The Israeli Society for Cognitive Psychology
Annual Conference 2004
October 10-11, 2004
Department of Psychology
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Sunday, October 10
8:30- 8:45-Coffee and refreshments (late registration)
8:45- 9:00- Opening greetings
9:00- 9:45- Keynote address
Deconstructing Stroop: A Tectonic Explanation of His Results –
Danny Algom, Tel-Aviv University
10:00-11:20 - Symposium
Applied Cognition – Vered Erev, Technion (chair)
11:30-12:45-Papers - Reasoning and Decision Making(#1-5)
12:45-13:25- Buffet lunch and posters (#1-24)
13:25 -14:45- Symposium
Consciousness in the Brain - A Viable Enterprise? -
Leon Deouell, The Hebrew University (chair)
14:55-16:25-Papers - Reasoning and Decision Making(cont.) (#6-11)
16:25-16:40-Coffee and refreshments
16:40-18:55-Papers - Concept Perception and Mental Representation (#12-20)
18:55-19:30-Business meeting
Monday, October 11
8:30- 8:50-Coffee and refreshments (late registration)
8:50- 9:35- Keynote address
On the Psychology and Economics of Big and Small Decisions –
Ido Erev, Technion
9:45-11:05 - Symposium
Right Brain and Creativity – Miriam Faust, Bar-Ilan University (chair)
11:15-12:45-Papers - Reading & Language Processing (#21-26)
12:45-13:25- Buffet lunch and posters (#25-46)
13:25-14:45- Symposium
Perceptual Organization and Attention - Ruth Kimchi, University of Haifa
14:50-16:35-Papers – Attention (#27-33)
16:35-16:50-Coffee and refreshments
16:50-19:05-Papers – Sensory & Memory Processes (#34-42)
Sunday, October 10
Symposium: Applied Cognition
Vered Erev, Technion (chair)
10:00 – 11:20
The adventure of CogniFit- Shlomo Breznitz, University of Haifa
Personalized attentional training program: Effective direct intervention for children with ADHD – Lilach
Shalev, The Open University, Yehoshua Tsal, Tel-Aviv University, & Carmel Mevorach, University of
Birmingham, UK
Utilizing the results of studies on visual attention search to improve the perceptibility of cluttered tactical displays - Joel Norman, University of Haifa
Cognitive principles in the analysis of performance difficulties in the hospital work environment – Danny
Gopher, Technion
Reasoning & Decision Making (#1-5)
11:30 - 12:45
11:30 - 11:45The effect of attractive but unavailable alternatives on the value of near and distant future menus – Leah Borovoi & Nira Liberman, Tel-Aviv University (1)
11:45 - 12:00Imagery and affect in risk assessment - Tammy Rubel &Maya Bar-Hillel, The Hebrew University (2)
12:00 - 12:15Perceived diversity heuristic: The effect of pseudo-diversity on pool judgments under uncertainty - Shahar Ayal & Dan Zakay, Tel-Aviv University (3)
12:15 - 12:30Do people think about absolute or relative differences? Some experimental evidence- Ofer Azar, Ben-Gurion University(4)
12:30 - 12:45Do we perchance see the difference? Perceptual biases in randomness judgments - Dror Lev & David Leiser, Ben-Gurion University (5)
Consciousness in the Brain - A Viable Enterprise?
Leon Deouell,The Hebrew University (chair)
13:25 – 14:45
Consciousness - psychological view - Benny Shannon, The Hebrew University
Spatial de-coherence: A new correlate of human visual awareness – Rafael Malach, TheWeizmann Institute
Ongoing activity and state of mind - Amos Arieli, TheWeizmann Institute
Prerequisites for conscious awareness - Merav Ahissar, The Hebrew University
Reasoning & Decision Making (#6-11)
14:55 – 16:25
14:55 – 15:10Do rational people care more about the future? The moderating effects of rationality on temporal discounting - Vered Rafaely & Joachim Meyer, Ben-Gurion University (6)
15:10 – 15:25Does trying lead to buying?: The effects of sampling on choice behavior –
Eyal Ert, Ornit Raz, & Ido Erev, Technion (7)
15:25 – 15:40Temporal changes in decisions involving conflicts between values - Tal Eyal &Nira Liberman, Tel-Aviv University (8)
15:40 – 15:55Workload distribution in the modern ‘Glass Cockpit’ - Allon Kahana, Danny Gopher, Arthur Grunwald, Peretz Lavie, & Cristina Iani, Technion (9)
15:55 – 16:10Analysis of a drug administration process from a cognitive point of view – Yael Einav,Technion, Efrat Kedmi, Technion, Zvi Shtraucher, Technion, & Yael Appelbaum, Israel Ministry of Health (10).
