Associate Deans and Academic Support Group Meeting

September 4, 2007

8:30 – 10:00 am

CU 299

Present: Laura Goodwin, Sara Potter, Rene Galindo, Paul Rakowski, John Lanning, Jim Mascenik, Tammy Stone, Clark Strickland, Frank Sanchez, JC Bosch, Linda Olson, Teri Burleson, Ellen Stevens, Yuk Lee, Pam Erickson, Christine Stroup-Benham, Charlotte Million, Cliff Young, Charlie Ferguson, Mary Coussons-Read, Ellen Greenblatt, Linda deLeon, Manuel Rupe

Guests: Jolene Fukuhara, Christy Dawson, Nathan Schwab, Deanna Beckett

The minutes from the 8.21.07 meeting were approved.


Teri Burleson announced that Michael Schwoch (new rooming coordinator) has resigned. Also, she asked that the schools and colleges designate one person to work with her office on rooming procedures, questions and concerns.


·  Fall enrollment updates (handout): Frank shared the current fall headcount numbers and student credit hours, which continue to be higher than last year.

·  DNC Education Committee: Frank said that the committee is meeting regularly to discuss how to engage students, faculty and staff in civic related activities as the DNC approaches. A draft document is going to be routed this week. The chair of the committee, Maria Guajardo, Executive Director, Mayor’s Office for Education and Children, will attend our 9/18 meeting.

Calendar Items:

·  Celebration for Faculty Excellence, Friday, September 7, 2007 3-5 pm, NC Atrium

·  3rd Annual Undergraduate Experiences Symposium, Friday, October 5, 2007, St. Cajetan’s

·  Fall 2007 Open House, Sunday, 10/28/07, 11:30am-2:30pm, PE Events Center

Discussion Items:

1.  CU System Tenure Accountability: Tracking Tenure (handouts): Nathan and Christine distributed a sample of the information that they are collecting from schools and colleges, PeopleSoft and CIW to report back to comply with the new CU policy on “Tenure Accountability.” This information will be reported annually to CU System starting in early 2008. Christine and Nathan asked for feedback about the template, especially if additional fields are needed.

2.  Catalog: Contract and New Software (handouts): Deanna, Charlotte and Manuel discussed the catalog – especially its role as a contract between the institution and our students. They stressed the importance of making sure that information in the catalogue, websites, and handbooks is consistent. If a school/college makes changes to their program requirements, courses, course descriptions, etc., it is important that Deanna and the Registrar’s office be informed. The group also brought up several points about the catalog:

·  Course descriptions need to accurately reflect what is actually taught in the course.

·  Departments need to be careful that information given to students (e.g., in handbooks) is accurate and matches the catalog content.

·  Mid-year corrections to the catalog will not be accepted.

·  A graduate and undergraduate catalog should be discussed.

·  Department chairs will still continue to edit and make revisions to next year’s catalog in the fall.

Deanna said that her team is looking at software to make the catalog easier to find, produce, edit and use on-line. She said that the paper catalog will still be available.

3.  New Faculty Orientation: Ellen proposed changes to the draft policy on new faculty orientation – that the face-to-face orientation be required for all new tenure-track faculty. The group did not agree with this suggestion and thought that offering both options (face-to-face and on-line) is more welcoming. Ellen will be meeting with the Associate Deans individually in the spring to ask them how to better identify and contact new faculty in their schools and colleges, in order to invite them to orientation.

Next Steps: Ellen will send the New Faculty Orientation draft policy to Roxanne to be discussed at Faculty Assembly.

4.  Fall Enrollment Issues: A number of issues and concerns were discussed,

including the space and rooming problems, the scheduling issues with AHEC, the use of Fridays, the need for space for advisors, the role of on-line classes in attempting so solve some of these problems, and the late dates for admission of freshmen. It was suggested that a task force be created from the AD/ASG to discuss these issues with the Provost. (Follow-up note: Laura discussed these issues with the Provost’s Team, who then asked the Undergraduate Working Group to prepare a “briefing paper” for Mark).

Information Items: No information items were discussed