North Kesteven Area of Special Control Order 2011

North Kesteven Area of Special Control Order 2011

Justification for making new order

1. Existing Order

1.1The existing Kesteven Area of Special Control Order was approved in 1963. The order included most of the district of North Kesteven within an Area of Special Control, with 9 more urbanised areas being specifically identified on maps as being excluded from the order. The original Order, including these maps, is attached as Appendix 1.

1.2Although the advert regulations state that an order should be reviewed every five years, there is no evidence that the North Kesteven Order has ever been reviewed. Officers have therefore carried out a review of the current Order, which has been undertaken both to meet the requirements of the advertisement regulations and to address the significant development changes which have taken place in the district since 1963. The review has had reference to the criteria for the designation of ASACs set out in section 221 (3) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990and paragraph 27 of Planning Policy Statement 19.

  1. Consultation

2.1Formal consultation has taken place by email with all District Councillors (by email) and Parish Councils in North Kesteven, for a minimum of five weeks.

2.2Local business and tourism groups were consulted by letter for a minimum of 5 weeks; namely Sleaford Business Improvement District, Sleaford Area Chamber of Commerce, Lincolnshire Chamber of Commerce, National Farmers Union – Sleaford office, CountryLand and Business Association, Market Harborough, Lincolnshire Tourism.

2.3The proposed changes have also been publicised on the Council’s website and the public were invited to make comments.

2.4The only consultation responses received were from 5 Parish Councils and these have been taken into consideration as part of the review of the Order.

3.Proposed modifications

3.1The 1963 North Kesteven Area of Special Control Order includes the whole of the district within an ASAC, with the exception of parts of North Hykeham, Sleaford, Ruskington, Heckington, Billinghay, Navenby, Metheringham, Bracebridge Heath and Waddington. However, the areas that are excluded from the Order do not reflect the growth of these settlements since the 1960s and in some there are large areas within the settlement curtilage that are within the ASAC.

3.2More particularly, in the majority of these settlements, there are employment allocations and employment sites which are currently not excluded from the ASAC, as they have been designated at the edge of settlements since the Order was confirmed. These include such significant employment sites as Pride Parkway and SleafordEnterprisePark, Lincolnfields in North Hykeham, GatewayPark in South Hykeham, The Moorlands at Metheringham and land off Station Road in Heckington. Therefore, the settlements already excluded by the Order have been revised to reflect the existing curtilage lines for these settlements, as defined in the adopted 2007 North Kesteven Local Plan.

4.Further settlements to be excluded

4.13 additional villages are also proposed to be excluded from the ASAC.

4.2Bassingham is one of the larger villages in the District, being identified as a service village in the adopted Local Plan and is not considered to be rural in character. Therefore, it is considered that this settlement should also be excluded in accordance with the criteria for the designation of ASACs set out in section 221 (3) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990and paragraph 27 of Planning Policy Statement 19.

4.3Skellingthorpe is one of the largest settlements in the District and in close proximity to the City of Lincoln. Whilst there are no employment allocations within the village, its character is not considered to be rural.

4.4Witham St Hughs is a substantial new settlement on the site of a former RAF airfield. This settlement includes one of the largest employment allocations and existing employment areas in the District. Therefore it is considered appropriate to exclude this area from the Order.

  1. Conclusion

5.1The proposed modifications to the existing Order seek to better reflect the significant changes that have taken place in the District of North Kesteven since the 1963 Order was agreed. The proposed changes were approved by North Kesteven District Council’s Executive Board on 9 July 2009 and the Order was made on 14 February 2011. The Secretary of State is now respectfully requested to approve the Order.

5.2The proposed Order, including the inset maps showing the areas now proposed to be excluded from the Order, is attached as Appendix 2.