16:10 – 16:25Conditionals, semantic illusions, and hypothetical thinking - Shira Elqayam, Simon Handley, Jonathan Evans, University of Plymouth (11)
Concept Perception & Mental Representation (#12-20)
16:40 – 18:55
16:40 – 16:55Colors affect numerical processing in synesthesia - Avishai Henik & Roi Cohen-Kadosh,Ben-Gurion University (12)
16:55 – 17:10A comparative analysis of time reproduction: Retrospective vs. prospective, and remote vs. immediate - Joseph Glicksohn, Rotem Leshem, & Rotem Aharoni, Bar-Ilan University (13)
17:10 – 17:25How do we understand fractions? - Joseph Tzelgov & Arava Kallai, Ben-Gurion
University (14)
17:25 – 17:40Parity and magnitude in numerical perception: An alternative account of the SNARC effect - Daniel Fitousi & Daniel Algom, Tel-Aviv University (15)
17:40 – 17:55Modularity of Theory of Mind deficit in schizophrenia - Udi Bonshtein & David leiser, Ben-Gurion University (16)
17:55 – 18:10Human foraging behavior in the lab - Yaakov Kareev Ro'i Zultan, The Hebrew
Universtiy (17)
18:10 – 18:25Extending extremity theory to integrative complexity as a predictor of decision extremity in a personnel selection context - Talya Miron-Shatz, The Hebrew University (18)
18:25 – 18:40On the mental representation of negative numbers: Do they have psychological reality? Samuel Shaki & William M. Petrusic, Carleton University (19)
18:40 – 18:55On the neural basis of subjective significance – Einat Ofek & Hillel Pratt, Technion (20)
Reading & Language Processes
Modularity within the language domain: A view from developmental impairments - Rama Novogrodsky & Na’ama Friedmann, Tel Aviv University (1)
What happens to morphology when the phonological loop is deficient? A case study - Gitit Kavé, Tel Aviv University, Hagit Bar Zeev, Sheba Medical Center, & Anita Lev, Tel Aviv University, Sheba Medical Center (2)
Cognitive aspects of cultural canons: The influence of canonic and anonymous poet name labels on the evaluations of canonic and artificial poems - Ruth Nofech, Maya Bar-Hillel, & Amia Lieblich, The Hebrew University (3)
The perception of time and frequency, rather than time alone, as related to reading ability - Leah Fostick, Elisheva Ben-Artzi, & Harvey Babkoff,Bar Ilan University (4)
Morphological processing during on-line reading as revealed by the Missing-letter effect in Hebrew – Michal Raveh, Maya menahemi, & Smadar Patael , Bar-Ilan University (5)
Dichotic temporal order judgment (TOJ) differs between sub-groups of dyslexia - Leah Fostick, Orna Seri, Itzhak Weiss, Elisheva Ben-Artzi, & Harvey Babkoff, Bar Ilan Universty (6)
Cross-modal integration in native and foreign languages - Sharon Shafir-Zmigrod, Katy Borodkin, & Elisheva Ben-Artzi, Bar Ilan Universty (7)
Human Factors & Decision Making
Does the position of items within menus affect their popularity among diners? - Eran Dayan & Maya Bar-Hillel, The Hebrew University (8)
The effect of regulatory focus on discounting over uncertainty of positive and negative outcomes - Vered Galon & Nira Liberman, Tel Aviv University (9)
When guessing a numerical multiple-choice question, don't guess the largest or smallest number.Is this good advice?- Nurit Inbar, National Institute for Testing and Evaluation & Maya Bar-Hillel, The Hebrew University (10)
Is the axis "close-far" a fundamental cognitive concept in human thought? - Yoav Bar-Anan & Nira Liberman, Tel Aviv University (11)
Planning in a non-verbal task - Naomi Geva, Nachshon Meiran, Yifat Faran, & Avishai Henik, Ben-Gurion University (12)
