/ From: Major(Retd) W.C. McMaster
Inverness Training Centre
Cameron Barracks, Inverness IV2 3XE /
Telephone: 01463-224545 / Military: 94749-8124
Facsimile: 0131-310-8143 / Military: 94749-8143
Internet Site:

Regimental Golfers 1st July 2010.

Dear Golfer,



  1. The Highlander’s Autumn Golf Meeting for 2010 will take place at Aboyne Golf Club on 24th September. The cost this year will be£43 for the package which covers all golf, coffee and bacon rolls on arrival, a soup and sandwich lunch and a two course dinnerall of which will be produced by the club’s new caterer. The morning round will comprise 18 holes (medal) and will commence at 0930 from the first and ninth tees. The afternoon round will be of 9 holes duration (greensomes) and will commence at 1445 from the first tee.
  1. Due to the popularity of the event, there will be a limit of 48 places, allocated on a first come basis. No guarantee of a game can be given to those who turn up without first having booked.
  1. The following trophies will be competed for:

The Depot Gordon’s Challenge Cup – best scratch scoreof the medal round.

The Pot o’ The North – best net scoreof the medal round.

The Elsmie Cup – best stableford totalof the medal round.

The Vernon Nicol Trophy – best aggregate score of Spring and Autumn meetings.

The Bruce Cup – lowest team net scorefor the PM round.

There will also be prizes for the longest drive, nearest the pin, the ‘rabbit’, and best guestcompetitions

based on the morning round.

  1. In order to speed play up, the following Society rules for the Autumn Meeting are to be adopted.
  1. If a player has taken eight shots on any hole, he is to pick up his ball and mark eight as his score for that hole.
  2. If a ball from the tee looks as if it may be difficult to find, a provisional ball is to be played.
  1. When looking for a ball and another group is on the tee of the same hole, that group is to be called through without delay. Five minutes may be spent looking for the lost ball.
  1. Please indicate on the tear off slip whether you wish to play, and it return to me, or ‘e- mail me on as soon as possible. Please give your cheque, or cash, to me before you set out on yourafternoon game. I hope to see you allat Aboyne.

Yours Aye,


Name:……………………………….. Handicap:……………..


...... Phone No./ ‘e- mail’ (optional)……………………………

I can/cannot play in the Autumn Meeting. (Previous trophy winners please remember to return/bring back your hard won pots). Any prizes you can contribute will be gratefully received.

Later start time preferred. Yes/No

Aboyne Golf Club – Contact Details: 013398 87078/86328.