Shade-Grown Coffee
Organic System Plan Addendum-Production

For requesting organic shade-grown certification in addition to organic coffee certification. Please complete this form in its entirety, sign it, and submit along with other supporting documents of the Coffee Farm Organic System Plan (OSP) or the Community Grower Group (CGG) Coffee Farm OSP. Use additional sheets if necessary. Mark any sections that do not apply to your operation as “Not Applicable.”

SECTION 1: General Information and Identification


Date of Application (m/d/y):

Applicant Name: / Operation/CGG Name (if applicable):
Operator Number: / Contact Person’s Name (if different):
1. Total area planted with coffee: hectares Type of coffee to certify: cherry; parchment; green
2. Area requested for Shade-Grown Coffee designation: hectares
3. Total Estimated Yield with Shade-Grown Coffee designation: kg. or quintals
4. Does this application include on-farm inspection of:
wet mill dry mill milling roasting other (specify):
Note: If the area requested for Shade-Grown Coffee denomination is different from the estimate in question #1, please attach a map indicating this area, and complete the following table: Not applicable

Parcel ID #

/ Total Area
(hectares) / Name of CGG
(if applicable) / Estimated Yield
(kg or quintals) / Notes/Observations:

SECTION 2: Shade-Grown Coffee Criteria

A. Transition Not applicable
1. If the farm/CGG owns areas that are not in compliance with requirements for shade-grown denomination as defined by OCIA, please describe in detail the management plan for conversion of these areas:
B. Shade Management
1. What traditional shade tree species (including fruit and lumber species) are commonly used in the farm’s/ CGG’s shade-grown coffee parcels?
2. What percentage of canopy cover do these species create in the farm’s/ CGG’s coffee parcels? %
3. What percentage of the canopy cover is created by the Inga trees? %
4. What approximate percentage of the total shade tree population corresponds to the Inga, Erythrina, Gliricidia and Gravillea species? %
5. Has a restoration zone been established by the farm/CGG? Yes No
If yes, how many botanical species have been introduced into the restoration zone?
6. During what time of the year does shade tree pruning occur and how is it performed?
7. Is wood or lumber collected from areas intended for shade-grown coffee production? Yes No
If yes, explain the purpose of extraction:
C. Vegetation Management
1. Does any reforestation take place in the farm/CGG coffee parcels? Yes No
If yes, please describe the plan and list the species used :
2. If reforestation takes place, what is the plan based on: indigenous trees exotic/introduced species mixture of the two
3. If the farm/CGG uses exotic trees, how do you justify the use of them inside the coffee parcels? Not applicable
4. What percentage of exotic trees is represented in the reforestation plan? %
NOTE: Please attach a copy of the reforestation plan, including a list of the species used.
5. Describe how the farm/CGG manages or regulates vegetation in the coffee parcels (herbs, bushes, trees, or other types of secondary vegetation?
6. Describe the farm/CGG management plan for shade trees taller than 3 meters (9.85 ft):
7. Please identify the location of watersheds, rivers, or streams within the area contemplated for coffee production and describe the types of vegetation used along these waterways. Not applicable

SECTION 3: Requirements for Labeling Organic Shade-Grown Coffee

1. Indicate the type of records used to verify the traceability, identification and separation of organic shade-grown coffee during the handling phases of coffee.
2. Indicate the type of strategies used to identify and segregate organic shade-grown coffee during harvest, process, storage, packaging, and sales.
3. Do you plan to use the Shade Coffee logo on labels used in packaging organic coffee? Yes No
4. Provide a photocopy or photo of the label which includes the logo specific to OCIA Organic Shade-Grown Coffee.
5. Do you use a lot number on the label of Organic Shade-Grown Coffee? Yes No
6. Do you include your OCIA operator number on the label of Organic Shade-Grown Coffee? Yes No
7. Do you include the country of origin on the label of Organic Shade-Grown Coffee? Yes No
8. Do you use the OCIA Organic Shade-Grown Coffee logo only on packaging containing 100% certified organic shade-grown coffee? Yes No

SECTION 4: Affirmation

I affirm that all statements made in this application are true, correct, and complete. No prohibited products have been applied to any of my organically managed fields during the three-year period prior to projected harvest. I understand that the operation may be subject to unannounced inspection and/or sampling for residues at any time, as deemed appropriate. I understand that acceptance of this questionnaire in no way implies granting of certification by OCIA. I agree to abide by OCIA International Bylaws and the certification standards and/or certification requirements applicable to my operation. I agree to notify OCIA International in writing of changes to any of the following: operation (farm/CGG) contact information, applicant contact information, legal status, ownership, or control of the operation. I agree to pay all fees assessed by OCIA. I further agree to abide by and fulfill duties and obligations to OCIA International, as written in the Operator Licensing Agreement.
Signature of Operator/Title Date(M/D/Y)
I have attached the following documents:
Water test, if applicable
Input labels, if applicable
Traceability records
Sample of the label with the shade-grown coffee organic logo
Maps, if applicable (Section 1)
Reforestation plan, if applicable (Section 2)
Other; specify:
Please maintain copies of this and all other supporting documents submitted to OCIA as part of your record-keeping system as required by standards.
Please submit this form, fees, and supporting documentation to your Regional Office, or to OCIA International with a copy to your Chapter if applicable.
For Inspector Use Only:
1. Please evaluate the section of Production of Shade-Grown Coffee including, but not limited to a detailed description of the conditions to manage the shade and coffee growth of the farm. Please indicate those areas, locations or parcels that do not comply with the shade-grown coffee criteria.
2. Indicate those aspects related with reforestation zones, introduction of new shade and deforestation (if occurs). It is strongly recommended to provide pictures of the areas managed under shade.
3. Please explain how the traceability of organic shade-grown coffee is maintained and if it complies with labeling requirements and the use of the OCIA Organic Shade-Grown Coffee logo.
4. Please conduct an audit and indicate the quantities, per type of coffee labeled using the OCIA Organic Shade-Grown Coffee logo.
5. Indicate the non-compliances, observations and opportunities for improvement that apply to the inspected operation.
Inspection report prepared by: / OCIA Inspector Number:
Inspection date: / Preparation and delivery date:
Inspector Signature:

EN-QS-F-144 Revision C Shade-Grown Coffee Organic System Plan Addendum - Production Page 4 of 4

Effective Date: 14 May 2012 © 2012 by OCIA International