Application & Contract for Music Tuition2017/18

Student Name: ………………………………………………………………….….. Tutor: ………… Year: …….

Address: ……………………………………………………………..………………………………………………….

Telephone No: ..………………………………………E-mail:……………………………………………..………….

Person to whom the account should be addressed: ……………………………………………......

Have you applied for remission of music fees(Not applicable for exam courses): YES/NO (Please circle)

For more information about assistance with music fees visit or call 0300 123 4048.

A reductionwill apply for students studying music for GCSE or A Level, as detailed below. This reduction applies to one instrument or voice per year.

Please tick as required and provide payment. (Fees are per term of 11 lessons on average)
Please specify instrument (eg: Voice, Guitar, Drums etc): ……………………………………………………..…
Please state ability / exams passed: .………………………………………………..…………………………………
Do you have your own instrument? YES/NO
The school has a limited number of instruments that students can borrow. Please contact Miss Harvey (Music) to ascertain whether this is possible so that arrangements can be made accordingly.
30 minute £220.00 / 20 minute £148.50
Exam subject 30 minute £118.00 / Exam subject 20 minute £80.50
Shared lessons are not always available as students need to be matched with others of the same ability. Students will be put on a waiting list, until a share can be arranged at which time cheques will be cashed.
Request shared 30 minute £110.00 / Request shared 20 minute £74.25
Request shared Exam 30 minute £59.00 / Request shared Exam 20 minute £40.25

Terms and Conditions

  1. A shared lesson will only be possible if there is someone to share with. Where a lesson cannot be shared, a 20 minute individual lesson will be offered.
  2. A waiting list is held where an instrument is oversubscribed.
  3. Students will be invoiced for lessons at the beginning of each term previous to the term in which tuition commences, please realise the implication of two close payments when starting or delay start until the next term.
  4. Payment MUST be received by invoice deadline.
  5. Please note: non-payment will result in the student being taken off the list without further notice.
  6. If you are receiving benefits and need financial assistance with fees please contact the Finance Office for information.
  7. A half term’s written notice is required to stop lessons. Lessons must be paid for regardless of whether or not the student intends to attend lessons during that notice period.
  8. Notification of start date will be communicated to you.
  9. Regular attendance at music lessons is vital, if the student does not attend, lessons will be cancelled and you will be invoiced. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure they arrive for their lessons promptly.
  10. Music lesson times are rotated weekly and it is the student’s responsibility to check the music noticeboard for the time
    of their lesson.
  11. Where a student receives remission of fees and misses a lesson, whilst in school, they will be invoiced for that lesson.
  12. All lessons for year 11,12 and 13 students will stop at May half term for study leave. New applications will need to be made the following September if returning to one of the sixth form years.

AGREEMENT: I agree to the terms and conditions as stated above and enclose payment.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ……………………………………………………………. Date: …………………….

Please return this form with paymentto the Finance Office (cheques payable to The Highfield School).