Original: RUSSIAN
14 September 2009
FOR DEVELOPMENT OF a Draft Agreement on Cooperation with respect to the Safety of Hydraulic Structures in Central Asia
Almaty, Kazakhstan,27 August 2009
This report has been issued without official editing by the Environment, Housing and Land Management
Division of the United NationsEconomic Commission for Europe (UNECE) secretariat
1. The Meeting of the Project Working Group for Development of a Draft Agreement on Cooperation with respect to the Safety of Hydraulic Structures in Central Asia took place in Almaty, Kazakhstan on August27, 2009. The Meeting was organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) in close cooperation with the Executive Committee of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (EC IFAS)and the Executive Board of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea in the Republic of Kazakhstan(EB IFAS).
2.The Meeting was held within the framework of Phase II of the “Dam Safety in Central Asia: CapacityBuilding and Regional Cooperation” Projectimplemented by UNECE. The project is carried outunder the supervision of the Project Working Group on Water and Energy Resources in Central Asia within the framework of the United Nations Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (UN SPECA) and is included in the Work Programme of the UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and InternationalLakes. It is aimed at the improvement of the national legislation and state regulation in the field of dam safety in participating countries and strengthening of the regional cooperation in this field. The project is implemented in the context of the Programme on improvement of environmental and socio-economic situation in Aral Sea Basin-2 for the period of 2003 to 2010 (ASBP-2) implemented by IFAS. It is also part of the Environment andSecurity Initiative (ENVSEC) and is financed by the Government of Finland with partial financial support of the Government of the Russian Federation.
1. Objectives of the Meeting
3.The Meeting was to decide on further actions to refine the Draft Agreement on Cooperation with respect to the Safety of Hydraulic Structures in Central Asia. In addition, the objective was to exchange corresponding experiences between the participants.
2. Attendance
4.16 participants from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan took part in the Meeting; IFAS was represented by 11 participants. The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC), the World Bank, Eurasian Development Bank and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) were also represented at the Meeting. 39 participantsincluded in the list of Appendix 1 to this Report took part in the Meeting together with staff members of UNECE Secretariat, consultants and representatives of other organizations.
3. Opening of the Meeting
5.The Meeting was opened by Mr. Almabek Nurushev, Director of the Executive Board of IFAS in the Republic of Kazakhstan, who welcomed the participants on behalf of the host organization.
6.Mr. Saghit Ibatullin, Chairman of EC IFAS also greeted the participants with a welcoming statement. He noted that is it important for EC-IFASto support the cooperation in the field of dam safety in Central Asia and wished successful work of the Meeting.
7.Mr. Bo Libert, the Regional Adviser of the Environment, Housing and Land Management Division of UNECE, introduced the participants of the Meeting to the tasks of the Project, outcomes of its First Phase (2004-2006) and the progress achieved in the implementation of its Second Phase (2008-2010).
4. Election of Officers
8.Ms. Dinara Kemelova, Head of International Economy Cooperation Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Kyrgyzstan, Mr. Rustam Latipov, Head of Water Resources, Science and Technology Department, Ministry of Water Resources of Tajikistan, Mr. Kurbangeldy Ballyev, Department Head in the Research Center of the Interstate Commission on Sustainable Development (SIC ISDC) IFAS, the representative of Turkmenistan, and Mr. Timur Kamalov, chairman of “Gosvodhoznadzor” of Uzbekistan took their turns in chairing the sessions of the Meeting.
5. ApprovaloftheAgenda
9.The following agenda of the Meeting was approved:
- Opening of the Meeting.
- Election of officials.
- Approval of the agenda of the Meeting.
- Implementation of the decisions taken at the Regional Meeting on “Dam Safety in Central Asia: CapacityBuilding and Regional Cooperation”, Almaty, November 2008, under section III “Draft Agreement on Cooperation with respect to the Safety of Hydraulic Structures in Central Asia”
(а) Comments ontheDraftAgreementdated 12 December 2008
(b) Presentations of National Representatives
(c) Discussions
- Miscellaneous.
