August 24, 2015

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Harrell Accelerated Learning Center will be implementing a new discipline framework. I have enclosed a copy for your review. We want to provide all the students with a productive and safe learning environment. Our goal at Harrell is to assist students reach their goals of recovering credits and/or graduating. Please don’t hesitate to call me or Mrs. BJ Clossen, Counselor, if you have questions.


Gena Woodard



The Harrell Discipline Framework was explained to me during advisory time.


Student NameDate

I have received a copy of the Harrell Discipline Framework. Please sign letter and the student will return to their advisory teacher.


Parent/Guardian Signature

Harrell Schoolwide Discipline Plan

Discipline Procedure

Listed below are the steps teachers will follow to place a student in lunch detention or write an office referral.

*The four step process for referrals will include LEVEL 1 offenses only (see below).

*Levels II, III, and IV offenses still require the teacher to make immediate office referrals.

In order to document the referral process for LEVEL 1 offenses teachers will maintain a “discipline record sheet” for each student. This discipline sheet will record each Level I offenses for one semester. The discipline sheet starts over each semester. However, demerits accumulate across both semesters for the year.

The first time a student misbehaves a warning is issued to the student. If misbehavior persists a conference with the student, after class or privately in the hall, is suggested. (During this conference a parent’s number is collected.) If the misbehavior continues, the teacher may assign the student lunch detention and parent is contacted. Finally, if actions to this point have not quashed the misbehaviors an office referral is warranted.

*Four Step Process

Step 1- Warning

Step 2- Conference with student and get parent contact information.

Step 3- Assign lunch detention and contact parent.

Step 4- Office referral#1-Suspension.Home campus notified.

Step 5- Office referral #2-Suspension and Teen Court referral

Step 6- Office referral #3-Withdrawal to Home Campus

*At 20 Points home campus will notified of persisting issues.

*Office Referral #3 or demerits totaling 40 pts will result in Withdrawal to student’s home campus.

Students will have 24 hour notice of lunch detention assignments.


Lunch Detention Rules

  1. Students in lunch detention may bring a lunch or purchase a lunch from the cafeteria.

NO SOFT DRINKS are permitted. Milk, juice, and water are only permitted. Any form of candy is not permitted in detention.

  1. Students are required to bring homework to detention. If they do not bring work, an extra day of detention will be assigned to the student.
  2. Talking is not allowed in lunch detention.
  3. No sleeping
  4. No cell phone use nor music

The following is not intended as an exhaustive description of all infractions of the WFISD Student Code of Conduct. Consequences for infractions that are not specifically referenced below will be assigned at the discretion of school administration.

Level I Offenses (1 Demerit Point) – Warning; Acquire Parent Contact Information

Level I acts of misconduct include repeated infractions of classroom management procedure or rules, or other misconduct that disrupts the educational process to the extent that the classroom teacher needs administrative support to correct the problem. Examplesinclude but are not limited to the following:

  1. Refusing to follow classroom rules
  2. Refusing to participate in classroom activities or fulfill assignments Failure to bring appropriate materials to class
  3. Possessing and/or using nuisance items electronic devices, noise makers, etc.
  4. No food or drink in an undesignated area
  5. Minor disruption of the orderly classroom process
  6. Running, making excessive noise, or other disruption in halls, buildings, classrooms, or other supervised settings. Violating dress and grooming standards as communicated in the student handbook.
  7. Possessing a cellular telephone or other electronic devices at school during the school day
  8. Cheating or copying the work of another- second offense.
  9. Possessing or using a laser pointer for other than approved use
  10. Tardy to class – 2 tarries = lunch detention; 4 tarries = 2 days lunch detention; 7 tarries = 1 day suspension;

10 tarries = truancy referral

Level II Offenses (2 Demerit Points) - Warning; Acquire Parent Contact Required

When a student’s behavior does not change as a result of action taken on Level I, and the student is being sent for a second time to the principal’s office for repeated Level I infractions, the student is moved to Level II for discipline purposes.

