised for all HIS faithful then shall the Redeemed in a Twinkle of an Eye be Transformed. And shall re-ceive the Promised Blessings of Immortality Incorruptible Body Temples. And shall sin’s stinging power of death be ETERNALLY destroyed. And Truly Blessed
Are All Who Shall Have Part In The First-Resurrection. And also at that time the Earth shall also be Made Free from being misused, to cover the dead. For the Earthin the “Beginning” Created to Sustain Life. Even the Garden of Edenwas Placed Upon our World. Where in “The Tree of Life” was in the midst there of.
But when sin with it’s power to separate from Heaven’s WAYS of: Trust, Peace, Joy, Happiness. With It’s WAYS of Life Giving Life Giving/Life Sustaining Power of Endless Life. Was our SAVIOUR & Heavenly FAITHER Compelled for
THEIR Great Love for us. To allow the Earth to be misused, even be used for a temporary place. Wherein all the dead are covered with the soilCreated to give of it’s life giving nutrients to sustain life. Not to be a burying place to house the works of sin’s stinging power of death. Wherefore as Declared: the whole of the Earth's surface shall be broken up & turned upside down. Whereby causing the dusty remains of the dead bodies of the unrepentant sinners of, all generations.To be spued outand left upon the Earth’s surface. And there shall all the un-repentant, await unto the 2nd-Resurrection at the End of the 1,000-yrs. And at that time, shall they be enjoined with Satan and the fallen Angels,in the Cove-nant of the Eternal Death. Whereby at that time, shall they all be cast into the ETERNAL FIRE that shall, completely consume them all unto ashes.
( Rev.20:6; 1-Cor.15:51-58; Is.24:1,3,5,19-20; Rev.16:17-21; Jere. 25:33;
Is.26:21; Rev.19:17-19 )
Truly! When the 1,000-years are finished. Thenshall The LORD JESUS ( The KING OF Kings and LORD OF Lords ) Descend that 3rd and final time with The HOLY CITY and with All the Redeemed. And at that time shall TheLORD JESUS, Command The Power of HIS Promised 2nd-Resurrection
to be poured our upon all the unrepentant of All Ages, of All People, of All Gen-erations to Come Forth from their sleeping death. To receive their promised re-ward, even according to their works and unrepentance. ( Rev.20:5-6,120-13 )
And at that time shall Satan the creator of treachery, deceit, lies, destruction & death; and the Creator of Stubbornness, Rebellion, sin, wickedness; and Cause Builder of graves.Shall Satan be cast into the Lake of Fire, Prepare/Reserved
for Satan and his Angels and the unrepentful sinners, of All Ages, of All People, of All Generations. And this is the Second Death.
( Rev.20:14-15 )
Through the Eyes of SCRIPTUREare we Made Wise. Even Made Able to Perceive Understand by, ourSAVIOUR’S Heavenly FATHER’S Mer-ciful Interceeding Grace. Even by the HOLY SPIRIT are we Made More
Than Able to Behold & Do According to The TRUTH. WRITTENfor all, even for our Learning by our SAVIOUR’S Servants. Whereby also it is Revealed in
Salvation’s GOSPEL, that the grave is also referred to as a pit.
( Is.14:15; Ezk.31:16; Ezk.32:18, 23-25, 29 )
Truly, the word hell, translated from the Hebrew word "sheh-ole" advances the meaning: " hades the world of the dead (as if a sub-terranean retreat), grave, hell, pit ".
And the word hell, translated from the Greek word "geenoxa" advances the meaning: " as a name of the place (or state) of everlasting punishment ".
Truly a word must never be advanced or used beyond its original meaning. For otherwise, the true and faithful meaning of those things recorded is lost. And all who seek for true knowledge. But not knowing certain words are clouded over with another view of meaning. Hereby is the honest seeker misled by, the misuse
of words. Which are artfully corrupted & advancedwith relentless determination
of Satan, his Angels and who they can use as their mediums.
Wherefore at that APPOINTED TIME by GOD our SAVIOUR, shall death and the grave be consumed, with Satan, the fallen Angels all the unrepentant sinners of all generations.
A Voice, Sonny