Section 1 – The Republicans Take Power

1. Who were the candidates in the election of 1800? Name both sides.

2. In the election what two men tied in the Electoral College?

3. Explain how the election was decided?

4. What man’s influence was necessary in deciding the election?

5. How was the problem that became evident in this election finally corrected?

6. John Marshall was selected to serve as ______of the

Supreme Court. His influence would last for more than 3 decades.

7. Explain the importance of the court case Marbury v.


Section 2 – The Louisiana Purchase

8. The area known as Louisiana was controlled by ______(country) around


9. Louisiana was secretly “given” to the ______(country) in ______(year).

The French leader at the time ______had

plans for an American empire to accompany his European one.

10. Events on the island of ______changed

______’s (French leader) plans. Toussaint Louverture led a successful

slave revolt and the French were unable to regain control of the island. They started

the nation that would later be Haiti.

11. The Louisiana Purchase occurred in ______(year) and doubled the size of the

U.S. The United States had been willing to purchase ______

______for 10 million.

American diplomats, were shocked by the

French offer of the entire territory for ______million.

12. Jefferson selected two men to head up a group of men known as the ______of

______to explore the territory. The names of the men

were______Lewis and ______Clark.

Describe the instructions that Jefferson gave to the expedition.



13. Lewis and Clark set out near present day ______(city) in 1804. They head

up the ______River and spent their first winter in present day North

Dakota and built Ft.Mandan.

14. The expedition then crossed the Rockies. Traveling with expedition was Shoshone

Indian named Sacagawea as well as York, a______. In ______(year)

they reached the west coast and built Ft.______on the PacificCoast.

15. The group returned in ______(year). The president had given them several


16. As a result of the election in ______, Aaron Burr challenged

______to a duel. This duel happened in

______(date) and occurred in ______(state). The outcome of this

duel was………….……………………………………..

Section 3 – A Time of Conflict

17. During this time Americans had problem in the ______Sea. They

were being attacked by pirates from the ______., an area

on Northern ______(continent). These pirates forced passing ships to pay

______, or protection money from being attacked.

18. Stephen Decatur’s importance was …………………………………………………..


19. American believed in neutral rights on the high seas. But they still faced problems

from both ______(country) and ______(country) that

continued to stop ships. The British also angered Americans by kidnapping

American sailors and forcing them into their navy. This was known as


20. Jefferson’s administration’s solution to these problems was to encourage Congress to

pass the Embargo Act. This act said that ……………………………………………..


21. American’s had problems on the frontier with Native Americans. Tecumseh, a

______( Indian tribe) chief attempted to form a Confederacy of various

Indian nations. His brother, ______told Indians to return to their “old


Section 4 – The War of 1812

22. The War of 1812 was also known as ______.

23. Oliver Hazard Perry was ……………………………………….. He stopped British

forces from invading across Lake Erie on ______(date). His famous

line from the battle was ______.

24. The Battle of Thames was important to the Indians because ………………………


25. One of the most famous events of the war occurred during the battle for what

American city? What occurred during this battle? Be sure to include the name of the

man involved.

26. The treaty that ended the war was called the Treaty of ______. This was

named after a city in ______.

One final battle occurred after the peace

treaty was signed. This famous battle was the Battle of ______

and the man who was made a American hero was ______