The Holy Spirit in Liturgical Celebration
TRS 749
Spring 2009 Dominic Serra, 424
Thurs. 1:35 - 3:25 (202) 319-6519
Caldwell 415
The purpose of this course:
This course is intended to provide an understanding of the unique role of the Holy Spirit in the liturgical life of the Church. Such understanding will be achieved by means of four distinct elements: 1) a review of the main issues in pneumatology identified by Yves Congar in his work, I Believe in the Holy Spirit; 2) a study of the epiclesis question aided by reading John Mckenna, Eucharist and Holy Spirit; 3) an evaluation of Edward Kilmartin’s contribution to the scholarly discussion of the Holy Spirit’s liturgical role, 4) student research projects in the primary sources of the liturgy to determine what they contribute to our understand the role of the Holy Spirit in liturgical celebration.
Course Structure and Method:
The course will consist of discussions based on assigned reading and on student presentations of the progress of their individual research projects in the primary sources. Both these will be supplemented by lectures and interjections by the instructor.
Students are expected to read the assigned materials and to contribute to the class discussions on these materials. Each student will work on a research project, report to the class periodically about its progress, and write a 30-page paper giving the results of the research. Details to follow.
Required Reading Includes:
Congar, Yves. I Believe in the Holy Spirit. 3 vols. Trans. David Smith. New York: Seabury Press, 1983 (or a more recent printing in a single binding).
McKenna, John H. The Eucharistic Epiclesis: A Detailed History from the Patristic Age to the Modern Era. 2nd ed. Hillenbrand Books. Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 2008.
Course Outline and Reading Assignments
Jan. 15 Introduction and Overview of the Course. Discussion of research topics and the highlighting of some basic themes and questions to be addressed in the course and in individual student research projects.
Jan. 22 Discussion of Yves Congar, I Believe in the Holy Spirit, Vol. 1: 1-103.
The Scriptures, The Early Church, and The Development of the Dogma of the Third Person of the Trinity. The Western Theme of the Holy Spirit as the Mutual Love of Father and Son. Simeon the New Theologian.
Jan. 29 Congar, Vol. 1: 104-173.
The Western Medieval Discussion. Vatican II.
Feb. 5 Congar, Vol. 2: 1-141, 213-230.
The Holy Spirit and Ecclesiology (the Spirit in the Church). The Holy Spirit and the Humanity. The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit: Ecclesial and Anthropological. The Unity of the Holy Spirit and Doxology.
Feb. 12 Congar, Vol. 3: 1-274.
The Historical Development of the Theology of the Holy Spirit. The Filioque. The Holy Spirit in the Sacraments.
Feb. 19 John McKenna, The Eucharistic Epiclesis, 1-92.
The Development of the Eucharistic Anaphoras and Their Epicletic Supplications. The Unique Structure of the Roman Canon. The “Moment of Consecration” Issue.
Additional Reading: Robert Taft. “From Logos to Spirit: On the Early History of the Epiclesis.” In Gratias Agamus: Studien zum eucharistischen Hochgebet, ed. Andreas Heinz and Heinrich Rennings, 489-502. Freiburg: Herder, 1992. John H. McKenna. “Eucharistic Prayer: Epiclesis.” In Ibid. 283-291. Robert F. Taft. “The Epiclesis Question in the Light of the Orthodox and Catholic Lex Orandi Traditions.” In New Perspectives on Historical Theology: Essays in Memory of John Meyendorff, eds. Bradley Nassif and Tony Nassif, 210-237. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1995. Dominic Serra. “The Roman Canon: The Theological Significance of Its Structure and Syntax,” Ecclesia Orans 20 (2003): 99-128. Dominic Serra. “Baptism: Birth in the Spirit or Dying with Christ.” Ecclesia Orans 22 (2005): 295-314. Hanggi-Pahl, eds., Prex eucharistica.
Feb. 26 First Discussion of Student Research Projects.
Spring Break
March 12 Discussion of McKenna, Eucharist and Holy Spirit, 91-210. The Twentieth Century Discussion of the Eucharistic Epiclesis. Epiclesis in the Other Sacraments. Boris bobrinskoy, The Mystery of the Trinity. Crestwood: St. Vladimir’s Press, 1999. Some discussion as well of Lossky and Staniloae. Eastern and Gallican Anaphoras in Prex Eucharistica.
