Course Information:
This is an introductory 4-day training on Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy, an intervention model for families with a child whom has trauma-attachment problems, developed by Dan Hughes, Clinical Psychologist, USA. In this training, theory and research in the areas of developmental trauma, child development and attachment theory are integrated to produce a therapeutic approach and parenting model used for relationship development and trauma resolution. DDP recognises the vital role which adoptive parents and foster carers play as primary attachment figures in the recovery of traumatised, attachment-resistant children.
Julie Hudson has been trained by Dan Hughes since 2001. Julie was accredited by Dan Hughes to be the first UK DDP Trainer in 2011. Since then she has run many Level 1 and Level 2 trainings across the UK.
The principles and interventions are presented through formal presentations, discussion, videotape of sessions, role-play, and hand outs.
By the end of this course participants will understand:
  • The impact of secure developmental attachment on neurological, affective, cognitive, and behavioural development
  • How developmental trauma (abuse and neglect) create insecure and disorganised attachment patterns which impede normal development
  • Principles of psychotherapy with children and young people that facilitate the development of attachment security and recovery from developmental trauma
  • Specific strategies of parenting that facilitate attachment security and support care-givers in helping children recover from the impact of developmental trauma
Pre-course reading
Attachment-Focused Family Therapy Workbook by Daniel A. Hughes. Norton. 2011. It is available on Amazon for about £20.00.
This training meets the Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP) Institute requirements to begin the process of becoming accredited as a Practitioner or Associate Practitioner in DDP. A minimum of 56 hours training is required led by a Certified DDP Trainer prior to beginning the accreditation process. Level One provides 28 hours of these hours.
Who should attend?
The training is relevant and open to therapists and practitioners who have experience in working with children and young people with trauma-attachment problems and their foster, adoptive or birth families. This includes, for example,Clinical and Educational Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, Play Therapists, Art Therapists, Psychiatrists, Social Workers and Residential Care Social Workers.
Adoptive parents and foster carers are welcome to attend with the understanding that the training focuses on how to provide services to children and their families. It is not appropriate to see this training as an alternative or a supplement to adoption support services, parenting support or therapeutic intervention that should be provided in the parent's or foster carer's local area.
Registration Form
The Copthorne Hotel, Cardiff / Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy Level 1
4th – 7th October
(You must commit to attending all 4 days)
Name: / Email address for confirmation details (essential):
Job Title: / Agency Name:
Ethnicity: / Invoicing address (both postal and email - essential):
Special diet/disability:
I confirm that funding to attend this conference has been approved and that I am committed to attending all 4 days. I understand the cancellation policy shown below.
Signed ______Date ______
Cancellation Policy: We reserve the right to levy a fee in the event of cancellation – between two and six weeks 50% of the fee; less than two weeks 100%. Substitutions are welcome at any time before the course commences but the same person must attend all 4 days
Conference Fees(this is the total cost for the 4 days)
Adoption UK members: £500 + vat (Total: £600)
Membership Number ______
Non-members: £600 + vat (Total: £720)
Remittance enclosed – Cheque (including VAT) payable to ‘St David’s Children Society’
Please invoice - Purchase order number ______
Please return completed form to:
Valerie Leung, AFA Cymru, 25 Windsor Place, Cardiff CF10 3BZ
AFA Cymru operates under the umbrella of St. David's Children Society which is a registered charity (Registration No: 509163)
A Company limited by Guarantee (Registered Cardiff 1546688) Registered Office: St. David’s Children Society, 28 Park Place, Cardiff CF10 3BA VAT Registration 221 9906 10
Adoption UK is a registered charity. Nos. 326654 (England & Wales) and SCO37892 (Scotland). Registered as Adoption Support Agency (Service No. 66597). Registered Office: Linden House, 55 The Green, South Bar Street, Banbury, Oxfordshire OX16 9AB AUK VAT No: GB 795 0342 17