Title of Article:----- {Type Title of Article} -----

Journal Name: ----- {Type Journal Name} -----

Author(s)/Copyright owner(s) of Article:----- {Type Name of Author(s)/Copyright owner(s)} -----

“As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of thefollowing items and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines”

Please answer YES/NO/or NOT APPLICABLE (N/A)to the following questions and add further comments*(if any) as appropriate.

No / Article Self Evaluation and Submission Checklist / YES/NO/ or NOT APPLICABLE (N/A)
1 / The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
2 / This work is original and all third party contributions (images, ideas and results) have been duly attributed to the originator(s).
3 / Permission to publish licensed material (tables, figures, graphs) has been obtained and the letter of approval and proof of payment for royalties have been included in this submission.
4 / The corresponding author is duly authorized to herewith grant the publisher unlimited rights to publish the work in any format and/or medium, whether for gain or any other purpose.
5 / The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelinesconsider headings, tables, footnotes and references), which are found in the Journal.
6 / This article reflects as a whole my/our own original work. All co-authors have made significant contributions to the manuscript to qualify as co-authors.
7 / All co-authors have participated sufficiently in the conception and design of this work, the data analysis (when applicable), and the writing of this article to take public responsibility for it.
8 / All co-authors have reviewed the final version of the article and approve it for submission for possible publication.
9 / Ethics committee approval has been obtained for original studies and is clearly stated in the methodology, if applicable. Note that the Editor has the authority to ask for an ethical clearance letter if they deem necessary.
10 / The topicofthe manuscriptfitswithin the scope of the journal.
11 / The article title is appropriate and the abstract accurately reflects the content.
12 / The purpose of thesis of the article is clearly stated.
13 / The purported significance of the article is explicitly stated.
14 / The manuscript adequately ties to the relevant literature.
15 / The research methods are proper.
16 / The literature review and research methods are explained clearly.
17 / The main argument is argued persuasively.
18 / The writing is clear, concise and engaging.
19 / All figures, tables, and photos are required and appropriate.
20 / A colleague or language expert has proofread the final manuscript.
Manuscript Details
13 / Total number of files
14 / Number of figures
15 / Number of Tables



The Editor-in-Chielf


Dear Editor

I would like to submit the attached manuscript entitled “{copy and paste here the title of the manuscript you want to submit}” for consideration for possible publication in “{Put name of the journal in which you want to submit your manuscript}”.

With the submission of this manuscript I would like to undertake that the above mentioned manuscript has not been published elsewhere, accepted for publication elsewhere or under editorial review for publication elsewhere; and that my Institute’s ({Put name of your institute here}) representative is fully aware of this submission.

Submitted manuscript is a “{Put the type of manuscript}”(eg: Full length paper, Review Article, Short Communication, Research Note, Symposium paper , Other).

Author name and address Signature