Level Ill Offenses (5 Demerit Points) – Suspension (1-3 Days)

Level III acts of misconduct include those student infractions that are somewhat more serious than those in Level I and II in their effect on the orderly process of the school program. Examples of misconduct include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Using profanity or vulgar language or making obscene gestures
  2. Failing to comply with directives given by school personnel (insubordination)
  3. Falsifying records, passes, or other school-related documents
  4. Vandalism to or defacing school property including textbooks, lockers, furniture, and other equipment.
  5. Throwing objects that can cause bodily injury or property damage
  6. Refusing to accept discipline management techniques assigned by a teacher or principal
  7. Disobeying rules for conduct on school buses
  8. Engaging in bullying and harassment (See glossary for terms)
  9. Damaging or vandalizing property owned by others (For felony criminal mischief see DAEP Placement or Expulsion)
  10. Defacing or damaging school property—including textbooks, lockers, furniture, and other equipment with graffiti or by other means
  11. Gambling
  12. Possessing or using matches or a lighter
  13. Violating computer use policies, rules, or agreements signed by the student, and/or agreements signed by the student’s parent.
  14. Leaving school grounds or school-sponsored events without permission.
  15. Display of gang affiliation to include dress, graffiti, and behavior.

Level IV Offenses (10 Demerit Points) - Automatic 3 Day Suspension

Level IV offenses include those acts of misconduct that seriously disrupt the educational process, endanger or seriously affect other students, and perhaps violate the law. Examples include but are not limited to the following:

Any repeated offense of Level 111, or a new violation while being disciplined for a Level 111 offense.

  1. Repeated acts of disobedience or disorderly behavior that may prove to be detrimental to the school, harmful to health and safety, or inhibiting the rights of others.
  2. Threats, oral or written, to do bodily harm to another, or to the property of another.
  3. Threatening a District employee.
  4. Engaging in conduct that constitutes sexual harassment or sexual abuse, whether by word, gesture, or any other conduct, including requests for sexual favors directed toward another student or District employee.
  5. Hazing
  6. Causing an individual to act through the use of threat or force (coercion)
  7. Committing extortion or blackmail (obtaining money or an object of value from an unwilling person)
  8. Engaging in inappropriate verbal, physical, or sexual conduct directed toward another student or District employee
  9. Stealing from students, staff or the school
  10. Committing or assisting in a robbery or theft even if it does not constitute a felony according to the Texas Penal Code (For felony robbery and theft see DAEP Placement and Expulsion)
  11. Possessing:

Fireworks of any kind smoke or stink bombs, or any pyrotechnic device;

A razor, box cutter, chain, or any other object that could be used in a way that threatens or inflicts bodily injury to another person;

Pornographic material

Tobacco products (Police will issue citations)

  1. Any articles not generally considered to be weapons, including school supplies,' when the principal or designee determines that a danger exists (For weapons and firearms see DAEP Placement and Expulsion)
  2. Possessing or selling seeds or pieces of marijuana in less than a usable amount (For illegal drugs, alcohol and inhalants see DAEP Placement and Expulsion)
  3. Possessing, using, giving, or selling paraphernalia related to any prohibited substance (See glossary for “paraphena1ia”)
  4. Possessing or selling look-a-like drugs or items attempted to be passed off as drugs or contraband
  5. Having or taking prescription drugs or over-the-counter drugs at school other than as provided by District policy.
  6. Using the Internet or other electronic messages to threaten students or employees or cause disruption to the educational program.
  7. Sending, or posting electronic messages that are abusive, obscene, sexually oriented, threatening, harassing, damaging to another’s reputation, or illegal.
  8. Using e-mail or websites at school to encourage illegal behavior or threaten school safety.
  9. Possessing published or electronic material that is designed to promote or encourage illegal behavior or that could threaten school safety.
  10. Engaging in verbal (oral or written) exchanges that threaten the safety of another student, a school employee, or school property.
  11. Making false accusations or perpetrating hoaxes regarding school safety
  12. Engaging in any conduct that school officials might reasonably believe will substantially disrupt the school programs or incite violence
  13. Discharging a fire extinguisher without valid cause
  14. Engaging in actions or demonstrations that substantially disrupt or materially interfere with school activities
  15. Abusing the student’s own prescription drug, giving a prescription drug to another student, possessing or being under the influence of another person’s prescription drug on school property or at a school event.
  16. Fighting
  17. Gang related activity

Level V Offenses (Mandatory DAEP Placement or Expulsion)

20 Demerit Points

Please refer to the WFISD Student Code of Conduct

A “look-a-like” weapon

An air gun or BB gun


A stun gun

A pocket knife



Discipline Procedures

Office Referrals

The District's Student Code of Conduct lists several offenses and specifies possible consequences by level of offense. With this in mind, we will use the following procedure to determine disciplinary consequences for those students who disobey school rules. A numerical value (demerits) will be placed on each level of offense. In most instances, BOTH the numerical value of a particular offense and the combined total of demerits that a student has accumulated throughout the school year will determine a student's disciplinary consequence. See the student Code of Contact for more information.