Labour Office & Clients

Counselling and Communication Skills
for Labour Office Advisers,
Counsellors and Job Mediators



Training Manual


Project promoter: Úrad práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny Dunajská Streda,
Alice Dobra, Ádorská 41, 929 48 Dunajská Streda
Project coordinator: BEST Institut für berufsbezogene Weiterbildung und Personaltraining GmbH,
Dr. Wolfgang Eisenreich, Mariahilfer Straße 8, 1070 Wien

Project Number: SK/04/B/P/PP-177401

Graphics and Layout: TELEHAUS WETTER / VeVFAR e.V.


Placing Employment

The new Employment Guidelines (2005-8) of the European Employment Strategy EES are streamlined. Numbering eight they fit within three priorities. To attract and retain more people in employment ranks first. The objectives require an efficient delivery system, in which the public employment services play a prominent role. Strengthening the effectiveness of job counselling and job placement is an European wide concern. Better matching of jobseekers and vacancies in the labour market are among the key objectives of the EES.

The project "Labour Office & Clients" (LOC)

… in this regard aims at promoting the transfer of experiences and competences in the area of job counselling and job placement. Co-operative learning and the exchange of professional expert knowledge provide the basis to develop and raise the awareness for the importance of specific key skills in the professional fields of counselling and job mediation.

This LOC - Curriculum and Manual

… is a joint product of 16 organizations of 10 European nations. The vocational trainings offered are designed to optimize job counselling and strengthen the effectiveness of public employment services operations at regional and local levels.

Sustained success of training means transfer into practice

The central feature for the success and high quality of vocational training is actually defined and recognized by the sustained change of habits and performance. This new approach incorporates the widening of skills and competences in order to fulfil the daily tasks.

Key skills are indispensable

… to achieve a – reasonable - success via training. Especially communication and social skills play a central role in the transfer process of knowledge and competences into the daily practice of job counselling and job mediation.

Consequently the following LOC - Curriculum & Manual is designed to perform both: to develop key skills and widen the competences of professional activities. They are clearly superior at putting across professional expert and general knowledge, which are the core elements of classical offers in the field of vocational training.

Indicators of Quality

The course participants will be involved cognitively (knowledge), affectively (sensations, intrinsic and ethic values) and in relation to habits and alternative actions. This underlines and supports the active and self directed transfer into the individual practice of job counselling and job mediation at the individual workplace in a process oriented way. One of the central criteria of quality and success lays in the detailed definition and selection of target groups and training needs (Social Marketing Approach).


This way of organized vocational training works best with group work and work shops. The delivery acknowledges and addresses a diversity of learning styles. The methods and modules provide a need-oriented way of learning, offer an innovative, individual variability and contain a mix of cooperative and participative training elements.

Subject Areas: Target group-oriented services

The LOC Curriculum & Manual is designed to perform both: to develop key skills and widen the competences of professional activities

q  to strengthen and communicate a service-oriented culture within Labour Offices and JobCentres, to differentiate customers and to establish a detailed monitoring and evaluation

q  to raise the awareness for the importance of soft skills in the job placement process

q  to promote the dialogue between labour offices and employers 3

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Preface 3

1. Understanding Clients 9

Guidance for Unemployed 10

Schedule 01 - Two-Days-Course 13

Guiding refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants 17

Schedule 02 - Three-Days-Course 20

Guiding clients affected by basic skills deficits 24

Schedule 03 - Two-Days-Course 27

Schedule 04 - One-Days-Course 32

Guidance for women 34

Schedule 05 - Six Half-Days-Course 37

2. Requirements of the Labour Market 47

The Importance of Soft Skills in the Labour Market 48

Schedule 06 - 18 Sessions á Half a Day 51

Job Matching and Workplacement 64

Schedule 07 - Five-Days-Course 66

Customer Relation - how to promote the dialogue between labour office and employer 72

Schedule 08 - Three-Days-Course 73

Work organization: New Work & Mobility 76

Schedule 09 - Two-Sessions-Course 78

Vocational orientation for young women 80

Schedule 10 - Two Half-Days-Course 82

3. Cultural and Gender Distinction: 85

Gender Mainstreaming (GM) – Sensitisation for Labour Office Advisers, Counsellors and Job Mediators 86

