Minutes - DRAFT
Executive Committee Meeting
May 14, 2015
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Members Present: Adams, Cobb, Fadil, Frankel, Johnson, Mason, and Watts (recorder)
Members Absent: Goel, Paulson, Jaeger & Gallo
Guest: Ron Davis
Meeting was called to order at 11:00 a.m. by Dr. Mason.
- EC Minutes from 04-30-15 were approved.
- Summer Allocation Model –Paul Mason discussed the three summer funding alternatives. Chris Johnson came up with the third alternative summer funding model. After deliberationthe committee agreed to adapt Alternative C: a proposal that allocates one course per faculty member to each department and then employs the long standing methodology for the remaining funds (minus programmatic expenses). This model will be presented to Mark Dawkins for his approval.
- Multi-year Schedules – Paul e-mailed the chairs about developingmulti-year schedules starting this spring 2016. We have to design our classes in the best interest of our students. These advanced schedules will be developed without necessarily including the names of the faculty teaching, but will be time specific, related to the Osprey roadmaps. Paul indicated that Academic Affairs wants the chairs to work together to create better course scheduling in order for students to graduate within 6 years.
- Incentive Task Force – The task force came up with a policy whereby a faculty committee would make recommendations using the FAR to the department chairs, relative toincentive awards in each of the three functional areas. Paul recommended that the endowed professor be the committee. No decision was made yet, but Paul intends to share the outcome with Mark Dawkins.
- DBL – Paul reminded the committee that the Distinguished Business Leaders luncheon is scheduled for May 18th at the River Club and he encouraged everyone to come.
- Requirement for Graduate Students to have laptops/ipads/etc. (poll your graduate faculty) - Scheduling the Computer Labs –Paul will ask Stephanie to set up a survey of the graduate faculty on the possibility of using laptops/ipads in these classes in order to avoid the computer lab scheduling conflicts due to over demand.
- Provost Search – Paul briefed the committee that they invited 5 candidates for on campus interview for the Provost search. The committee will turn in 3 names to the President.
- Other:
a)Paul Fadil mentioned the outcome of the vote regarding Craig Harms Emeriti Faculty status.
b)Paul Mason submitted the RTP yesterday on the SWOOP masters, hoping that it will pass.
c)Sharon Cobb was hoping for our college to come up with outstanding alumnus to report to AACSB for a new recognition program. The deadline is sometime in June.
Meeting was adjourned at 12:45p.m.