James Hart prides itself on a history of sixty five years of outstanding choral offerings for its’ junior high student. The program has been recognized as one of the finest choral education programs available. The James Hart Choral department is an inclusive choral program that has opportunities for every junior high student to participate at their appropriate level. Choral activities include select large and small choral ensembles as well as an after-school chorus that is open to any junior high student, regardless of ability. James Hart School has 5 different Choirs.
Panther Choir
The Ensemble Pink Panthers
Glee Club Choir The Boys Next Door
Mrs. Adrienne Olsen directs all choirs
PHONE: 799.5544 X2389
The PANTHER CHOIR is a select choir of 7th and 8th grader students chosen each spring by a competitive audition for membership the following school year. The Panther Choir membership is limited to 80 members.
The PANTHER CHOIR is a core curricular offering within the daily schedule of James Hart School.
The administration and School Board of District 153 have supported a strong Fine Arts element as an integral part of the school academic curriculum since 1952.
Members of Panther Choir receive an academic grade for this curricular class on their report card with the grade being part of the students’ grade point average the same as any other academic class. With this privilege of being a curricular core class comes responsibility on the part of the choir member to achieve the most they can from this class to improve their own musical abilities and those of the choir as a whole.
The PANTHER CHOIR performs a wide repertoire of classical, art song, semi-popular and popular selections at numerous times and locations during the year. This choir represents James Hart at Conferences and District level events, state contest competition and is an integral part of the annual District 153 Spring Musical productions. This choir is designed to meet the educational needs of the serious, committed music student.
There are four small ensemble groups that meet after the normal school day – Glee Club,
Boys Next Door, Pink Panthers and The Ensemble. Three of these groups requires an audition
for membership and the fourth choir is a non-audition ensemble.
Each of these groups also requires that a member must maintain a weekly academic average in all classes as stated in the James Hart Handbook: “To be eligible to participate a student may not have 1 F or 2 D’s as their academic average for any week.”
GLEE CLUB CHOIR : An after school Choir this is open to any student who attends James Hart, regardless of if he/she is in Panther Choir or not. No audition is required for admission. The Glee Club Choir specializes in two and three part music, accompanied and a cappella. The literature is from all musical periods. Glee Club Choir will meet on Tuesday and Thursday from 2:40-3:15.
CONCERT DRESS: James Hart Choir Shirt: To be purchased at the start of school
Black Dress Pants/Black Dress Shoes and socks or girls/bare feet
(NO athletic shoes/Girls - NO heels)
THE BOYS NEXT DOOR: A 7th grade BOYS ensemble of 4-10 members who are selected through audition from members of Panther Choir. The BOYS NEXT DOOR will meet on Monday and Wednesday from 2:40-3:15. CONCERT DRESS: Choir Polo and Black Dress Slacks/Shoes
THE PINK PANTHERS: A 7th grade GIRLS ensemble of 4-10 members who are selected through audition from members of Panther Choir. The PINK PANTHERS will meet on Monday and Wednesday from 3:20 to 3:55. CONCERT DRESS: Choir Polo and Black Dress Slacks/Shoes
THE ENSEMBLE: An 8th grade MIXED ENSEMBLE of 15-25 members selected through a competitive audition from Panther Choir. THE ENSEMBLE frequently performs in the HF area for community functions. THE ENSEMBLE meets on Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 – 4:20.
CONCERT DRESS: Black Dress Pants and a specific shirt that will be decided in the Fall
CHOIR REHEARSALS: PANTHER CHOIR will meet Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday during 7h period. Those students who are also members of the James Hart Band or Orchestra will attend Choir on Wednesday and Friday.
PRIVATE GROUP VOICE LESSONS: Each member of the PANTHER CHOIR receives one private group voice lesson per week. Voice lessons are held during the lunch period with each choir member assigned one lesson time. Approximately eight students are in each lesson group. Students have a textbook to guide them in learning about the human voice, techniques and music theory. Attendance at voice lessons is a required part of the Panther Choir curriculum.