- Conclusion of the Meeting.
10.The Programme of the Project Working Group Meeting for Development of a Draft Agreement on Cooperation with respect to the Safety of Hydraulic Structures in Central Asiais attached in Appendix 2.
11.Under Item 4 of the agenda, Mr. Yuri Steklov, consultant,briefed the participants on stages of the Project in thedevelopment of the Draft Agreement on Cooperation with respect to the Safety of Hydraulic Structures in Central Asia. He outlined the structure of the last Draft Agreement, the main comments and suggestions received from different countries on the document, and invited the participants to discuss the proposed changes.
12.Mr. Sergei Vinogradov, consultant and Ms. Iulia Trombitcaia, UNECE, referred in their interventions to the certain specificities in the formulations used in international legal documents and outlined some ideas for the finalization of certain articles of the Agreement.
13.Inthe discussion, countryrepresentatives presented their comments and suggestions to the Draft Agreement and expressed their vision for future work on this document.
14.Under Item 5 of the agenda, Mr. Volker Frobarth, Head of GTZ Regional Programme, informed the Meeting about the start ofa Transboundary Water Management Programme in Central Asia,some components of which aim at ensuring safety of hydraulic structures.
15.Mr. Alexander Mironenkov, Head of Analytical Department of the Eurasian Development Bank, briefed participants on the publication of an analytical review of the Bank “Impact of climate change on water resources in Central Asia”. He did not rule out the possibility of providing assistance from the Bank to the implementation of individual components of the project “Dam safety in Central Asia: CapacityBuilding and Regional Cooperation”.
16.Apublication prepared by “Gosvodkhoznadzor” ofUzbekistansummarizing the conclusions of the Pilot Regional Training Course on Safety of Hydraulic Structures in Central Asia (11-14 May 2009, Tashkent, Uzbekistan) was distributed to participants of the meeting. This publication consists of a booklet and a CD containing the national normative technical documents and other materials collected or developed under the project “Dam safety in Central Asia: CapacityBuilding and Regional Cooperation”.
17.The participants of the Meeting made decisions on the issuesdiscussed and recommended to take the following actions:
On the Draft Agreement on Cooperation with respect to the Safety of Hydraulic Structures in Central Asia
- Before 20 September 2009, Project consultantswill prepare a revised version of the Draft Agreement based on the version of 12 December 2008, which would reflect the suggestions of the participating countries, and further include the formulations proposed by the international experts.
- Before 25 September 2009, theProject Management will submitto the Executive Committee of IFAS an amended version of the Draft Agreement for subsequent forwarding for consideration at the national level.
- Request the Executive Committee of IFAS to assist in the receipt, as soon as possible, of the countries’ positions on the revised version of the Draft Agreement.
- Project consultantswill compile the proposalscoming from countries, and based on these, prepare a synthesis version of the Draft Agreement for consideration at the Regional Meeting, 2-3 November 2009 in Bishkek.
18.To express gratitude to the Executive Board of IFAS in Kazakhstan for the excellent organization of the meeting.
