Kappa Mu Meeting Minutes

Monday, September 24, 2007

L:\Division\EPD\Kappa Mu\Kappa Mu 2007\Minutes\08-20-07.doc


Kappa Mu Chapter
Sigma Theta Tau International
September 24, 2007

PRESENT: Laura Luna (Leadership Succession Committee & Treasurer), LaDonna McGohan (Past President), Julie Neumann (Secretary), Linda Seppanen (Vice-President), Jo Stejskal (First Counselor and Governance Committee), Stephanie Sulla (President), JoAnn White, additional names to add from registration list

Subject/Objective Outcome
Program: In Giving We Received: Community Engagement of Nursing Students with Culturally Diverse Populations / Gayle P. Olsen, RN, MS, C-NPN, Patricia Thompson, PhD, RN, Kathy Orth, MS, RN, WSU faculty, provided an overview of cultural programs they’ve implemented with undergraduate nursing students. The program was well received. The intention of providing such a program was to engage new members that would be inducted in October of 2007. How might we measure this? Identify new members from registration sheet? The collated evaluations will be reviewed at an upcoming meeting. Also, identified a need to outline and endorse the process to provide these programs with integrity and contact hours.
Business Meeting
Minutes / The minutes from Monday August 20th, 2007 were reviewed and approved at the meeting. One update on the Research conference in March related to the poster session on the evening of March 6th.
Digital Camera Purchase: / Consensus was to purchase one for the Chapter at a cost no greater than $200. Julie N. and Laura L. will be responsible for researching and purchasing.
How to move forward with updates to web site. / o  Sigma Theta Tau International provides no web support
o  WSU web support has some options in portal. Linda had followed up with Mankato’s chapter and they have an intern support the web site.
o  Who might we use to support the web site; do we want to create a separate position for web master? Discussion was that when Jo was previously in this type of role, she had limited time and a frustrating application to try to work with.
o  Through a WSU portal, the web would be secure at a certain level with signing on like a mail server that could post news letters. Linda will identify someone from WSU IT to attend a meeting to provide an overview of what they could do for us. There is the possibility that an IT student could be a support for the web pages.
o  Julie and Stephanie will benchmark with other members at the convention in November.
o  Short term plan: Update what is there for now so information is current.
o  Might we be able to use the previous contacted web vendors in a phased in approach? Steph has contacted the vendors to inform them no decision has been made as of yet.
20th Anniversary Celebration / o  Post on existing web site a banner that this is the 20th Anniversary for the Chapter.
o  February 18th, 2008 Notes on Nursing tied to anniversary celebration.
o  Spring (4/08) other celebrations also going on
o  Reassured that for now, the framework for celebrations is there.
o  Need to identify what Kappa Mu is going to do, if anything, in addition to the WSU celebration.
Time allowed additional conversation on:
Fall Induction Ceremony / o  October 15th, dining room E, F and G have been reserved at the WSU campus for induction. Jo Stejskal estimates that there will be 18 invites of which 6 accepted with 3 guests. Mary Ballard will send reminder out Oct. 1 to those accepted to encourage to attend. Julie N. will donate easel. Julie was thanked for this donation. Dale Pfrimmer was a community member at large. He meets criteria. Stephanie S. will contact him to inform him of the Oct. 15th ceremony.
o  Spring induction ceremony: speakers include: Karen Gardner, Diane Wrobleski (the new and the old) slide show.
Next Meeting / The next meeting will be on October 15, 2007 at WSU, Winona, MN at 4:30 p.m. dining room E, F and G for Fall induction ceremony.
October 15, 2007
January 28?21?, 2008
February 18, 2008
March 7, 2008
March 31, 2008
April 2008
May 19, 2008
June 2008 / All meetings begin at 5 p.m. unless otherwise indicated
Fall Induction in Winona @ 4:30 p.m. Dining rooms; E,F & G
ITV Meeting; WSU location Stark 303A
Program Meeting with Students; Florence Nightingale “Notes on Nursing”
Research Conference; Business Meeting over lunch
Spring Induction with the History of Nursing in Winona @ 2 p.m. -Karen Gardner / Baldwin Lounge
WSU Gala Celebration TBD
Ice Cream Social; Retiree Center in Winona
Transition Meeting in Rochester
Respectfully Submitted,
Julie A Neumann, MS, RN
Secretary for Kappa Mu

L:\Division\EPD\Kappa Mu\Kappa Mu 2007\Minutes\08-20-07.doc