X EACHP '2012

Announcement and Recruitment of Oral or Poster Presentation

Nanning, China

November8-10, 2013


Guangxi Wharton International Hotel

88, Minzu Auenue, Nanning Guangxi, China

TEL: +86-771-2111-888

FAX: +86-771-2111-999


We are very delighted to ask you to participate in The 11thEast Asian Congress of Health Promotion (11thEACHP)in Nanning, China to be held from 8 to 10November 2013. Health promotions have been promoted not only in work places but also in daily lives. We hope many participants from world wide to discuss health promotions in many fields and to communicate each other in the congress.


Pang Shenghang


Prof.Pang Shenghang


Guangxi Jiangbin Hospital


East Asian Health Promotion Network, Kumamoto Kinoh Hospital, Kumamoto Prefecture's Government, Kumamoto city, Amakusa City, Guangxi Medical University, Kumamoto University, Kyushu University of Nursing and Social Welfare, Kumamoto Health Science University.Youjiang Medical University for Nationalities, and Yoshino Care supporter


Saturday8–Sunday 10, November 2013.


Guangxi Wharton International Hotel

88 Minzu Auenue, Naning Guangxi, China

Phone: +86-771-2111-888 Fax: +86-771-2111-999


Secretariat of 11th EACHP '2013 in China

85 Heti Road, Nanning Guangxi, China

TEL:+86-771-208-0088 FAX: +86-771-531-1257

Cell Phone: +86-138-0780-9839

Email: or

Secretariat of 11thEACHP'2013 in Japan

Department of Preventive and Environmental Medicine, Graduate School of Life Sciences,Kumamoto University

1-1-1 Honjo Kumamoto Japan 860-8556

Tel. +81-96-373-5106, Fax +81-96+373+5108


Purpose of the congress

The congress is intended to be a forum for sharing advances in health promotion related to researches and practices. Special emphasis will be placed on successes that have been achieved in the field of occupational and environmental health promotions. Activists, experts, researchers, and professionals dedicated to health promoting in occupational work place and community will gather from many East Asian countries to discuss and share the issues of health promotions. The purpose of the congress is intended to be a forum for sharing advances and practices related to health promotion in communities and occupational work places. Papers on good practices and innovative strategies for occupational and environmental health are most welcome at the poster or oral sessions.

Main theme of the congress

Development of Community Rehabilitation in CoordinationwithResidents

Registration fee

Per person 800RMB is collected at the venue site


The congress will gather researchers, practitioners, workers, and experts interested in health promotions from East Asian countries.


English and your own language

If you are interested

If you are interested in attending the congress or getting further information, please fill on the reply form on the next page and send its copy to the congress secretariat by e-mail or fax.In case you intend to present your theme in the poster session, please inform the title of your theme by filling the format of the remarks on the next page. You are also expected to send your abstract writing on a separate sheet according to the writing on the next page. All contributors presenting oral papers are requested to submit an abstracts of 1 page each (in A4 format according to the instructions shown in the next page).Accepted abstract will be published as a Book of Abstract, which will be distributed to the participants at the Symposium.


Selected papers will be published as proceedings after the Symposium. The instructions for preparing the manuscript will be given together with the acceptance notice.

Oral Presentation

The time allotted to the papers in oral presentations will be 10 minutes, while the time allotted to the keynote lectures will be 30, and special lectures and education lectures will be 20minutes. A liquid crystal display (LCD) projector with Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows will be available. LCD project users must bring both a CDR or USB disk in which their presentations documents are saved as Microsoft PowerPoint files.

Poster Presentation

Poster presentation is performed on a board of 90 cm × 180 cm in the poster presentation room.

*Dead line for application of theme is the July 31, 2013

*Dead line for submitting abstracts is the September 30, 2013

Preliminary program

Friday, 8November


Saturday, 9November


Opening ceremony

Keynote lecture

Special lectures


Educational lecture

Oral presentation

Poster presentation


Grand Golf

Visit to Guangxi Jiangbin Hospital

The 11thEast Asian Congress of Health Promotion (11thEACHP)

in Nanning, China 2013

ⅩI EACHP '2013


Format for the application of theme

Title of theme name (less than 30 words):

Your name:

First name Family name

Degrees (Prof. MD, PhD, Ms, Mr., etc.)

Name of your facilities:

Address of your facilities:


Tel: Fax:


Title: Instruction for Preparing an Abstract(one blank line)

Taro Kumamoto1 and Hanako Yamada2

1Kumamoto University Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kumamoto, Japan

2The Institute for Science of Health Promotion,


In preparing your abstract, please follow these instructions.

Abstracts should not be longer than 1 page, and must be typed in English on blank A4 paper, using MS Word and without any figures. Please send it as an attached file of your e-mail by 30September 2013. If MS word is not available, the abstract must be printed out on white A4 paper and sent together with three copies to the Secretariat by 30 September, 2013. Abstracts will be photographed and printed in the form they aresubmitted. It is therefore of utmost importance that the abstract is prepared according to the instructions. Carbon copies and tele-copies are not acceptable.


Leave margins of 35 mm at the top, 25 mm at the bottom, and 25 mm on the left and right of the page. The text should be single spaced and written in point size 10.5, preferably using the Arial font. One table can be included in an abstract, but not any figure. The title should be brief, describing the nature of the investigation. Use point size 14 for the title. Leave one blank line between the title and the name(s) of the author(s). Give the name(s) and affiliation(s), city and country of the author(s). Omit degrees and titles. Underline the name of the author presenting the paper. Type the name(s) and affiliation(s) in point size 12, and the name(s) of the author(s) in bold. Leave three blank lines before starting the text.

Ways to write the abstract

The abstract should give the objective of the study, the approaches and the methods used, the results obtained, and the conclusion reached. Statements such as "the data will be discussed" are not acceptable. Headings, such as Introduction and Objectives, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion (in bold) are recommended to used, when applicable.

Information needed

Your complete contact information (name, affiliation, street, city, zip, country, phone, fax, ande-mail).

-Point of Making abstract


●margins: 35 mm: top, 25 mm: bottom, 25 mm: left and right: sides

●Title: 14pt/ Arial font/Centered

●Name & Affiliation: 12pt/Arial font/ Centered the name should be typed in bold.

●Text Form: 45 letters x 45 lines/ 10.5pt/ Arial font

●Without any figures

*Send the abstract without anyfigures as an attached file of your e-mail by 30September, 2013

* Email: r