Appendix 1
Совещание проектной рабочей группы по подготовке Соглашения в области безопасности гидротехнических сооружений в Центральной Азии
Алматы, Казахстан, 27 августа 2009 года
The Meeting of the Project Working Group forDevelopment of a Draft Agreement on Cooperation with respect to theSafety of Hydraulic Structures in Central Asia
Almaty, Kazakhstan, August27, 2009
КАЗАХСТАН / KAZAKHSTAN / ContactsМухатов Жумабек Садвакасович
И.о. начальника Управления эксплуатации Комитета по водным ресурсам МСХ / Zhumabek Mukhatov
Head of Division for organization of operation of water-economic objects and land development, Committee on Water Resources under the Ministry of Agriculture / Tel. (+77172) 742694
Fax (+77172) 742681
Mob. (+7701) 4451329
2 секретарь Департамента ЦА МИД / Darkhan Nursadykov
2-nd secretary of integration processes Division under Department of CA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Tel. (+77172) 720253
Fax (+77172) 720367
Mob. (+7705) 1025356
Нурханов Мадияр Женисбекович,
1 секретарь Международно-правового Департамента МИД / MadiyarNurkhanov
1-stsecretary International law department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Tel. (+77172) 720321
Mob. (+7701) 7720027
Нуртазин Майдан Мухамедович
Технический директор ПК «Институт Казгипроводхоз» / Maidan Nurtazin
Technical Director , Production Cooperative “Institute of Kazgiprovodkhoz” / Tel. (+7727) 2798333
Fax (+7727) 2791614
Mob. (+7777) 3301505
Кемелова Динара Амантуровна Заместитель директора Департамента международного экономического сотрудничества МИД / Dinara Kemelova
Head of International Economy Cooperation Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Tel. (+996312) 667360
Джолдошалиев Искендер Алымкулович
Начальник отдела технической экспертизы и инвестиций Департамента водного хозяйства МСВХ и ПП / Iskender Djoldoshaliev
Head, Water Resources Management Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources Management and Processing Industry / Tel. (+996312) 549098
Fax. (+996312)549094
Зырянов Алексей Григорьевич
Заместитель начальника Центра эксплуатации и ремонта ОАО "Электрические станции" / Alexey Zyrianov
Deputy Director, Center of Operation and Repair of JSC "Electricity stations" / Tel. (+996312) 672172
Ишекеева Гульзада Назаркуловна
Главный специалист Управления правовой экспертизы Министерства юстиции / Gulzada Ishekeeva
Leading specialist,
Ministry of Justice / Tel. (+996312) 656498
Латипов Рустам
начальник управления водных ресурсов, науки и техники ММиВР РТ / Rustam Latipov
Head of Department, Ministry of Water Resources / Tel. (+99237)2355589
Fax (+99237)
Mob. (+99291) 9229490
Набиев Акбар Озорович Директор ГПИ "Таджикгипроводхоз" ММиВР РТ / Akbar Nabiev
Director,“Tajikgiprovodhoz” / Tel. (+99237) 2366679
Fax (+99237) 2362151
Петров Георгий Николаевич
Заведующий лабораторией гидроэнергетики Института водных проблем, гидроэнергетики и экологии АН / Georgiy Petrov
Head of laboratory, Water problems Institute, Academy of Science / Tel. (+99237) 2245231
Mob. (+99291) 8620536
Баллыев Курбангельды Бегенчевич
Член Исполкома - Полномочный представитель от Туркменистана / Kurbangeldy Ballyev
Representative of Turkmenistan in the Executive Committee of IFAS / Tel./Fax (+7727) 3873431/33
Mob. (+7701) 7876966
Камалов Тимур Камалович
Председатель Госинспекции «Госводхознадзор» / Timur Kamalov
Chairman, State Inspection “Gozvodhoznadzor” / Tel. (+99871) 2443131
Fax (+99871) 2443041
Исмаилов Бахадир Исламович
Начальник отдела Договорно-правового управления МИД / Bahadir Ismailov
Head of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs / Tel. (+99871) 2362033
Fax. (+99871) 2334834
Наргитов Мухитдин Джурабаевич
Начальник Международно-правового управления Минюста / Muhitdin Nargitov
Head of Department, Ministry of Justice / Tel. (+99871) 2320882
Fax. (+99871) 2334844
Талипов Шухрат Ганиевич
Главный специалист Госинспекции «Госводхознадзор» / Shuhrat Talipov
Chief Specialist, State Inspection "Gozvodhoznadzor" / Tel. (+99871) 2443049
Fax (+99871) 2443041
Консультант / Yuri Steklov
Consultant / Tel. (+662) 9679536
Mob. (+668) 40332465
Виноградов Сергей
Консультант / Sergei Vinogradov
Consultant / Tel: (+44) 1382 345620
Оролбаев Эркин Эргешевич Консультант / Erkin Orolbaev
Consultant / Tel. (+996312) 660452
Mob. (+996777) 303903
ЕвропейскаяЭкономическаяКомиссия ООН / United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Региональный советник
Отдел по окружающей среде, жилищному вопросу и землепользованию / Bo Libert
Regional Adviser Environment, Housing and Land Management Division / Tel. (+4122) 9172396
Fax (+4122) 9170621
Mob. (+4179) 4446026/4180
Тромбицкая Юлия
Эксперт по управлению водными ресурсами / IuliaTrombitcaia
Expert on water management / Tel. (+4122) 9173332
Fax(+4122) 9170621
Ибатуллин Сагит Рахметуллаевич
Председатель Исполкома МФСА / Saghit Ibatullin
Chairman of the Executive Committee of IFAS / Tel. (+7727) 2607745
Fax (+7727) 3873431
E-mail: ,
Mob. (+7701) 5310225
Нурмаганбетов Демесин Шералиевич
Заместитель Председателя Исполкома МФСА / Demessin Nurmaganbetov
Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of IFAS / Tel.. (+7727) 3873525
Fax (+7727) 3873431
E-mail: .
