Pietro Bernadone was the father of __________.
As a youth, Pietro allowed his son to spend money, go to parties, and _________ the girls.
Francis found great joy in _________, not in having.
Once when Francis joined the army, his father hoped Francis would become a _________ for bravery. Instead, Francis left after the first night and went back to _________. He went to a cave there and asked God to show him the way. He helped the sick and even met a ________ and kissed his hand.
Francis’ favorite place to pray was the ______________ chapel. He asked God to enlighten him. God spoke to Francis through the crucifix there, telling him to “Go and ___________ my house for it is falling into ruins.” Francis noticed how the chapel was in need of repairs, so he went to his father’s shop and sold some of the cloth to buy supplies to rebuild the chapel. When his father found out, he was furious and took him to court. Francis was so disgusted with his father that he gave him all the money he had left, and even gave him all his ___________. Francis said, “Up until now I called Pietro Bernadone ‘father’, but now I say, ‘Our Father who art in _________.’” From this moment on, Francis took ___________ as his bride and marked a ____________ on his back. He then understood that it wasn’t chapels that he was supposed to ___________, but the people of God!
Francis preached repentance and began to have followers who wanted to live the same type of life. When there were twelve men, he called them the “Little _______” because “we should be the least of all.” Then they went to the pope. At first the pope didn’t think men could live that life, but in a _______ he realized that God wanted to bring about great reform through Francis and approved the order.
One time when Francis was preaching in church, a woman by the name of _________ took his words to heart. She became the head of the Poor _________, the second order of Francis. Later lay people also wanted to follow Francis, so he started the third order for them.
When Francis went to the caves in __________ on Christmas Eve, he wanted the people to have a reminder of Jesus’ birth as he had seen in the Holy Land. He put together a ________ and miraculously a vision of the ______ child appeared before the people. From there the Christmas crib spread to the entire world.
Nearing the end of his life, Francis went to La Verna to pray. His prayer was intense as he begged to feel Jesus’ pain. When the vision passed, Francis received the _________, the same five wounds that Jesus suffered on the cross.
When Francis was almost blind, he composed the ______________________. He died in early October 1226, calling to Sister ______ and blessing everyone.