The Healing Codes

Thursday Night Q & A


Thomas Costello

Tom Costello: This is the Thursday night Question and Answer call. It is May 4, 2006. We are getting ready to begin. Everything on this call is being recorded. Now I will go through the disclaimer. We want to be politically correct and governmentally so as well. The Healing Codes are for informational and educational purposes only. The Healing Codes are for unlocking the issues of the heart. They are not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or mental condition. The body heals itself. The Healing Codes is a spiritual approach to heal the issues of the heart. We believe that the spiritual approach to happiness and fulfillment is the one that makes the most sense and is the one to which The Healing Codes are devoted.

I will ask you to keep you questions short and to the point so we can see how many we can squeeze in tonight. Shauna will come on and tell us how to do that in a moment or two. What I’d like to point out is that anybody who has a success story, or something interesting has happened to them as a result of The Healing Codes, or since they’ve been using The Healing Codes, we’d love to hear that story as well.

Shauna: Technical instructions.

Participant: (Gary) Hi Tom. My question is, when you are doing The Healing Codes, is it alright to do positive affirmations while you are doing those Codes, or does that interfere with the process?

Tom Costello: You can do positive affirmations. You recognize that the Truth Focus Statement would be our version of an affirmation. Affirmations tend to be conflicted for a lot of people. If you were 500 pounds and your affirmation was, “I’m thin, I’m thin, I’m thin.” Often times that will cause more stress. Part of you is going to go, “That’s a lie. That’s not true. Why am I saying that to myself?” So you run into resistance with yourself in that. A Truth Focus Statement, or an affirmation shaped a little bit differently, is if you put your attention on the condition you want. You are not trying to convince yourself that it currently exists physically in real time. You wouldn’t be trying to convince yourself that you were thin if you were 500 pounds. What you would be trying to do is tuning in to the feelings you would have, the visions you would have of yourself at that weight, what it would feel like with your vitality, the clothing you would wear, what you would look like standing in front of a mirror, that sort of thing. So, if you can use an affirmation in that context without trying to work hard to convince yourself of its truth (don’t use will power on it) then, I think you’d be fine.

Participant: Okay, Thank you.

Tom Costello: Thanks for the question.

Participant: (Nancy) Hi Tom. My question is: I’m doing The Healing Codes and I have a coach. I have two main focuses. Would it be okay to work on both of the focuses at the same time?

Tom Costello: Let me say, number one, if you improve any one thing in your life, you are improving everything in your life. As you are working on pictures of the heart, issues of the heart, those things are energetically all interconnected. To impact one, you are impacting them all. I’m guessing what you are saying is you are having difficulty prioritizing them, or they are almost equal in significance to you?

Participant: Equal in significance, yes.

Tom Costello: Yes, you can work on them both at the same time. Let’s say, if you can visualize two branches of the tree. You say, “Okay, I want to work on both of those branches.” As you delve down toward the energetic or the spiritual basis or foundation of those, it is likely that you’ll go, “Oh, I’m actually dealing with one underlying concept. I thought they were two separate things. I see they have grown, perhaps from the same root.” In which case, as that occurs to you, you’ll be really pleased that you worked on both of them at the same time. Had you worked on only one branch, as you drilled down for that one, the other thing perhaps would have come into your consciousness, perhaps not. You would have noticed, too that it would have shifted. Your relationship with it would have changed as well. If you want to deal with them both, that’s perfectly fine. Let me encourage you, though, to be aware of this: you have issue A and issue B. What you don’t want to do is, “I must do it.” “I have to do it.” You don’t want to go into that vibration. You want to be as peaceful as you can. Be as relaxed as you can, almost as if you can think of the heart that, under the right circumstances, is going to open. Almost as if it’s warm enough for it to blossom. That’s what you are looking for, to make it safe enough, stress free enough, relaxed enough, peaceful enough for that opening to occur. Often times people will recognize that as an “Ah Ha!” moment. Other times people will not have an “ah ha”, but notice that during the day they do things differently that are out of character in a really good fashion for them. Go into your work relaxed, expectant, grateful, so there is not stress being added to your system.