Mob. (+7701) 7341364
Бекниязов Мурат Кабыкенович
Член Исполкома - Полномочный представитель от Республики Казахстан / Murat Bekniyazov
Representative of Kazakhstan in the Executive Committee of IFAS / Tel./Fax (+7727) 3873431/33
Mob. (+7777) 2482168
Нарбаев Марат Турсынбекович
Член Исполкома - Полномочный представитель от Республики Казахстан / Marat Narbayev
Representative of Kazakhstan in the Executive Committee of IFAS / Tel./Fax. (+7727) 3873431/33
Mob. (+7701) 7807075
Ибодзода Хайрулло
Член Исполкома - Полномочный представитель от Республики Таджикистан / Hairullo Ibodzoda
Representative of Tajikistan in the Executive Committee of IFAS / Tel./Fax (+7727) 3873431/33
Mob. (+7701) 7877105
Казаков Мавлон Хакимович
Член Исполкома - Полномочный представитель от Республики Таджикистан / Mavlon Kazakov
Representative of Tajikistan in the Executive Committee of IFAS / Tel./Fax (+7727) 3873431/33
Mob.( (+7777) 8279711
Член Исполкома - Полномочный представитель от Республики Узбекистан / Normuhammad Sheraliyev
Representative of Uzbekistan in the Executive Committee of IFAS / Tel./Fax (+7727) 3873431/33
Mob. (+7777) 8375816
Карлиханов Торехан Карлиханович
Руководитель информационно-аналитического центра / Torehan Karlihanov
Chief the Information Centre / Tel./Fax (+7727) 3873431/33
Mob. (+7777) 2607901
Нурушев Алмабек Нурушевич
Директор Исполнительной дирекции МФСА в Казахстане / Almabek Nurushev
Director, Executive Board of IFAS in Kazakhstan / Tel. (+7727) 2986383/81/85
Fax (+7727) 2507717
Mob. (+7701) 1110532
Оспанов Медет Оспанович
Заместитель директора, Исполнительной Дирекции МФСА в Республике Казахстан / Medet Ospanov
Deputy director, Executive Board of IFAS in Kazakhstan / Tel. (+7727) 2986383/81/85
Fax (+7727) 2507717
Mob. (+7701) 7138219
Мамбетжанова Сейде – Заместитель директора Исполнительной Дирекции МФСАв Кыргызской Республике / Seide Mambetjanova
Deputy Director, Executive Board of IFAS in Kyrgyzstan / Tel./Fax. (+996312) 590212
E-mail: ;
Mob. (+996555) 953012
Мироненков Александр Петрович
Начальник Аналитического управления Евразийского Банка Развития / Aleksander Mironenkov
Head of Division, Eurasian Development Bank / Tel. (+7495)
mob. (+7903) 9608226
Кудайбергенулы Копболсын
Консультант Секретариата Интеграционного комитета ЕврАзЭС: / Kopbolsyn Kudaibergenuly
Consultant, Integration Committee EuroAsEC / Tel. (+7727) 2722005
Fax (+7727) 2722100
Mob. (+7702) 1414178
Бош Кристоф
Региональный координатор, Офис Всемирного банка в Центральной Азии / Christophe Bosch
SD Coordinator for Central Asia
World Bank, Central Asia Office / Tel. (+7727) 2980580
Mob. (+7701) 7150027
Хелланд Терье
начальник отдела экономики и экологии Центра ОБСЕ в Астане / Terje Helland
