7th Bible: New Testament

The States of Jesus Christ (Bible Doctrine – Book A – chapter 10)

  1. What does the word “state” mean?(page 162, 1st paragraph)______

______1 pt.

  1. Why are only two states possible? (page 162, 1st paragraph)______

______1 pt.

  1. Why did Jesus come into the State of Humiliation? (page 162, 3rd paragraph)______

______1 pt.

  1. How did Jesus become innocent? (page 162, 4th paragraph)______

______1 pt.

  1. Memorize the steps of Christ’s Humiliation and Exaltation for the upcoming test. (page 162)
  2. List two reasons for why Jesus’ birth was so humbling: (page 163)(a)______1 pt.

(b)______1 pt.

  1. Why were swaddling clothes humbling? (page 163)______1 pt.
  2. Read the story “Not Even a Pillow!” on page 164. Why did the little girl cry after she read Matthew 8:20?______1 pt.
  3. What is meantby the fact that Jesus suffered in soul? (page 164)______

______1 pt.

  1. What is one of the evidences of Jesus’ sufferings being so intense in the Garden of Gethsemane? (164) ______1 pt.
  2. What caused the crucifixion to be: (page 165)
  3. Painful ______1 pt.
  4. Shameful ______1 pt.
  5. Cursed ______1 pt.
  6. What is the older meaning of the word “Passion”? (page 165) ______1 pt.
  7. List 4 things that took place before and during a Roman crucifixion. (page 165)
  8. ______1 pt.
  9. ______1 pt.
  10. ______1 pt.
  11. ______1 pt.
  12. Where did Jesus’ spirit (human soul) go after His body died? (page 166 – What do you think?) ______1 pt.
  13. What did Jesus’ burial prove? (page 166) ______1 pt.
  14. When did Jesus descend into hell? (page 167) ______1 pt.
  15. What does Jesus’ descending into hell mean? (page 166-167) ______

______1 pt.

  1. What 3 things happened during the three hours in which Jesus was on the cross? (page 167)
  2. ______1 pt.
  3. ______1 pt.
  4. ______1 pt.
  5. How do the three things listed above relate to what people in hell are now experiencing? (page 167) ______1 pt.
  6. Why is there such a great importance and need of possessing Jesus as your personal Savior? (page 167, bottom paragraph) ______1 pt.
  7. Why was Jesus viewed as a guilty person? (page 168, paragraph 1) ______

______1 pt.

  1. What is the Victory Day of the Church? Why? (page 168) ______

______1 pt.

  1. Read the “What do you think?” on page 168. Why did the angel roll away the stone which closed the entrance of the sepulcher? ______1 pt.
  2. Explain why the Old Testament church looked forward and the New Testament church looks back? (page 169) ______

______1 pt.

  1. Who did Jesus first appear to after His resurrection? (page 169) ______1 pt.
  2. List 2 proofs for why Jesus’ resurrected body was His same body? (page 170) ______

______1 pt.

  1. How was Jesus’ resurrected body a glorified body? (page 170) ______
    ______1 pt.
  2. When did Jesus ascend into heaven? (page 171, 1st paragraph) ______1 pt.
  3. What 2 things is Jesus now doing in heaven? (page 171)
  4. ______1 pt.
  5. ______1 pt.
  6. How is Jesus also everywhere present on earth? (page 171) ______1 pt.
  7. What is meant by Jesus’ sitting at the “right hand” of God? (page 171, bottom paragraph)

______1 pt.

  1. What step of Jesus’ exaltation has not yet taken place? (page 172) ______1 pt.
  2. What greatest difference between people will be seen on that great day? (page 173, 1st paragraph)

______1 pt.

  1. Which five of the memorization questions on page 173 would you recommend to be used for a matching section on the upcoming test? List the numbers of five of the questions. ___, ___, ____, ____, ____ 1 pt.