March 19 Discussion of the Contributions of Edward Kilmartin, S.J. in Jerome M. Hall. We Have the Mind of Christ: the Holy Spirit and Liturgical Memory in the Thought of Edward J. Kilmartin. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2001. Additional articles by Edward Kilmartin. The articles by Kilmartin will be required and the hall commentary will be supplemental.
March 26 Kilmartin Discussion Continued.
April 2 Second Discussion of Student Research Projects.
April 16 Some Observations Concerning the Holy Spirit Found in the Euchaological Tradition of the Roman Rite.
April 23 Euchological Tradition of the Roman Rite Continued.
April 30 Third Discussion of Student Research Projects.
The Holy Spirit in Sacramental Celebration
Aldenhoven, H. “Darbringung und Epiklese im Eucharistiesgenet.” Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift 61 (1971): 79-117, 150-189, 62 (1972): 29-73.
Andronikof, C., “Y a-t-il une pneumatologie dans les fêtes fixes de la Liturgie byzantine?” Ephemerides Liturgicae 90 (1976): 352-366.
Atchley, E. G. C. F. On the Epiclesis of the Eucharistic Liturgy and in the Consecration of the Font. London: Alcuin Club, 1935.
Beauchesne, R.J. “Worship as Life, Priesthood and Sacrifice in Yves Congar.” Église et théologie 21 (1990): 79-99.
Bobrinskoy, Boris, “Liturgie et ecclésiologie trinitaire de s. Basile.” In Eucharisties d’Orient et d’Occident, ed. 2 Vols. Paris 1970. 2: 197-240.
______. The Mystery of the Trinity: Trinitarian Experience and Vision in the Biblical and Patristic Tradition. Trans. Anthony P. Gythiel. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1999.
______. “L’Esprit Saint dans l’euchologie medievale,” Didaskalia 3 (1973): 231-246.
______. “Réflexions d’un théologien orthodoxe.” La Maison-Dieu 121 (1975): 70-75.
Botte, Bernard. “L’épiclèse dans les liturgies syriennes orientales.” Sacris Erudiri 6 (1954): 48-72.
Cabasilas, Nicholas. A Commentary on the Divine Liturgy. Trans. J.M. Hussey and P.A. McNulty. Crestwood: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1977.
Capelle, B. “La procession du Saint-Esprit d’après la liturgie grecque de s. Basile.” L’Orient syrien 7 (1962): 69-76.
Coffey, David. Grace: The Gift of the Holy Spirit. Sydney 1979.
______. “A Proper Mission of the Holy Spirit,” Theological Studies 47 (1986):
Congar, Yves. Esprit de l’homme, Esprit de Dieu. Foi Vivante, 206. Paris: Cerf: 1983.
______. “Les implications christologiques et pneumatologiques de l’ecclésiologie de Vatican II.” In Les églises après Vatican II. Actes du colloque international de Bologne 1980 ed. G. Alberigo, 107-130. Paris: Beauchesne, 1981,
______. The Mystery of the Temple (The Manner of God’s Presence to His Creatures from Genesis to the Apocalypse). Trans. Reginald F. Trevett. Maryland: Newman Press, 1962.
______. “Pneumatologie ou ‘Christomonisme’ dans la tradition latine?” In Ecclesia a Spiritu Sancto edocta, Mélanges théologiques. Hommages à Mgr. Gérard Philips. Gembloux: Duclot, 1970, 41-63.
______. “Pour une christologie pneumatologique,” Revue des Sciences Philoophiques et Théologiques 63 (1979): 436-442.
______. The Word and the Spirit. San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1986.
Dalmais, I.H., “L’Esprit-Saint et le mystère du salut dans les épiclèses eucharistiques syriennes,” Ephemerides Liturgicae 90 (1976): 262-271.
DeClerck, Paul. “Les epicleses des nouvelles prieres . . .” Ecclesia Orans 16 (1999): 189-208.
Dubarle, A.M., “L’Esprit-Saint et la Liturgie d’après l’Ecriture Sainte,” Ephemerides Liturgicae 90 (1976): 227-242.
