Astrology of the Seers, Vedic Astrology Correspondence Course


  1. What are the Vedas? Vedas are revelations of ancient rishis. They are mantric in style and multiple layered in meaning (each verse contains meaning for different levels of awareness).
  2. What are the four goals of life according to the Vedas? They are dharma, artha, kama and moksha. Word dharma has many meanings and one of them is a purpose of purusha’s incarnation on material level. Artha has general meaning for material resources acquired for fulfilling of dharma and (optionally) kama and moksha. Kama means desire (based on attraction) to experience enjoyment. Moksha means liberation from bondage of material manifestation and has different meaning in different yogic and philosophical traditions. Each mystic school claims that it’s methods lead to a final liberation, while others leads only to an inferior levels or realizations.
  3. What is the Tropical Zodiac? Limited part of sky within which planets are seen is called zodiac. Tropical Zodiac is based on orientation of Earth to Sun. Zodiac measured from point of vernal equinox (apparent position of Sun at the commencement of Spring), which moves in relation to the fixed stars is called movable or Tropical Zodiac. The orientation of equinoxes to the stars changes over time according to the procession of the Earth to its axis. Orientation of the Earth related to a fixed stars makes a complete circuit of the zodiac over a period around 25 000 years.
  4. What is the Sidereal Zodiac? The zodiac, which corresponds to the actual constellations or the fixed stars, is called Sidereal Zodiac. This type of zodiac is used in Vedic astrology.
  5. What does Ayanamsha mean? Ayanamsha mean difference between tropical and sidereal zodiacs. This term defines difference between point of vernal equinox in fixed stars and that of first point of the constellation Aries. There is controversy among astrologers on exact degrees and minutes of the Ayanamsha (more exactly, - what to count as a starting point of Aries). Lahiri Ayanamsha (21 degree and 10 minutes) is used as a standard by the government of India.
  6. What does Yuga mean? Yuga means period of time. There are 4 periods in every cycle: satya, treta, dwapara, kali. While progressing in order listed earlier, spiritual intelligence (level of awareness) decreases on 25% in every subsequent period. Many pundits accept existence of greater (counted in hundred thousands) and smaller cycles (about 25 000 years). Smaller cycle is based on Vedic theory of existence of dark companion of Sun, which has some scientific confirmations. When dark companion position between Sun and galactic center (source of spiritual energy), then reception of cosmic light is reduced and dark ages come to humanity (level of soul’s delusion is the strongest at this time).
  7. Why is the spiritual aspect of astrology so important? Jyotish is an upa-veda, which means it is based on view and system of Vedic values (spiritual in nature). Major goal for individual (according this view) is following one’s dharma (purpose) on incarnation in the most harmonies way. Charts in Jyotish are maps of different levels of energy, which cover purusha. They reflect dynamic structure of mind-energy-physical body- environment situation of incarnated individual. Also it can be viewed as map of native’s individual (on level of vijnanamayakosha) and collective (on level of anandamayakosha) karma, which ripens on more gross level of manomaya, pranamaya and annamaya koshas. This knowledge was intended to help people to accomplish their dharma (on relative level) and help those who are in search of moksha (final liberation on absolute level).
  8. Which planets are natural benefics? Natural benefics are Jupiter (Guru), Venus (Shukra), Moon (Chandra) and Mercury (Buddha).
  9. Which planets are natural malefics? Natural malefics are Saturn (Shani), Rahu, Sun (Surya), Mars (Kuja) and Ketu.
  10. Describe a Venus type person. Venus type person has a good spiritual potential, which can be unfold by learning of meaning of divine love. They posse good occult and astrological insights. Psychologically Venus types are romantically inclined and have strong sense of grace and beauty. Physically they are the most attractive among other planetary types, with beautiful faces, hair and eyes, roundish in shapes and rarely overweighed. They posses certain magnetism (sexual in nature) and generally healthy. If they over indulge in gratification of senses, then the most vulnerable organs are kidneys, lungs, hart and reproductive organs. They like to adorn their bodies and surround themselves with luxury and beauty. They are good as artists or in professions, which require good sense of form and design.
  11. Describe a Saturn type person.Higher Saturn types on spiritual level are sanyasins (or other type of monks), yogis, asketics, which are free of attachment and aversion. If they don’t posses very low spiritual inclination, then can be criminals and social outcasts. Psychologically they possess a few emotions, very serious and pessimistic in attitude, overly calculative and miserly. They have a striking physical appearance. It is dark, disproportional in forms, with large noses, hands, feeds and tees. Skin is rough or cracked. Their hair is brittle. They are least attractive from other planetary types, prone to many chronicle diseases, low energy level and can’t handle much stress. They suffer from accumulation of waste materials in body, constipation and may die young.
  12. Describe a Mercury type person. Higher Mercury types can develop deep spirituality if they learn how to turn their mind inwardly. Natives of this type possess sharp and flexible type of mind, good communication skills. Physical appearance depends on strongest aspect on Mercury. Usually they are athletic. Their eyes are often greenish. Skin is a little bit moist. They posses good level of energy but not always endurance. This type possesses sense of consideration, harmony and good taste. They can be a good secretaries, accouters, teachers, writers, media workers and agriculturists.