Human Factors and safety assessment of the neonatal unit of Hadassah Mount Scopus - Yael Auerbach, Technion, Efrat Kedmi, Technion, Daniel Gopher, Technion, Ilan Arad, Hadassah University Hospital, Dorit Ben-Noun, Hadassah University Hospital (13)
Gentle rule enforcement of safety regulations - Dotan Rodensky & Ido Erev, Technion (14)
The effect of experience on decisions from description - Ido Lev-ran & Ido Erev, Technion (15)
On humans, rats and the certainty effect - Taly Ish-Shalom, Ido Erev, & Arnon Lotem, Technion (16)
Pitfalls and risk factors in theoperating room: the contribution of envelopeactivities - Yael Einav, Ilan Palatin, Daniel Gopher, Yoel Donchin, Technion (17)
Using easy interfaces to support transfer to difficult ones - Guy Shan & Daniel Gopher, Technion (18)
Cognitive determinants of a web site design - Vered Erev-Yehene, Daniel Gopher, Avishag Peleg, Yael Auerbach, Ido Lev-Ran, Guy Shani, Oded Klimer, Rinat Berger, Adi Curiel, & Ilan Palatin, Technion (19)
Adaptive user interface: The effects of adaptation strategy on user performance - Yael Auerbach, Technion, & Avi Parush, Carleton University (20)
The impact of risk perception and level of trust on buying decision in E-commerce - Avishag Peleg, Technion, & Avi Parush,Carleton University (21)
Cognitive and safety implications of control and monitoring tasks-Kedmi Efrat, Rogachov Marina, Parush Avi, Erev-Yehene Vered, Straucher Zvi,Technion (22)
Risk attitude in small timesaving decisions - Nira Munichorm, Technion, Ido Erev, Technion, & Arnon Lotem,
Tel-Aviv University (23)
Friendly - A human-computer interface evaluation tool - Libby Voltsis , Ben-Gurion Universit & Intel Corporation, Shirley Keren , Ben-Gurion University, Eyal Levy , Intel Corporation, Shlomo Abas, Intel Corporation, & Masha Maltz, Ben-Gurion University (24)
Monday, October 11
Right Brain and Creativity –
Miriam Faust, Bar-Ilan University (chair)
9:45 - 11:05
The effects of convergent vs. divergent priming on lexical processing by the two cerebral hemispheres –
Miriam Faust, Bar-Ilan University
Processing conventional vs. novel metaphors by the two cerebral hemispheres: Application of Principle
Component Analysis to fMRI data - Nira Mashal, Bar-Ilan University
Is this sentence right? or is it left? ERP correlates of hemispheric sentence processing –
Abraham Goldstein, Miriam Faust, & Einat Katz-Ranel, Bar-Ilan University
Right hemisphere involvement and language structure- Zohar Eviatar, University of Haifa
Reading & Language Processing (#21-26)
11:15 - 12:45
11:15 – 11:30Morphological awareness, morphological priming and reading: A dissociation between explicit and implicit morphological knowledge - Michal Raveh & Reut Yamin, Bar-Ilan University (21)
11:30 – 11:45The interplay between syntax and pragmatics in children’s word learning - Gil Diesendruck Bar-Ilan University, D. Geoff Hall, University of British Columbia, & Susan Graham, University of Calgary (22)
11:45 – 12:00Naming difficulties in children with Specific Language Impairment: The effects of phonological priming - Miriam Faust, Bar-Ilan University & Hagit Kleiman, Tel-Aviv University (23)
12:00 – 12:15A functional approach to suppression: the case of negative metaphors –
Rachel Giora, Tel-Aviv University, Ofer Fein, The Academic College of Tel Aviv Yaffo ,& Keren Aschkenazi, Tel-Aviv University (24)
12:15 – 12:30Poet or poem – is to know the name of a poet change the experience of reading a poem? - Alon maharshak & Maya Bar-Hillel, The Hebrew University (25)