Evdokimov, Paul. “L’Esprit-Saint pensé par les pères et vécu dans la liturgie,” In Le mystère de l’Esprit-Saint. edited by G. Lefebvre. Maison Mame, 1968, 69-110.
Fierens, Marc. “L’Esprit Saint et la liturgie dans la pneumatologie de Yves Congar,” Questions Liturgiques 66 (1985): 221-227.
Fink, Peter. “The Church as Sacrament and the Sacramental Life of the Church.” In Vatican II: The Unfinished Agenda. Edited by L. Richard et al. New York: Paulist Press, 1987, 71-81.
Groppe, Elizabeth Teresa. Yves Congar’s Theology of the Holy Spirit. American Academy of Religion Series. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.
Hall, Jerome M., S.J. We Have the Mind of Christ: The Holy Spirit and Liturgical Memory in the Thought of Edward J. Kilmartin. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 2001.
Jungmann, Josef Andreas. The Place of Christ in Liturgical Prayer. Staten Island, N.Y.: Alba House, 1965.
Kasper, Walter. “Esprit - Christ - Église.” In l’expérience de l’Esprit. Mélanges Schillebeeckx. Paris: Beauchesne, 1976, 46-69.
Kilmartin, Edward J. “The Active Role of Christ and the Holy Spirit in the Sanctification of the Eucharistic Elements,” Theological Studies 45 (1984): 225-253.
Kizhakkeparampil, Joseph. The Invocation of the Holy Spirit as Constitutive of the Sacraments According to Cardinal Yves Congar. Rome: Gregorian University Press, 1995.
Lossky, Vladimir, The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church. Cambridge and London: James Clarke & Co. LTD, 1957. Reprint 1973.
Marini, A., “L’Epiclesi nel Canone Romano,” Ephemerides Liturgicae 90 (1976): 243-261.
Martins, J. Saraiva, ed. Credo in Spiritum Sanctum: Atti del Congresso Teologico Internazionale di Peneumatologia in occasione del 1600 annivarsario del I Concilio de Constantinopoli e del 1550 anniversario del Concilio de Efeso. Vatican City: Libreria Apostolica Vaticana, 1983.
Mateos, Juan. “L’action du Saint-Esprit dans la liturgie dite de S. Jean Chrysostome,” Le Proche-Orient chrétien 9 (1959): 193-208.
Mc Donnell, Killian. The Other Hand of God: The Holy Spirit as the Universal Touch and Goal. A Michael Glazier Book. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2003.
Mc Kenna, J.H., “The Eucharistic Epiclesis in twentieth century theology (1900-1966),” Ephemerides Liturgicae 90 (1976): 289-328.
______. “Eucharistic Prayer: Epiclesis.” In Gratias Agamus: Studien zum eucharistischen Hockgebet. Herder 1992. 283-291.
Nellas, Panayiotis. Deification in Christ: Orthodox Perspectives on the Nature of the Human Person. Trans. Norman Russell. Forward by Kallistos Ware. Contemporary Greek Theologians 5. Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1987 [Second printing 1997].
Pedrini, A., “L’Epiclesi nell’eucologia minore del «Missale Romanum»,” Ephemerides Liturgicae 90 (1976): 329-351.
Saraiva Martins, José, ed. Credo in Spiritum Sanctum: Atti del congresso teologico internazionale di pneumatologia. Rome: Libreria editrice Vaticana, 1982.
Taft, Robert F. “Ecumenical Theology and the Catholic-Orthodox Epiclesis Dispute,” Ostkirchliche Studien (1999):
______. “The Epiclesis Question in the Light of the Orthodox and Catholic Lex Orandi Traditions,” in New Perspectives on Historical Theology. Edited by B. Nassif. 1996. 210-237.
______. “From Logos to Spirit: On the Early History of the Epiclesis,” In Gratias Agamus: Studien zum eucharistischen Hockgebet. Herder 1992. 489-502.
Tillard, J.M.R. L’eucaristia e lo Spirito Santo, Monza 1998.
Webb, D., “La doctrine du Saint-Esprit dans la liturgie eucharistique d’après les théologiens anglais des 17e et 18e siècles,” Ephemerides Liturgicae 90 (1976): 272-288.
Zizioulas, John D. Being As Communion: Studies in Personhood and the Church. Crestwood, N.Y.: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1985.