The JC Reid Breakthrough Awards for Business Creation

  1. Introduction

The JC Reid Breakthrough Awards for Business Creation have been established by JC Reid, who is a former Business School student, and established Skint Records in the 1990s.

  1. The Aim of the JC Reid Breakthrough Awards

The awardsare intended to recognise the success of students who have taken the step to establish a business or social venture.This year, there aretwo awards of £500 available.

  1. Eligibility Criteria

Any 1st or 2nd year undergraduate student with a business or venture that has been trading for at least 6 months is eligible to apply for consideration. The applicants can be from any discipline.

  1. The Application Process

All applicants should email the Enterprise Team, within the Careers Service, with the following information:

  • The name of their business/venture, and the date they started up
  • A description of their business/venture, and the problems they solve for their customers/end users (250 words maximum)
  • A copy of theirbusiness model canvas(examples can be provided if needed)
  • Their reflections from the first 6-12 months, including challenges faced and achievements made (250 words maximum)
  • Their goals for the next 6-12 months (250 words maximum)
  • An outline of how they will spend the grant on their business/venture

Submissions should be emailed to the Enterprise Team bymidnight,onMonday, 22 May 2017.

  1. Judging Criteria

All submissions will be reviewed by a panel comprising University of Brighton staff and JC Reid.

The judges will be looking for:

  • A clear description of the business/venture, and the problems it solves for its customers/end users
  • A completed business model canvas
  • A detailed reflection of the challenges faced, and achievements made, by the applicant
  • Relevant SMART goals for their business/venture

Entrants will be informed whether they will receive an award by Friday, 2June 2017.

The two award recipients will be formally recognised at the University of Brighton’s annual Student and Staff Celebration event in November 2017.

  1. Conditions for Award Recipients

If an applicant receives a JC Reid Breakthrough Award, award recipients must comply with the following conditions:

  1. Awardrecipients must sign the acceptance letter, and return it to the Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement (PAE) Office, University of Brighton 3rd Floor, 154-155 Edward Street, Brighton,BN2 0JG before the award is awarded.
  2. Awardrecipients must write a thank-you letter, and email it to the PAE Office.
  3. Awardrecipients must spend the money within 6 months of being awarded an award, and keep all receipts for items purchased. (If an extension is required, this can be obtained in writing from the PAE Office).
  4. All award recipients must agree to participate in any related press stories and case studies facilitated by University of Brighton staff.
  1. Contact Details for the Enterprise Team

Applicants can contact the Enterprise Team by phone (01273 641220) or by email .

Applicants should send their entries by email to the Enterprise Team.