  13. Describe a Rahu type person. This type is dark in features, moody, changeable and poses deep psychological problems from the past. Rahu type develops very strong attachments and willful in controlling others. They make impression of possessed by something, emotionally and mentally imbalanced. They easily develop extrasensory abilities, which are dangers for them. Natives of this type can come to spirituality by learning how to control their ego and by developing ability to self-examination and observation.
  14. What are the three qualities of signs? They are chara (moveable, corresponds to Brahma), shtira (immoveable, corresponds to Shiva) and dwishwabhava (dual state, Vishnu). This 3 qualities relate to the manner (patterns) in which native directs his/her energy.
  15. How do signs relate to the four elements? Four from five mahabhutas (great elements) are corresponds to a set of constellations. Those elements show density level through which they function in life. Prithivi (earth), - Vrisha (Taurus), Kanya (Virgo), Makara (Capricorn). Jala (water), - Kataka (Cancer), Vrishchika (Scorpio), Mina (Pisces). Tejas (fire), - Mesha (Aries), Simha (Leo), Dhanu (Sagittarius). Vayu (air), - Mithuna (Gemini), Tula (Libra), Kumbha (Aquarius).
  16. What are the signs of exaltation for each planet? Sun, - 10 degrees Aries; Moon, - 3 degrees Taurus; Mars, - 28 degrees Capricorn; Mercury, - 15 degrees Virgo; Jupiter, - 5 degrees Cancer; Venus, - 27 degrees Pisces; Saturn, - 20 degrees Libra; Rahu, - 20 degrees Taurus; Ketu, - 20 degrees Scorpio.
  17. What are the Mulatrikona signs for each planet? Sun, - 4 - 20 degrees Leo; Moon, - 4 -20 degrees Taurus; Mars, - 0 - 12 degrees Aries; Mercury, - 16 - 20 degrees Virgo; Jupiter, - 0 - 10 degrees Sagittarius; Venus, - 0 - 15 degrees Libra; Saturn, - 0 - 20 degrees Aquarius;
  18. What are the characteristics of the sign Scorpio? It is physical, negative sign of Mars, fixed water, number 8 and sexual organs of Kalapurusha. Scorpio natives have well-developed muscles, like to exercise martial power. Mentally developed Scorpio people posses capacities for research, surgery and chemistry. Spiritually grown Scorpio natives like to explore depth of mind and occult science. They have predispositions for practice of Tantra and their kundalini can be easily awakened. They like to work with external and internal energies. They are perceptive and intelligent but prefer to remain behind the scenes. Scorpio native posses the power to express powerful emotions. Less evolved individuals of this type are prone to perversity, can become emotionally unbalanced and violent. They are very self critical and not satisfied with their abilities and achievements. Their subconscious level is very active.
  19. What are the characteristics of Pisces? Pisces is the negative sign of Jupiter, mutable water, number 12 and feet of Kalapurusha. Natives of this sign posses complete display of all possibilities but not their proper integration. They are very indecisive, always have problems with making choice and often they are going to one direction and then toward the opposed. Natives of this sign are very sentimental and value their feelings. They can be easily influenced by others and become dependant upon them. Pisceans lack of clarity, practicality and self-confidence. They are prone to emotional disorders and may have sensitive nervous and digestive systems. One of necessities for people of this type, - to develop discriminative awareness.
  20. What are the characteristics of Taurus? It is a negative sign of Venus, fixed earth, sign number 2, face and neck of Kalapurusha. Taurus types are stable, enduring and stable in their ways. They have strong sense of relationships, communicate well with others and associate readily with foreigners. Natives of this type posses good sense of form and beauty and easily develop taste, refinement and grace. They like to live in their bodies and their senses and that gives them tendency to become materialistic. Their mode is acquire, preserve and refine. Natives of this type may become bankers, businessmen or artists. Development of devotion and participation in traditional ritual make help them to unfold spiritually.
  21. What is the Ascendant? Ascendant (Udaya lagna in Sanskrit) is the degree of zodiac intersected by the eastern part of horizon at the place and time of native’s birth. Udaya lagna represents Earth as a planet in a chart.
  22. Why is it the most important factor in Vedic Astrology? Lagna means “tied down”, it “ties” the position of planets in sins and houses and defines domains of life that they will influence the most. It makes ascendant the most important factor in Vedic Astrology.
  23. What is the Midheaven? Midheaven, - the point of zodiac directly overhead. It is the cusp of the tenth house in Vedic Astrology.
  24. What is a Midheaven house system? It is system where difference between Ascendant and Midheaven divided equally. This method is used in Sripati system and works well in areas in close proximity to equator. For areas, which are further to north (like Europe) other house system can be considered as more suitable.
  25. What is an equal house system? This system regard Ascendant as a cusp of first house and place all other house cusps an equal 30 degrees from it. The disadvantage of equal house system that it doesn’t consider Midheaven adequately. This system more suitable for extreme latitudes.