12:30– 12:45Learning mode and performance mode in artificial grammar learning – Yael Poznanski Joseph Tzelgov,Ben-Gurion University (26)
Perceptual Organization and Attention
Ruth Kimchi, University of Haifa (chair)
13:25 – 14:45
What visual input does selective attention select? - Judith Avrahami, The Hebrew University
Modulation of object-based attention by spatial focusing: The mediating role of perceptual organization –
Morris Goldsmith, Menachem Yeari, & Chana Fyodorov, University of Haifa
Grouping does not require attention - Dominique Lamy, Hannah Segal, & Lital Ruderman, Tel-Aviv University
Perceptual grouping and attention: Not all groupings are equal - Ruth Kimchi & Irene Razpurker-Apfeld,
University of Haifa
Attention (#27-33)
14:50 – 16:35
14:50– 15:05Differential effects of the transient and sustained components of spatial attention – Yaffa Yeshurun, University of Haifa (27)
15:05 – 15:20The development of sustained attention, selective attention and executive attention - Lilach Shalev, The Open University, Carmel Mevorach, The University of Birmingham, & Yehoshua Tsal, Tel-Aviv University (28)
15:20 – 15:35The Emotional Stroop Effect: Is it emotional or is it Stroop? - Boaz M. Ben-David, Leora Levy, & Daniel Algom, Tel-Aviv University (29)
15:35 – 15:50A hierarchy of attentional systems during dual task performance: Evidence from the PRP paradigm - Hagit Magen & Asher Cohen, The Hebrew University (30)
15:50 – 16:05The role of task in generating an opposite Stroop effect - Liat Goldfarb & Avishai Henik, Ben-Gurion University (31)
16:05 – 16:20Is the response selection bottleneck dependent upon task-switching? -
Roy Luria & Nachshon Meiran, Ben-Gurion University (32)
16:20–16:35Features and dimensions are inherently inseparable - Tal Makovski & Yehoshua Tsal, Tel-Aviv University (33)
Sensory & Memory Processes (#34-42)
16:50 – 19:05
16:50 – 17:05Semantic priming and the spacing effect must resolve an identity crisis -
Yonatan Goshen-Gottstein & Amit G. Steinberg, Tel-Aviv University (34)
17:05 – 17:20On the relationship between arousal measures of the sympathetic nervous system and mental effort - Yael Einav, Daniel Gopher, & Arthur Grunwald, Technion (35)
17:20 – 17:35The pattern of cognitive performance deficit after mild to moderate sleep loss - Gil Zukerman, Abraham Goldstein, & Harvey Babkoff, Bar-Ilan University (36)
17:35 – 17:50The effect of aging on Event Related Potentials (ERP) to tonal and verbal stimuli in a phonological and semantic task – Miriam Geal-Dor, Avi Susswein, & Harvey Babkoff, Bar-Ilan University (37)
17:50 – 18:05The multidimensional Space Model for face recognition: Theoretical basis and empirical validation - Or Catz, Israel Nachson, & Harvey Babkoff, Bar-Ilan University (38)
18:05 – 18:20The medial temporal lobe is not required for visual working memory - Daniel A. Levy & Larry R. Squire, University of California, San Diego(39)
18:20 – 18:35The reciprocal influence of prime and target in masked priming – Y. Faran, D. Ben-Shalom, & Avishai Henik, Ben-Gurion University (40)
18:35 – 18:50Collaborative remembering of emotional Events: The Case of Rabin's Assassination - Anat Yaron-Antar & Israel Nachson, Bar-Ilan University (41)
18:50 – 19:05Association between late-life insomnia and cognitive functioning among the elderly – I. Haimov, E. Hanuka, T. Spira, O. Shefer, N. Breznitz, & S. Breznitz, Emek Yezreel Academic College and University of Haifa (42)
Sensory Processes, Attention & Memory
