The Hague, 11 August 2017

EDOC # 911330

Notice of a Call for Tender

Europol Reference: 1726/G/A

Tender Name: Provision of Legal services in EU Employment and Civil Service Law

Description of required services:

Europol employs staff under the EU Staff Regulations and Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union as laid down by Council Regulation (EEC, Euratom, ECSC) No 259/68[1]. Europol has relevant legal expertise and limited human resources in-house and wishes to have the possibility (but not the obligation) to call on the services of a law firm in the field of EU Employment and Civil Service law, using a Framework Contract which should result from the tender procedure.
The scope of legal services could potentially include:
·  Representing Europol in instances of litigation before the General Court and/or the Court of Justice of the European Union including:
o  Assessing litigation cases involving Europol;
o  Drafting of defences and/or rebuttals based on Europol’s instructions;
o  Provision of critical input on defences as drafted by Europol in English or French, and assisting potentially at subsequent written stage;
o  Arranging for translation into the language of the case (if relevant) and potentially into French or Dutch (of Europol written documentation/filings);
o  Provision of procedural and/or tactical litigation advice;
o  Provision of representation at oral proceedings; and
o  Assessing the judgment and advising Europol on its consequences and implementation.
·  Legal advice given in the preparation of the proceedings referred to above
·  Pre-litigation legal advice and/or interpretation of the legal framework referred to above.

Description of Contract – Contract value and duration:

Europol wishes to enter into a framework contract with one contractor for a maximum estimated total amount of €55,000.00 over the complete duration of the contract[2]
Duration: Initially two (2) years with two (2) possible extensions of one (1) year each.

Selection criteria - Conditions for participation:

The service provider must have:
Access to the market
Participation in procurement procedures is open on equal terms to all natural and legal persons falling within the scope of the Treaties. This includes all legal entities registered in the EU and all natural persons having their domicile in the EU. Participation is also open to all natural and legal persons registered or having their domicile in a non-EU country which has an agreement with the European Union in the field of public procurement on the conditions laid down in that agreement.
Europol may require proof of access to the market.
Legal capacity
Tenderers must be legally capable of performing the service contract they apply for.
Europol may require the following proof of legal capacity:
·  enrolment in a relevant professional or trade register;
·  for service contracts, authorisation proving that it is authorised to perform the contract in its country of establishment or be a member of a specific professional organisation.
Europol may specify additional criteria and proofs in the Procurement Documentation.

How to obtain the full Invitation to Tender:

In order to participate in this call for tender and to receive the full documentation you are invited to an email to the following address:

Please include the following information in your request:

-  Economic Operator’s Name,

-  Economic Operator’s address,

-  Economic Operator’s registration number,

-  Economic Operator’s VAT,

-  Contact person,

-  E-mail,

-  Phone,

-  Website (if available),

as well as the tender reference:

1726/G/A -Legal services in EU Employment and Civil Service Law

Deadline for requesting to participate: 25 August 2017 (23:59 CET The Hague (NL) Time)

After the deadline the Procurement Documentation will be sent simultaneously to all recipient companies.

Eisenhowerlaan 73
2517 KK The Hague
The Netherlands / P.O. Box 908 50
2509 LW The Hague
The Netherlands / Phone: +31(0)70 302 1594
Fax: +31(0)70 318 08 08

[1] OJ L 56, 4.3.1968, p. 1, as last amended by Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 1023/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2013, OJ L 287, 29.10.2013, p.15, and last updated by Update 2016/C 466/10, OJ C 466, 14.12.2016, p. 19.

[2] This is an estimation of the maximum expenditure and should not be construed in any way as the actual expenditure that Europol will make under the contract.