NDCCG Patient Experience - News Bulletin 30
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Delayed discharge
The NHS Confederation has published What’s the hold up? This infographic provides data on delayed discharge of care and details the most common factors for delayed days in 2016.
Derbyshire Carers
See the latest News Bulletin Attached
Worcestershire practice shows how pharmacist can make a difference - Overcoming the image of the high street pharmacist packaging pills and offering over the counter remedies for a sore throat is a challenge for practices employing clinical pharmacists. Worcestershire practice shows how pharmacist can make a difference | Primary Care Commissioning
NHS England to expand provision of 'game changing' stroke treatment
Thousands of stroke patients will be saved from lifelong disability after NHS England decided to invest millions of pounds in a new treatment hailed as a “game changer”.
NHS England » Stroke patients in England set to receive revolutionary new treatment
Type 2 Diabetes Prevention video
NHS England » Type 2 diabetes prevention programme
Men dangerously unaware of family link to prostate cancer
Prostate Cancer UK urges people to have vital talks with their relatives and GP about the most common cancer in men, after our new study reveals half of all UK men don't know about their increased risk of the disease if other family members have had it.
Men dangerously unaware of family link to prostate cancer finds new research | Prostate Cancer UK
Health and social care regulation
The Care and Quality Commission is consulting on a further set of proposals which will help shape the next phase of regulation of health and social care in England. The proposals include changes to the regulation of primary medical services and adult social care services. This will include the frequency and intensity of CQC inspections and how they monitor, provide and gather intelligence.
Dental checks for children
The Faculty of Dental Surgery (FDS) at The Royal College of Surgeons has analysed on the latest NHS Digital dental statistics for children and found that approximately 80% of children between the age of one and two didn’t visit an NHS dentist in the twelve months leading up to March 31st 2017. The FDS is concerned that there is widespread understanding among parents and some health professionals about when a baby should visit the dentist.
GP online – patient guides
Patients can now book appointments with their GP or request a repeat prescription over the internet or using a smartphone. The GP online service is more convenient for patients and helps to free up the time of practice staff. A new guide is available for patients who need to give another person, such as their carer, access to their GP online services. It explains the benefits and shows patients how to do this.
The guide, called Giving another person access to your GP online services(black and white) / Giving another person access to your GP online services(colour),is available to download and print.
Teenage drinking
Drinkaware has published Teenage drinking and the role of parents and guardians: findings from Drinkaware Monitor 2016. This survey of young people aged 13-17 provides a picture of young people’s drinking behaviour, parents/guardians’ awareness of their children’s drinking, and the effects of parents/guardians’ drinking behaviour and attitudes on those of their children.