Name ______

The Industrial Revolution Study Guide (p. 472)

1.  Explain the quote in the Introduction, “The Industrial Revolution was neither sudden nor swift.”

Section 1: Beginnings of the Industrial Revolution

2.  What nickname did the Great Exhibition of 1851 give to England?

3.  What allowed England to surge ahead of France in the Industrial Revolution?

4.  Explain how Charles Townsend’s discoveries helped revolutionize agriculture?

5.  What great invention by Jethro Tull helped to increase food production?

6.  Define enclosure movement:

7.  How did the enclosure movement make agriculture more efficient?

8.  List 4 major ways in which the Agricultural Revolution fueled the Industrial Revolution?

9.  Where was cloth made in the 1500s and 1600s?

10.  What two inventions greatly sped up the weaving process?

11.  How much faster did the power loom allow workers to produce cloth per day than had been possible earlier?

12.  Describe the increase in cotton cleaning and production made possible by the cotton gin.

13.  Define factory system:

14.  Name three major industries in which steam engines were used to great effect.

15.  What substance did Abraham Darby use in place of hardwoods in iron smelting?

16.  Define the Bessemer process:

17.  What major boom did the Duke of Bridgewater set in motion in 1759?

18.  What did John McAdam invent to help transportation?

19.  By the 1800s, road travel in England had become almost as fast as it had been in ______times.

20.  What was the name of the first steam-powered locomotive?

21.  How many miles of railroad track were built by England between 1840 and 1850?

22.  What metal allowed for trains to increase their speeds to more than 60 miles per hour?

23.  Who developed a way to apply the power of steam to ships?

24.  In addition to railroads and steamships, what new device allowed for cross continental communication and who invented it?

25.  From where did British entrepreneurs get the capital to invest in industries?

26.  Where did Britain get the raw materials to fuel its industrial production?

27.  Where did Britain sell many of the goods they produced in their factories?

28.  Explain how the British government encouraged industrial growth.

29.  What important social/intellectual idea also encouraged industrialization?

Section 2: The Rise of Modern Industry

30.  Name six industrialized countries in the second half of the 1800s.

31.  What special invention did Joseph Marie Jacquard use on his power loom which allowed for complex patterns?

32.  How did Europeans help the United States to exploit its vast natural resources?

33.  How did the nations of Eastern Europe respond to the Industrial Revolution in Western Europe?

34.  List 8 inventions/advancements developed by scientific research.

35.  What advantage did the internal combustion engine have over the steam engine?

36.  Define productivity:

37.  Define interchangeable parts:

38.  Define assembly line:

39.  Define mass production:

40.  Define corporation:

41.  Define monopoly:

42.  What major role did banks play in the Industrial Revolution?

Section 3: Effects of Industrialization

43.  What wage was not unusual for factory workers in 1840?

44.  What was the diet of a factory worker at this time?

45.  List three important factors that helped Europe’s population grow dramatically between 1750 and 1914.

46.  Describe the housing and sanitation for factory workers in a city like Manchester in 1855.

47.  At what age might a child begin working?

48.  How many hours a day and how many days per week did people work?

49.  Describe the factory working environment.

50.  Who were the wealthiest and most powerful members of the new middle class?

51.  What did wealthy members of the middle class do with their new wealth?

52.  What position did the new class of factory workers occupy?

53.  Explain how working in a factory added greatly to a woman’s responsibilities?

54.  What was the role of women in middle class families with enough income?

Section 4: Responses to the Industrial Revolution

55.  In what two major ways did working people make their unhappiness known?

56.  What changed the minds of lawmakers in Britain in favor of the workers?

57.  What two types of media also worked to make people aware of terrible working conditions?

58.  What did the Factory Act of 1833 limit?

59.  Describe the dictates of the Mine Act (1842)?

60.  What was the purpose of the Combination Acts of 1799 and 1800?

61.  Once unions became large enough, what three major rights did they demand?

62.  What made businesses finally make a safer and healthier environment for workers?

63.  What two major safety nets did governments set up to protect workers from sickness and to provide for them in case of business failure or economic slowdown?

64.  How did city governments respond to sanitation problems in their cities?

65.  What did reform minded Sir Robert Peel help establish in London?

66.  How did gas and electric lighting help cities?

67.  Why were electric street cars so helpful and important to growing cities?