The Honors U.S. History Historical Investigation/Presentation:
Students will conduct a historical investigation write a 10 page paper on the topic of their choice and present their findings to their peers (culminating project).
1. You may research topicthat is of interest to you (historical event, historical figure, or historical topic in U.S. history). Once you have chosen preliminary topics, think of a research question you would like to investigate.
2. You cannot choose anything that happened after the year 2000.
3. Choose a topic you genuinely want to learn more about!
Due Dates:
- Students please turn in your final research question on Monday October 31st.
- Working Bibliography (listing 5-8 sources) is DUE on Friday November 18th.
- Introduction to paper ( 1/2 page in length) DUE December 2nd
- Outline - How will you organize your paper? - DUE January 9th, 2017
- Draft #1 of Paper - DUE February 10th, 2017
- FINAL Revised Draft with completed bibliography, title page and revisions in MLA format: DUE March 3rd (NO EXCEPTIONS)
- Presentations TBA (to take place between March 6-April 7)
Fails to Meet the Standard / Working to Achieve the Standard / Achieves the Standard / Exceeds The Standards / Points AwardedIntroduction & Conclusion / Writer presents a barely developed introduction with no recognizable research question. There is no real conclusion. / Writer follows rules for introduction and conclusion, but does not present an interesting angle on the topic. Research question is too broad. / Writer presents a thoughtful introduction and conclusion with a specific and interesting angle on the research question. / Writer presents a perceptive introduction with an insightful, specific,research question. Conclusion leaves the reader with a powerful impression.
Works Cited & Use of Sources / Writer does not use the required number of sources / Number of sources meets requirement, however, 2 or more may be unreliable. / Number of sources meets requirement, however, 1-2 may be unreliable. / Writer employs a wide range of academic sources (primary and secondary). Number of sources meets requirement
Grammatical Conventions / Errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling are too distracting to understand content. / Serious errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling prevent an easy understanding of content. / Writer has relatively few serious intrusive errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. / Writer uses consistently correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Citation & Formatting / Writer fails to document or cite according to MLA rules and does not attempt citations. Writer fails to follow the correct format for the research paper. / Writer often omits correct citations according to MLA rules and there are several errors in the format of the paper. Writer uses too few/too many citations and not enough original thought. / Writer usually applies correct amount and rules according to MLA for citations, format, and documentations. The format of the paper contains no more than 3 errors / Writer consistently applies correct amount and rules for citations, format, and documentation according to MLA format. All citations are easily cross-checked and the format of the paper is without errors.
Content / Does not answer the research question. Does not offer evidence/examples or details. / Answers the research question but may lack details, evidence and examples and/or multiple sources. / Answers the research question by incorporating multiple sources and has some evidence/examples. Discussion of topic is appropriate, but could use more details. / Answers the research question by incorporating multiple sources (primary and secondary), and evidence/examples. Discussion of the topic is appropriate in detail.