GRADING: PANTHER CHOIR members will receive academic credit on their report card ranging from A to F based on ATTENDANCE (Concerts, Voice Lessons and Rehearsals) MUSICAL SKILL, ATTITUDE/BEHAVIOR and LEADERSHIP. A detailed explanation of the Grading Policy for Panther Choir can be found below.
CONCERT DRESS: PANTHER CHOIR members will be required to have:
· CHOIR ROBES: Robes will be kept at school at all times
James Hart Choir Shirt: To be purchased at start of school
Black Dress Pants/Black Dress Shoes and socks(Nylons)
(NO athletic shoes/Girls: NO heels)
The Panther Choir is a select choral organization. Auditions for membership in this organization are held each spring for the following school year and, at that time, are open to any student enrolling in James Hart for the coming year. When vacancies occur in Panther Choir at a time other than the spring audition period, the following policy will apply: If, once the final selection of Panther Choir members has been completed in June, an opening comes available, auditions for any openings will be offered to interested students from the general population of James Hart.
Attention all BAND and ORCHESTRA students who are also in PANTHER CHOIR…. You have a very unique opportunity at James Hart because YOU are allowed to be in TWO performance organizations that meet during the normal school day. YOU have the opportunity to attain tremendous growth in your music education while attending James Hart. Along with this opportunity comes a responsibility that you need to always be aware of. You serve two directors, who expect you to perform at your best at all times and two teams of students, who expect you to carry your weight as a member of the musical team. This is an awesome responsibility that I know YOU WILL RISE TO MEET. Always realize that you are going to have to expend extra time OUTSIDE of school to study and prepare your choral music in order to be ready on the two days that you attend Panther Choir. Remember – we are all counting on you to do your very best at all times for Panther Choir.
During the course of the school year there are many opportunities for Panther Choir students to demonstrate LEADERSHIP SKILLS. It is always a pleasure to recognize the choral students who go “above and beyond” what is required of them. Some of the wonderful opportunities for student CHORAL LEADERSHIP are:
IMEA AUDTION and IMEA FESTIVAL: At the beginning of each school year the Illinois Music Education District I Choral Auditions are held to select the “top” junior high choral students in the Chicago area to participate in a Festival. It is an honor to be selected to be part of the IMEA FESTIVAL CHOIR which is made up of approximately 150 students from the Chicago area selected, through audition. AUDITIONS for this festival choir are held the last Sat in Sept or first Sat in Oct. The audition takes only 5 minutes and I will prepare all students who decide to audition for this FESTIVAL CHOIR. If selected for the FESTIVAL CHOIR, the student will earn the privilege to attend an all day workshop with an outstanding choral clinician on the first Saturday in November.
In February of each year, the IGSMA (Illinois Grade School Music Association) Solo and Ensemble Contest is held in the Chicago area. The event is held on one of the two Saturday in mid-February each year at a host site. year is either Sat. Feb 11 or 18th. You will be notified in Dec of the exact date and location. All Panther Choir students are encouraged to enter events in this contest: Solos (Voice or Piano), Vocal Duets, Small Vocal Ensembles. Students select their own groups and music with approval of the director. Over half of the Panther Choir participates in this event each year. Students sign up for this contest in December.
MARCH (1st Weekend – Thurs/Fri Shows)
The JAMES HART SPRING MUSICAL is open to any James Hart student in grade 6-7-8. Students must audition in late December to be considered for a part in the musical or membership in the crew.
All choral students are strongly encouraged to take part in the Spring Musical. The benefits of this
fine arts educational activity are limitless.
Each year the staff of the District 153 Music Department recommends seventh grade students
who are members of Panther Choir, based on performance in music organizations, to receive half tuition scholarships to attend the University of Illinois Summer Youth Music Camp at Urbana/Champaign, Illinois (ISYM). The ISYM Choral Camp is a unique and highly educational experience which benefits the musical training of the student who, in turn, returns to District 153 as an eighth grader to Panther Choir to share their newly acquired skills with other music students.
