Insciences Journal 2010, 1, 1-x manuscripts; ISSN 1664-171X

Type of Paper (Research Paper, ReviewPaper)

Title of the Paper

FirstnameLastname1,*, FirstnameLastname2 and FirstnameLastname2

1 Full Affiliation / Address
2 Full Affiliation / Address

* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; Tel.: +X-XXX-XXX-XXX; Fax: +X-XXX-XXX-XX

Received: Day Month Year / Accepted:Day Month Year /Published: Day Month Year

Abstract: This is the abstract section. It should briefly state the purpose, method and results of the paper. The abstract should be written in the format of one paragraph.

Keywords: keyword1; keyword2; keyword3; keyword4; keyword5
(Approximately 10keywordss, all lower case letters - except for idiomatic use of capital letters.

1. Introduction:(Heading 1)

Main text paragraph

Main text paragraph

2. Results and Discussion: (Heading 1)(Note: enter Table and Images within the text)

Main text paragraph

Main text paragraph

[add an equation here; use MS Word or MathType equation function] / (1)

Main text paragraph

Main text paragraph

Table 1.Add a descriptive label of the table here

[add the table here; use MS Word’s table function]

Figure 1. (a)Add a descriptive label of the figure here. (b)Add a descriptive label of the figure here. (c) Add a descriptive label of the figure here.

[add the figure here]

2.1. This Is Subsection Heading (Heading2)

Main text paragraph

Main text paragraph

3. Experimental Section (Heading1)(Note: enter Table and Images within the text)

Main text paragraph

Main text paragraph

3.1. This Is Subsection Heading (Heading2)

Main text paragraph

Main text paragraph

Table 1.Add a descriptive label of the table here

[add the table here; use MS Word’s table function]

Figure 1. (a)Add a descriptive label of the figure here. (b)Add a descriptive label of the figure here. (c) Add a descriptive label of the figure here.

[add the figure here]

4. Conclusions (Heading1)

Main text paragraph

Main text paragraph


Main text paragraph

Main text paragraph

References and Notes(for references list, we recommend the use of reference management software.)

1.Name, A.B.; Name, C.D. Title of the cited article. Journal Title2009, 4, 190-205.

2.Author, A.; Author, B. Title of the chapter. In Book Title, 3rd Ed.; Editor, A., Editor, B., Eds.; Publisher: Publisher Location, Country, 2010; Volume 2, pp. 122-135.

3.Author, A.; Author, B. Book Title, 2nd Ed.; Publisher: Publisher Location, Country, 2001;
pp. 133-171.

© 2010 by the Authors; LicenseInsciences Journal.
Open Access article under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license.

Insciences Journal | Section Name
ISSN 1664-171X