Health Partnership Grant

Final Report

Organization Submission Date

Executive DirectorPhoneE-Mail

Name of Person Completing the Report (if different from above)


Project Title


Grant Amount

From:To: Through:

Original Grant PeriodExtension, if any


Reporting Period

The Health Trust is interested in the successes and challenges experienced by our grantees in implementing their projects. The questions below will guide you in providing us with the information we need to assess the outcomes and impact of our grants.

Please complete the final report project matrix and then provide a more detailed narrative of the matrix by responding to the questions below. Your final report should summarize the results from the entire grant period. The narrative portion should not exceed six pages.If your project involved specific written or published deliverables, pleasesubmit electronic copiesof those materials with your final report.

Please submit your final report (Project Matrix, Narrative and Budget) via e-mail to by the due date indicated on your grant contract. If you need an extension, please submit a written request with a brief rationale to the grants department at the e-mail above.

  1. Project Matrix

Complete the Final Report Project Matrix. Provide a more expansive narrative about the key points in your Final Report Project Matrix by responding to the questions below.

  1. Explain how you implemented your project to achieve your project objectives. Discuss any modificationsor additions you made to your project objectives and why they were necessary.
  1. Explain the actual outputs and short-term outcomes and how you demonstrated or measured them. If they differed from the outputs and outcomes in the original project matrix, explain why. Provide a brief explanation for any output and/or outcome that was not achieved as planned.
  1. Where applicable, explain the policy, practice, or system change(s) that came about as a result of this project.
  1. Describe the reach of your project. Explain the population, constituencies, institutions, sector, and/or geographic community that were served by or benefited from this project.
  1. Explain the primary benefits derived from the key partnerships or collaborations outlined in your proposal. If these did not occur as anticipated, explain why. If applicable, describe new partnerships or collaborations that were formed and their contributions to your project.
  1. If applicable, how will this project continue and be sustained after the grant period ends? Have there been changes to your original sustainability plan?
  1. Lessons Learned and Dissemination
  1. Without reiterating points made in previous sections, describe any challenges you faced in implementing your project. Explain how these challenges were addressed during the grant period. If there were any challenges that could not be overcome, tell us why.
  1. What did you learn from THT grant-funded project? What worked, what didn’t, and why? How will you apply the experience or knowledge gained to improve the project, your organization or the sector? Suggest what organizations in the region might benefit from your experience and how THT might be helpful in disseminating the information to them.
  1. If you received technical assistance from The Health Trust, its consultants or outside resources, how did this impact your project and/or organization?

D.Optional: Please provide a brief vignette or story that illustrates the project outcomes and how they relate to the intermediate or long-term outcomes in your project matrix.

III.Budget -- Complete the attached Budget Template to show actual vs. planned expenditures of the THT grant.

  1. In a brief narrative, describe any changes made to the original budget line items during the grant period and what impact this had on the overall project budget.
  1. Provide the source and amount of all other funding contributed to the project. If applicable, explain how the THT grant was a factor in leveraging these resources.
  1. Grant Compliance and Closing Comments
  1. During the grant period, did your organization follow The Health Trust’s Communication Guidelines and Food and Beverage Guidelines as indicated in your grant contract?
  1. Please tell us anything else you think we should know about the project or your experience partnering with The Health Trust on this grant.