The Parent Music Association (PMA) graciously provides the funds to allow us to award these half scholarships. Parents of scholarship winners must be members of PMA and will be required to donate “service time” to PMA as a small token of their appreciation for receiving this monetary scholarship.
Students interested in being considered for these scholarships should pick-up an application and essay guidelines sheet in early December from Mrs. Olsen. All essays must be turned in before Winter break. Don’t miss this opportunity!!
Each spring at the PMA BANQUET and JAMES HART HONORS ASSEMBLIES, outstanding James Hart Panther Choir students are recognized for outstanding choral leadership. ALL James Hart Band, Choir and Orchestra students AND THEIR PARENTS are invited to this event. At this event James Hart Choir students are individually recognized for:
MEMBERSHIP in SMALL ENSEMBLES: Pink Panthers, Boys Next Door, Glee Club
and The Ensemble
JANES HINDSLEY AWARD: Presented to the 7th Grade Panther Choir member who
exhibits exceptional enthusiasm, determination and dedication to the Panther Choir.
ENSEMBLE AWARD: Presented to the 8th Grade member of THE ENSEMBLE who
exhibits outstanding musicianship, dedication and commitment to THE ENSEMBLE.
NATIONAL CHORAL AWARD: A NATIONAL AWARD, presented to the outstanding
8th Grade member of Panther Choir who has shown outstanding musicianship,
consistent commitment to the Choral Program of District 153 and a dedication to
musical excellence.
WILLIAM LUKE AWARD: Presented to one 8th Grade Student who is a member of
Panther Choir AND Band or Orchestra and who demonstrates commitment
to the entire music department, outstanding musicianship and strong
leadership skills.
Each summer we offer a two-week SUMMER CHOIR CAMP which is held at James Hart for any student who will be entering Grade 7, 8 in the Fall at James Hart or HF. SUMMER CHOIR CAMP is a show-choir camp in which the students learn a 40 minute song and dance review show on a relevant popular music theme such as: “Songs of America”, “Salute to Broadway”, “American Rock N Roll”, “Pop Music”, “Glee – The Songs we Love” etc. This is a high energy, exciting educational experience for fine arts students who love to sing and dance. A tuition fee is charged and sign-up for this camp will occur during April and May of the prior spring.
Watch for publicity on the wonderful Summer Choir Camp and be sure to take advantage of this experience.
The Parent Music Association (P.M.A.) of School District 153 is a parent support group for all musical activities within the district. ALL Band, Choir and Orchestra parents are
Asked to be a member PMA which uses their funds to support our music students. The PMA lends their support in a wide variety of ways including:
* Support for the maintenance of Music Education for all students as an integral part of the entire
Dist. 153 curriculum
* Support through the awarding of scholarships to students to attend summer music camp at the
University of Illinois (ISYM).
* Support of music activities through assistance as chaperones, uniform maintenance, and
publication of a district-wide music newsletter and publicity for school music events.
* Support the enhancement of our outstanding music program through assistance given for the
purchase of some music equipment and instruments.
The PMA conducts one major fund raising event each year in October – a highly successful magazine sales project. Students are not required to participate in this event, but prizes are given as incentives for student generated sales.
The PMA sponsors a MUSIC AWARDS DESSERT in May to recognize the fine work our students have done during the school year and to announce scholarship and merit awards. All music parents and students are encouraged to attend.
If you have not yet joined PMA please send a $10.00 in cash or a check made payable to Dist. 153 c/o Mrs. Olsen at James Hart School. Your membership in this worthwhile organization is greatly appreciated. PMA meets monthly on the 3rd MONDAY at 6:30 PM in Room 47 of James Hart School. PLEASE COME AND SUPPORT OUR PMA !!!
PANTHER CHOIR is a full academic curriculum course at James Hart with students receiving a quarterly report card grade for their progress and achievement in Panther Choir. Students earn FULL POINTS for each area listed below if they are in 100% compliance for the grading quarter.