Schedule 11 - Four Half-Days-Course 88

Political and legal obligations in the vocational field of Labour Office Advisers, Counsellors and Job Mediators 93

Schedule 12 - Five Half-Days-Course 95

Networking Approaches promoting Gender Oriented Job Placement Activities and Trainings 101

Schedule 13 - Five Half-Days-Course 103

Equal Opportunities 109

Schedule 14 - Three Half-Days-Course 111

Diversity Management for Labour Office Advisers, Counsellors and Job Mediators 115

Schedule 15 - Two half days 117

Manual Exercises & Handouts 121

01 Handout Basic skills deficits 122

02 Handout Experiences on basic skills deficits 126

03 The state of knowledge 128

04 Functional Illiteracy 129

05 Handout Share Ideas 130

06 My culture 132

07 Handout multicultural guidance I 133

08 Handout multicultural guidance II 134

09 Handout: The organisation for which you work ... I 135

10 Handout: The organisation for which you work ... II 136

11 Creating a vision 137

12 Handout Filling in a form 138

13 Handout Excuses 139

14 Motivation - Communication 141

15 How ‘they’ live their lives 143

16 Professional project construction 144

17 One day in the future 145

18 Opposites or diversity? 146

19 Pessimists and Optimists 147

20 The kind of message pictures send 148

21 Reflection “Who am I ...?” 149

22 Expectations of the Course 150

23 Morning round with musical instruments 151

24 Soft Skills in the professional context 152

25 Collage showing variety in communication 153

26 Communicating Ball as Feedback 154

27 The only one 155

28 Ball Game in a circle 156

29 Dealing with communication barriers 157

30 Hidden pictures 158

31 Picture dictation 159

32 Expression and variety of non-verbal communication 160

33 Morning drawing 161

34 Chain of information 162

35 Problem Solving Strategie 163

36 Ways of meeting people 164

37 Handout Teamwork 165

38 Warming up 166

39 Drivers of motivation 167

40 Motivational factors in the spotlight 168

41 Perception: Mix up 169

42 Dissemination activity 170

43 Final sound 171

44 Feedback 172

45 Interview productions 173

46 Key Qualifications 174

47 Networking 176

48 Typical professions 177

49 Women go self-employed 178

50 Gender Sensitisation 179

51 Feel the difference 180

52 Municipal Planning Department 182

53 My Life 183

54 Project „Sharp Eye “ 184

55 Qualities 185

56 Ranking 186

57 The 6-3-5 method 187

58 Roles & expectations 188

59 Activation 189

60 Self-Reflection 190

61 Handout Eisenhower principle 191

62 Learning Diary 192

63 Handout Learning Diary 193

64 The only one 202

65 The life tree 203

66 Working life curve 204

67 Handout Working life 205

68 Web of competences 206

69 Handout awairness raising 207

70 Profiling my individual competencies 209

71 Handout: Profiling 210

72 Skills Analysis 214

73 Handout Skills Analysis 215

74 Handout Skills analysis 216

75 My latest success 217

76 Feedback vehicle 218

77 Feedback rules 219

78 Feedback chair 220

79 Handout: Feedback rules 221

80 Knowledge, skills & experience 222

81 Positive thinking 223

82 Survival strategies 225

83 Learning situations 227

84 Handout: Learning situations 228

85 Listing and evaluating significant events 230

86 Handout Significant events 231

87 American debate 233

88 Handout: American debate 234

89 Ten questions never to be asked 238

Partnership 241 11


1. Understanding Clients

Guidance for Unemployed

Why this course:

The first aim is the return into the labour market of unemployed and job applicants

Current context:

q  Unemployment of long duration

q  Reduction in the offers,

q  Inadequacy between supply and demand in term of professional sector, trades, competences and qualification

The strategies (national and European) of fight against the inequalities in particular regarding access to employment

The local market analysis shows larger and larger differences between not provided offers and the stagnation, even the increase in number of unemployed individuals

After long period of unemployment the job seekers have the feeling that their requests are not taken into account or understood and that office advisers, counsellors, case managers and job mediators do not bring them the service they are expecting

All this makes essential, for the advisers, the development of their capacities in:

q  Individual listening and analysis of’ problems applicants are facing

q  Designing training path in order to facilitate the return of their clients into the labour market

Aims of the course

q  To analyse the request of applicants for work and to build an individualized answer.

q  To accompany the person throughout the course proposed.