  26. What is an equal sign system of houses? This system places sign primacy over the houses as in (D-1) rashi chakra. Beginning of each house matches exactly the beginning of sign. This system can be used for discovering inner qualities of native, while bhava chakra is used for analysis of different external areas of life.
  27. What are house cusps? Cusp is the most important and powerful point of house. Planets located at the cusp have the strongest effect and most typical meaning of the house.
  28. How are cusps viewed differently in Vedic than in Western Astrology? While Western astrology considers beginning of the house as a cusp, in Jyotish cusp marks the middle of the house.
  29. Why are houses also considered from the Moon in Vedic Astrology? Chandra lagna is used mainly in equal sign system. Moon as ascendant helps to verify state of different houses. There are 2 different approaches for cross verification of bhava. First uses Udaya lagna, Chandra lagna and Surya lagna. Second system uses Udaya lagna, Chandra lagna and verification in (D-9) Navamsha. Also, reading from Moon at rashi chart can give information about astral body of client. In cases when exact birth time is not known, reading can be done from Chandra lagna.
  30. What are the three qualities of houses? Houses are divided (based on their qualities) into 3 groups: Kendra (angular), Panapara (succedent), Apoclima (cadent). Planets in Kendra houses are strongest and active to manifest their potential. Order of strength (starting from strongest): 10, 7, 4, 1. Planets in tenth can dominate chart and even overpower the Udaya Lagna (Ascendant). These houses are similar in qualities to movable signs. They are called “Lakshmi houses” (goddess of fortune): 1, - fortune of body; 4, - fortune of home; 7, - fortune of marriage; 10, - fortune of career. Planets in Panapara ( succedent) houses are moderate in strength and similar to a fixed singes. Order in decrement of strength: 5, 11, 2, 8. Those houses are generally related to accumulation and maintaining. They govern income and mind (in sense of self-expression): 5, - intelligence and gain through speculation; 11, - expression of ideas to others and income; 2, - speech and gaining through personal effort; 8, - insight and acquisition through inheritance. Apoclima (Cadent) houses are weakest and correspond to a mutable signs. Order in decrement of strength: 9, 3, 6, 12. Those houses give flexibility and adaptability, but signify some instability, which can bring problems. They can bring spiritual progress. There are also sets of Trikona, Upacharya, Apacharya, Dushtana houses, which will be discussed below. There is also classification of houses according 4 Vedic goals of human life: moksha, - 4, 8, 12; dharma, - 1, 5, 9; artha, - 2, 6,10; kama, - 3, 7, 11. Houses can be related to elements, like signs: agni (fire), - 1, 5, 9 (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius); prithvi (earth), - 2, 6, 10 (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn); vayu (air), - 3, 7, 11 (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius); apas (water), - 4, 8, 12 (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). Last classification is a secondary factor.
  31. What are Upachaya houses? Houses 3, 6, 10, 11 are Upachaya (increasing) houses. Planets located in them grow in strength and give progressively better results, as one gets older. Natural malefics do well in these houses and give power to overcome difficulties. The lords Upachaya houses (except 10) usually inauspicious and can cause harm. They are too impulsive in nature. Houses 10 and 11 are best among Upachaya houses.
  32. What are Apachaya houses? Houses 1, 2, 4, 7, 8 are Apachaya (decreasing) houses. Planets located in them lose their strength through time. Natural malefics do not do well in these houses. The 8 house is the worst and the most unfortunate house in chart.
  33. What are Trine (Trikona) houses? Houses 1, 5, 9 are Trikona (trine) houses. Residency in this set of houses is a source of strength, though kendra placements are a little stronger then Trikona. These houses are houses of Vishnu, deva of dharma. The ninth house is the best in this set, followed by fifth.
  34. What are Duhsthanas or Difficult Houses? Houses 12, 8, 6 and according some authors 1 are Duhsthanas (difficult) houses. Those points are difficalt because they are point of transition 8, 6 on both side of descendant and 12 just above ascendant. They are associated with suffering and fear of loss. On the other side houses 12 and 8 are moksha houses and can signify spiritual growth though loss and detachment. Planets located in them, particularly benefics, are weakened and cause problems.
  35. How do the houses relate to the four goals of life? Houses 1, 5, 9, - houses of dharma; 2, 6, 10, - artha; 3, 7, 11, - kama and houses 4, 8, 12 are houses of moksha.
  36. How do the houses relate to the four elements? Houses can be related to elements, like signs: agni (fire), - 1, 5, 9 (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius); prithvi (earth), - 2, 6, 10 (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn); vayu (air), - 3, 7, 11 (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius); apas (water), - 4, 8, 12 (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces).
  37. What are the characteristics of the third house? Third house’s name is bhratri bhava (house of brothers). It also indicates friends, companions, and group of equals. It also a martial house symbolized by the arms. It shows basic energy in life, - impulses, intentions, and desires. It shows main interests in life. Key words for this house: arms, communications, parents death, younger brother and sisters, great prowess (physical of mental), hands, shoulders, hearing, neck, partition of property, short travels, valor, writing, the arts.
  38. What are the characteristics of the eleventh house? Eleventh house’s name is labha bhava (gain house).