Participant: Okay. That answers my question. Thank you.

Participant: (Rae) Hi Tom. What I want to understand is the Quick and Easy method as compared to the longer method. In terms of the Quick and Easy there is no writing down of the issues, or rating them in terms of intensity. Is that correct?

Tom Costello: Correct.

Participant: What can one expect? Some issues will need much more work than they will be getting in the Quick and Easy method to reduce them.

Tom Costello: Would you say that last sentence again?

Participant: I’m presuming, based on my own experience, that certain issues will need much more than just the one day of work to get them down to the zero to one level.

Tom Costello: I would expect so, too.

Participant: Then, if that’s the case and one does not spend that amount of time. What am I to understand in terms of their being resolved?

Tom Costello: Let me go through this. The Quick and Easy Start program is a response to clients saying, “I haven’t been doing any of this introspection. I haven’t been looking at issues, and I’ve never used or even heard of The Healing Codes before now. Now I have the package and I’ve got to sit and make a list of all the things that I have unforgiveness issues related to, all the people I resent or have some bitterness, and …..”

It is overwhelming. We have recognized that in order to get people to continue any activity. I liken this to a conversation I had with a golf professional. I said, “How do you get somebody to continue practicing golf? It’s a frustrating game. It’s a rewarding game.” He said, “The first time I work with them, I try to have them hit one shot off the sweet spot.” The sweet spot is that spot dead center. When you hit a golf ball with it, it “clicks”. It has a different feel than all the other hits. You go, “Whoa!” If I can get them to have that one experience they will continue. I’ll have no issues with them practicing hours after hours after hours. In The Healing Codes, what we are looking for is for you to have an experience that goes like this: “Ah, something is happening. This is different. I feel it in my fingers. I feel it in the healing centers. I feel a sense of relaxation. I could feel it in certain places in my body. I have a sense of peace all of a sudden.” If you will have that during the first 12 days, once or twice, you’ll go, “Okay, something is going on. I think I’m on the right path.” That’s what we are looking for.

Before, with the lists and introspection and so on, those were very steep hills for lots and lots of people. After a couple of days, “I’m stirring a lot of stuff up. I don’t have the time.” That’s what that is about.

Participant: I see. I think it’s brilliant.

Tom Costello: Here’s what you can look for. Frankly this is my opinion: what all of us on this call are looking for and maybe all of us not on this call are looking for, is to improve our awareness. By that I mean, just imagine every situation you and I and all of us find ourselves in, we are operating from the very highest vibration available to us. We are constantly wiser, more compassionate, more patient. We’re more loving. We’re more joyful. We come from those kinds of places in every situation of the day. That, I think, is where we are headed. This is really designed to do that. It seems to be occurring naturally, whether you go digging into stuff… Some people are inclined to do that. I’m inclined to do that, personally. I like that Sherlock Holmes kind of digging in the past. A lot of people are not going to do it. They are not interested. They just want results. They just want the experience of the sweet spot without knowing how they got to the golf course, all the traumas they had getting there. They are not interested in that. “I’m interested in being effective every time I have a thought, I have a feeling, I take an action.” I go, “Amen” .

Participant: I see. Let me ask you this, then. I started out doing Unforgiveness. In order to get the numbers down, I went through this 5 days and the numbers were still high. I just left it at that point. It did drain me and it just happened that there were too many other things going on and I couldn’t devote the time. When I came back to it, I found there were even more Unforgiveness issues and the numbers were still pretty high, though not as high as originally. I decided to do the Quick and Easy Method. Basically it’s exactly what you were saying. I was so stuck on day 1, I don’t know when I would have gotten past that. I probably would have become frustrated and quite tired of it all. I really was. What is one approach by going through the 12 Days and then repeating the 12 Days?

Tom Costello: That’s what I recommend. That’s what I like. I just keep looping and looping.

Participant: You said you also like to examine issues.

