Homeless Shelters

Shelter Referral Agency for the State of Michigan
This is a 7-day-a-week/ 24-hour-a-day service. Eligible persons can find housing from one night to 90 days. The service tries to find housing at a preferred location. Call 1-800-274-3583 for an intake and to receive placement.

Shelter Association of WashtenawCounty
P.O. Box 7370
Ann Arbor, MI48107

Night Shelter Program:
The Night Shelter Program is the most intensive program and can accommodate up to 50 residents. A stay is up to a maximum of 90 days. Clients are provided extensive services and they must commit to working on obtaining sustainable housing and be clean and sober at entry and willing to try to remain so for the duration of their stay. At the beginning of their 90 day stay, clients participate in a comprehensive assessment process so that their unique barriers to obtaining permanent housing can be addressed. Case managers focus on helping clients identify and/or increase sources of income, save money toward housing and acquire sustainable housing. Clients in the Night Shelter Program are obligated to save 70% of their income and work with their case managers to achieve the goals established in their personal action plans.

Services Only Program:

For people who are homeless but do not have a bed in the Night Shelter Program. Services available on a walk-in or appointment basis include: employment assistance, substance abuse evaluations, mental health assessments, meals, health care, referrals for clothing, transportation assistance, and networking to other community resources.

Winter Program:

Whenever the temperature/wind-chill is 20 degrees or below, the Shelter Association utilizes the common room in the ServiceCenter as a place of refuge for individuals who are homeless and are not currently enrolled in the Night Shelter program.For more information go to

Salvation Army
The Salvation Army provides emergency shelter assistance through its 90-day, residential program and through over-night stays in local motels. This 35-bed shelter program is called the Ken and MariannaStaplesFamilyCenter and is for families or individuals.
To apply or learn more about the program call the FamilyCenter at 734 761-7750. A short, initial phone interview will be completed by a staff person to see if the program fits the needs of the particular applicant.

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