Economic and Environmental Officer OSCE Centre in Astana / E-mail:
Tel: (+77172) 591953
Fax (+77172) 326804)
Mob. (+7701) 2188847
Международныйстипендиат, ЦентрОБСЕвАстане / William Metzger
Visiting Fellow
OSCE Centre in Astana / Tel: (+77172) 591953
Fax: (+77172) 328304
Mob: (+7701) 9108872
Фробарт Фолькер
Руководитель региональной программыGTZ / VolkerFrobarth
HeadofProgramme, Transboundary Water Management programme in Central Asia, GTZ / E-mail:
Mob. (Kz) (+7777) 7791416
Mob. (Kg) (+996772) 002331
Mob. (Uz) (+99893) 5500536
Ткач Виталий
специалист региональной программыGTZ / Vitaliy Tkach
Senior Program manager, Transboundary Water Management programme in Central Asia, GTZ / E-mail:
Mob. (Kz) (+7777) 7798618
Appendix 2
Meeting of the Project Working Group
forDevelopment of a DraftAgreement on Cooperation
with respect to the Safety of Hydraulic Structures in Central Asia
27 August 2009
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Venue: Conference-HallofPremierAlatauHotel
105 Dostykave., Almaty
09:00 - 09:30 / Registration of Participants09:30 – 09:45 / OpeningoftheMeeting
(Chairman – Mr. NurushevA.N., Executive Director, Executive Board of IFAS in Kazakhstan)
Welcoming of participants on behalf of UNECE
Mr. BoLibert, Regional Adviser UNECE
Welcoming of participants on behalf of IFAS
Mr.Saghit Ibatullin, Chairman of the Executive Committee of IFAS
09:45 - 10:00 / Adoption of the Agenda and election of officers. Presenting the Programme of the Meeting:
Mr. BoLibert, Regional Adviser UNECE.
10:15 - 10:30 / ProgressoftheSecondPhaseof“DamSafetyinCentralAsia: CapacityBuildingandRegionalCooperation” Project:
Mr. BoLibert, Regional Adviser UNECE
10:30 - 10:45 / Implementation of Resolutions of Regional Meeting on “Dam Safety in Central Asia: CapacityBuilding and Regional Cooperation”, Almaty, November 2008, under section III “Draft Agreement on Cooperation with respect to the Safety of Hydraulic Structures in Central Asia”
Mr. YuriSteklov, Consultant
10:45 - 11:00 / Discussion
Chairman–Mrs, Dinara Kemelova, Kyrgyzstan
11:00 - 11:30 / Coffee-break
11:30 - 12:30 / Comments and suggestions received from country representatives on Draft Agreement on Cooperation with respect to the Safety of Hydraulic Structures in Central Asia, revision of 12 December 2008
Chairman – Mr. Rustam Latipov, Tajikistan
- Mr.Ospanov M. O., Kazakhstan;
- Mr. Zyryanov A.G., Kyrgyzstan;
- Mr. LatipovR., Tajikistan;
- Mr. BallyievK.B., Turkmenistan;
- Mr. KamalovT.K., Uzbekistan.
12:30-13:30 / Lunch Break
13:30-15:30 / Discussions
Chairman –Mr.KurbangeldyBallyiev, Turkmenistan
15:30-16:00 / Coffee-break
16:00-17:00 / Reviewing and adopting the Decisions, Recommendations and Report of the Meeting
Chairman – Mr.Timur Kamalov, Uzbekistan