The Highly Effective Manager

Bruce H. Breier

BHB Consulting Services

La Jolla, California

Landline: 858-551-8860 Cell: 858-354-9691

  1. Opening commentary
  2. Practical definitions
  3. Obstacles & roadblocks
  4. Solutions & Suggestions
  5. Closing commentary
/ My Commitment

Practical definitions

  1. Productive: ______
  2. Effective: ______
  3. Efficient: ______


  1. I feel most effective when I:______
  1. The key to being an excellent delegator for me is:______
  1. The most important goal of my position is to:______

Obstacles & roadblocks to being highly effective

  1. Lack of goal clarity
  2. Lack of trust in the ability, motivation, organization of my staff
  3. Inability to say “no” without guilt or fear
  4. Poor response when others disappoint
  5. Unclear management philosophy
  6. Infrequent or late performance reviews
  7. Spending too much time on things that are not that important
  8. Information overload
  9. A cramming work style
  10. Insufficient personal planning

Solutions and Suggestions

  1. Lack of goal clarity: create a Success Description for your position
  2. Lack of trust in the ability, motivation, organization of my staff: do a C-M-O analysis
  3. Inability to say “no” without guilt: read When I Say No I Feel Guilty (Dr. Manual Smith)
  4. Poor response when others disappoint: read the One-Minute Reprimand (Ken Blanchard)
  5. Unclear philosophy: write a paper that defines your management values, beliefs
  6. Infrequent or late performance reviews: develop/implement an on-time policy statement
  7. Spending too much time on the unimportant: daily prioritization of the top 3
  8. Information overload: purge, customize, organize all files, emails, etc.
  9. A cramming work style: create a Master Project Status Report
  10. Insufficient personal planning: engage in weekly planning

Biographical Information

Bruce Breier is a Business Management Consultant headquartered in La Jolla, California, a suburb of San Diego. His mission is to inspire, stimulate, educate, and motivate busy people to become more successful by becoming more organized.

Bruce began his consulting career in 1978 and is currently in his 33rd year as a facilitator, advisor, strategist and organizational coach. During that time he has had the opportunity to work with hundreds of companies and organizations presenting workshops and facilitating in-house programs on the subjects of managerial and executive organization as well as strategic business planning.

As a speaker for Vistage (formerly TEC, The Executive Committee) since 1985, Bruce has presented to over 600 CEO member groups on two topics: The Organized Executive and The Goal-Setting Executive and has addressed and worked with over 8,000 company leaders and senior staff during that time.

The basic philosophy of Bruce’s work is that busy people simply do not take nor seem to have sufficient time to step back and tune-up their organizational and operational systems. The result is that leaders and managers are oftentimes more overloaded, overwhelmed, overextended and overcommitted than desired, causing higher levels of stress and lower levels of effectiveness.

Bruce’s programs, workshops, and coaching provide tips, tools and techniques on the topic of choice. Participants typically walk away with significant realizations, systems, and strategies that can be practically applied almost instantly. The results have been excellent and the need for tuning-up organizationally is greater than ever.

Bruce also resides in La Jolla, California…