Tom Costello: I do. I go into depth. I try to drill down. I think doing the 12 Day over and over again whether you do the introspection or not is very, very valuable. Let me just say that I had essentially the same experience when we first started with Unforgiveness, Day number 1. I said, “Okay, I’m going to do it one day and then move on to Harmful Actions.” I was there for 4 or 5 days. My opinion was that at the end of 4 or 5 days, I had not even scraped the new snow off the tip of the iceberg, let alone gotten down to the bottom of the iceberg. I thought, “Whew! I don’t have any anger issues…” Right? I think Unforgiveness is such a fantastic thing, particularly targeted. If you work that exercise with yourself in mind, or God, for those of you who have issues in that area. We do parents, siblings, the next door neighbor, and teachers. Self and God are the two big ones.

Participant: Okay. I appreciate that tip. Thank you so much, Tom.

Hesitation in calls.

Tom Costello: Instead of me chattering like I often do when you folks don’t step up, why don’t you just step up and we’ll skip the chattering. Have this thought in mind if you’d like: The question you ask serves not only you, but other people. Those people what to say stuff, but for some reason don’t. You can speak for them. Speak for yourself, but know you are speaking for others.

Tom Costello: Uncertainty stops action. If you are not certain of things, you will tend not to go forward. It is self protection. It makes perfect sense. If you are not certain of the next step and you take it anyway, under certain circumstances, you’ll say, “Woops, I just stepped off the cliff.” Other times, “I’m not totally certain about it, but I do have to push out from the zone of familiarity.” People call it the comfort zone. I do too, but in reality, that comfort zone is not that comfortable. I don’t know why we call it comfort. Very often is uncomfortable. It is certainly familiar. “The pain I know is better than the pain I don’t know.” If you’ve got uncertainty about any of this, you’ll want to get it handled. Put it in the form of a question, or focus on it as you do The Healing Codes. Heal those issues of the heart.

Participant: (Todd) Hi, Tom. My question is regarding The Success Codes. One of the things that Dr. Alex said on one of the telecoms is something to the affect of helping the body to release HGH or to create it somehow.

Tom Costello: HDH?

Participant: Human Growth Hormone, which you have when you’re a kid and all your organs are forming and growing. I was just wondering, I know The Success Codes are separate from The Healing Codes, but would that not also be beneficial for any of The Healing Codes issues you are working on as well?

Tom Costello: I’m certain it would be. If the Codes per see, that is fingers to the healing centers, are producing something physical like that in your body, they are not really producing it. What they do, presumably, is to allow the body to come out of stress so, instead of producing adrenalin and saying, “Oop, time out, we’re at peace. Let me relax.” Then all kinds of good things occur. You recognize, under fight or flight, lots of things shift: the way the body uses its resources, breathing changes, blood flow moves from external skin surface toward the center of the body, almost as if the body says, “Look, if we get scratched as we fight this saber tooth tiger of a stressor, we don’t want to bleed to death. Move the blood into the center of the body. Put digestion on hold. Put the immune system on hold. Put cell multiplication on hold. Reduce the blood flow to the frontal cortex (almost as if to say, we don’t want to think, thinking is too slow. We want to react.). Thinking will slow us down and we’ll end up on the luncheon menu of that saber tooth tiger.” All of those “growth” processes are what scientists have recognized are interfered with by a stressful circumstance. If that circumstance only lasts for 30, 60, 90 seconds, no big deal. Body goes, “Okay, let’s get back to work: healing, growing, etc.” If the stress is now bills in the mail box and phone calls and traffic jams and terrorists, and weather and gas prices…. If you can change the pictures of the heart, i.e. the way we perceive ourself in the context of all those external circumstances, then suddenly there is a sense of peacefulness that here to fore has been missing. When the body recognizes, can perceive that sense of peace, anything a normal healthy body would produce ought to be in greater quantities. The body’s production of that should be more active. I don’t know, frankly, enough about Human Growth Hormones, other than I get about 40 e-mails a week telling me I can buy some. From Canada, actually I think is where those come from. I don’t know when the body, under normal circumstances… Again, what’s normal? I’m not really interested in normal. I’m interested in: If my body needs it, I’d like to produce it until I’m past 120. As opposed to: When you’re 50 you’re supposed to stop. You go down hill. We give you chemicals. You have surgeries. You go to the hospital. We work on you…. I’m not interested in that process.