Effects of search mode and inter-trial priming on singleton search- Dominique Lamy, Tel-Aviv University, Tomer Carmel, Tel-Aviv University, Howard E. Egeth, Johns Hopkins University, & Andrew B. Leber, Yale University (25)
A Signal detection theory analysis of the emotional Stroop task - Noa Calderon, Boaz Ben-David, & Danny Algom, Tel-Aviv University (26)
The semantic relation in picture-word stroop-like effect - Avivit Elcharizi & Lilach Shalev-Mevorach ,
The Open University of Israel (27)
Cross-modal congruence relationships: Supraliminal and subliminal processes - Tsachi Ein-Dor, Mali Tennenbaum, Amir Zilber, and Elisheva Ben-Artzi, Bar-Ilan University (28)
The unity of the senses: Evidence from sensory modulation dysfunction - Sharon Shafir-Zmigrod & Elisheva Ben-Artzi, Bar Ilan University (29)
The horses of the mind: looking for ERP support for the "Horse-Race Model" in the Stop-Signal task -
Uri Alyagon & Andrea Berger, Ben-Gurion University (30)
Transfer in artificial grammar learning: Does it really exist? - Yael Poznanski, Ran Eisenberg & Joseph Tzelgov,Ben-Gurion University(31)
Effects of stereotype and suggestion on memory - Mally Shechory, Israel Nachson & Joseph Glicksohn, Bar-Ilan University (32)
Emotions and cognitive functioning - Rivka Blau & Pnina S. Klein, Bar Ilan University (33)
Selective attention to emotional aspects of faces in social anxiety and in depression: The use of classical Stroop tasks with emotional stimuli- Danny Raveh & Eva Gilboa-Schechtman, Bar-Ilan University (34)
Number comparison in patients with bilateral lesions of the intraparietal cortex - Yafit Bloch-David, Ben-Gurion University , Avishai Henik, Ben-Gurion University,& Robert Rafal, University of Wales (35)
Reducing uuman errors in a radiotherapy chart - Yael Auerbach, Technion , Roni Sela, Technion , Zvi Straucher, Technion, Marina Rogachov, Technion , Oded Klimer, Technion, Shimon Pollack, Rambam Medical Center, Abraham Kuten, Rambam Medical Center, Raquel Bar-Deroma, Rambam Medical Center,& Riki Carmi, Rambam Medical Center (36)
Mental models as a tool for measuring complex teamwork processes - Rakefet Lahat, Technion , Daniel Gopher, Technion , David Sinreich , Technion, Moshe Michaelson, Rambam Medical Center, & Gila Hyams, Rambam Medical Center (37)
The effects of emotional stimuli on orienting of attention -Hadas Okon-Singer, Ora Kofman, Sheera Lerman, & Avishai Henik, Ben-Gurion University (38)
Controlling of working memory objects - Yoav Kessler & Nachshon Meiran, Ben-Gurion University (39)
The role of equivalence constraints in category learning - Rubi Hammer, Tomer Hertz, Orit Hershler, Shaul Hochstein, & Daphna Weinshall, The Hebrew University (40)
Microgenesis and ontogenesis of perceptual organization of line configurations - Bat-Sheva Hadad & Ruth Kimchi, University of Haifa (41)
Strategic control over mode of attentional selection: Space based versus object based - Menachem Yeari & Morris Goldsmith, University of Haifa (42)
Error Related Negativity (ERN) for perceived erroneous information – ERP evidence for a continuous monitoring process of cognitive evaluation - Gabriel Tzur & Andrea Berger, Ben-Gurion University (43)
Individual Differences
Automatic activation of internal magnitudes: A study of developmental dyscalculia - Orly Rubinsten & Avishai Henik, Ben-Gurion University (44)
Cognitive styles and visual data analysis - Peter Bak and Joachim Meyer, Ben-Gurion University (45)
Cognitive impulsivity and executive functioning - Rotem Leshem, Bar-Ilan University (46)