This analysis must be made thoroughly in order to have a global vision of the professional profile but also of expectations, assets, constraints, and of the client’s autonomy in job searching

The adviser must have a good knowledge and practice of the various services he will be able to propose to the person according to the results of the diagnosis.

He must also be able to evaluate the relevance of the training or support measures developed, whether they are led by himself or an external provider

Who would benefit from taking the course?

All advisers in charge of:

q  Making individual interviews for diagnosis,

q  Designing accompaniment path towards employment

q  Following these paths and results obtained

The approach of the course

Basic modules

q  Diagnosis Interview

q  Construction of an accompaniment path towards employment

q  Follow-up and accompaniment of the client

P We recommend addiotional modules according to needs and interests

Optional modules: Animation of thematic workshops - Development of a professional project - Job research - Creation or resumption of company.


q  To be able to use individual interview techniques considers the various spheres (professional profile, personal situation, personal situation, expectations and assets, autonomy for research) in order to identify the possible relevant questions to collecting useful information (existing guide or to be achieved by training providers)

q  To develop a cooperation approach with the applicant, shared diagnosis in order to:

§  Identify the future situation expected

§  Define targets (professional sectors, trades, companies, geographical areas.)

§  Evaluate: strengths and weaknesses resources available in the environment

§  Work out an action plan and the means needed.

q  To define the adviser’s role in a following up process of the agreed path where the unemployed client is at the centre

The choice could be done according to the needs and setting possibilities of the different contents:

q  To acquire by simulation a methodology for workshops animation (short duration course, ½ day) focused on job seeker’s activity supported by an employment adviser

q  To develop expertise about different subjects to b e considered to build a professional project, job searching, enterprise creation


q  To analyse the speech of job applicants to highlight the decision criteria and to bring elements of expertise.

q  To provide information according to this analysis

q  To provide a psychological support to assist the implementation, to objectify difficulties and success, to develop progressions (trainings towards autonomy)


Evaluation at the end of training

Questionnaires of qualitative evaluation of the modules

Definition by participants of the axes of individual progress.


2 Days

P We recommend additional trainings concerning specific target groups

Schedule 01 - Two-Days-Course

Day 1: Guiding and advising clients – Skills asessment

Welcome Coffee

Introduction of the trainer

Description of his/her professional background, experience in the field of job matching and work placement

Introduction of the participants

Description of their respective professional backgrounds and momentary occupation, motivation for participating at the seminar, expectations

Warming up ”Roles and expectations ” [m58]

Dealing with expectations among team members

(90 min)

Preview of Contents

Presentation: “Problems job applicants are facing”

Participants will receive information about changes in the labour market and will increase their competences for guiding and advising of their clients.

The current economical and sociological situation of unemployed

Indication of future trends: the development of job requirements and qualification demand in various work sectors


Exercise: “Case Studies” [m04/05]

Presentation and discussion of several case studies in order to clarify and exemplify terms presented above.

It may well be that the client does not wish to have psychotherapy from a specialised service (this can be seen as stigmatising). In this case you will need to keep in mind the problem even though - assuming you are not a trained psychotherapist - you cannot offer appropriate counselling,,

Above all, you are seeking answers to these basic questions: what methods and processes are the most appropriate for the client groups which are the focus of this course? What additional needs are they likely to have? What can you deal with yourself and what can you refer to other agencies?

Compare to experiences of the trainer and/or participants.

Lunch Break

Methods and Contents of Skills Assessment

Individual Work ”What knowledge, skills and experiences do I have?” [m67]

It is important to distinguish between formal and informal knowledge. People gain formal knowledge in the formal education systems. On the other hand informal knowledge and experience are obtained by self-learning process, part-time work, voluntary work etc. The informal knowledge and experience are often unjustifiably overlooked.