Braille Challenge
2014 Preliminary

Apprentice – Contracted and Uncontracted – EBAE and UEB
Reading Comprehension – Passage 1

My Cat Socks

My cat Socks has very soft fur. Her body and head are grey. She has four all-white paws. That's why we named her Socks. Socks likes to play with cat toys and small balls. She likes to crawl into paper bags to see if there is anything inside. But Socks does not like to play with socks!

Socks loves to curl into a ball and sleep in a sunny place. She purrs loudly when she is happy. She enjoys playing with other cats, but she is timid around dogs.

Socks sits by the window and waits for me to come home from school every day. When I sit down, she climbs onto my lap, curls up in a ball, and snuggles. I pet her smooth fur when she sits on my lap.

Socks loves to be with people. She never hides under the bed when my friends come over. I am glad I have a friendly cat who makes everyone happy.

Questions for “My Cat Socks”

1. Where does Socks wait for the child every afternoon?

a. on the bed

b. at the door

c. at the window

d. on the couch

2. Imagine that the child wants to get another pet. Based on the story, what kind of

pet would make Socks happy?

a. a small dog

b. a large dog

c. another cat

d. a mouse

3. How did Socks get her name?

a. She likes to play with socks.

b. She wears socks in the house to keep her feet clean.

c. She likes to smell socks.

d. She has four white paws that look like socks.


4. In which two places does Socks curl up into a ball?

a. by the window and in a paper bag

b. in the child's lap and by the window

c. in a sunny place and on the child's lap

d. in the window and on the bed

5. When Socks purrs, she is _____

a. sad.

b. hungry.

c. playful.

d. contented.

6. The child says that Socks waits for her every day. This means Socks is _____

a. happy.

b. timid.

c. brave.

d. faithful.

7. Why does Socks probably like to sleep in a sunny place?

a. It is warmer there.

b. It is softer there.

c. It is cooler there.

d. It is quieter there.

8. The story says that Socks is timid around dogs. This means that _____

a. Socks chases dogs.

b. Socks is afraid of dogs.

c. Socks is smaller than most dogs.

d. Socks wants to play with dogs.

9. What would Socks probably do if someone gave her an old sock to play with?

a. She would run away from it and hide under the bed.

b. She would shake it and play with it.

c. She would ignore it.

d. She would put it in a paper bag.


Braille Challenge
2014 Preliminary

Apprentice – Contracted and Uncontracted – EBAE and UEB
Reading Comprehension – Passage 2

A Body

Your body has a lot of parts. You have one neck, one belly, and one scalp. Can you think of other body parts that are just one?

Your leg has a twin, your hand has a twin, and your lip has a twin, as well. Can you think of other body parts that have a twin?

With your body, you can do so many things.

With your body, you can jump. With your body, you can blink.

With your body, you can spit. You can even sit down to think.

Can you think of other things you can do with your body?

Your body can be in so many places.

Your body can be in a bed. Your body can be in a pool.

Your body can be in a cabin. Your body can be in a school.

Can you think of other places your body can be?

Questions for “A Body”

1. What does the writer tell us a body can do?

a. gallop

b. wink

c. jump

d. skip

2. What body part, not in the passage, has a twin?

a. a tooth

b. a tongue

c. a leg

d. an elbow


3. Your scalp is part of your _____

a. head.

b. back.

c. belly.

d. neck.

4. Which of these places is NOT in the passage?

a. a place where people might go on vacation

b. a place where children learn

c. a place to eat food

d. a place to swim

5. According to the passage, how are your scalp and your belly alike?

a. You have two of each.

b. You have one of each.

c. They are twins.

d. They both help you think.

6. What does the writer ask you to do as you read the passage?

a. Count how many body parts you have.

b. Think about your body and its parts.

c. Imagine your body resting on a bed in a cabin.

d. Learn all you can about your body.

7. What would be a good answer to the third question in the passage?

a. in a gym or a library

b. knee and ear

c. kick and twirl

d. nose and mouth

8. Read these lines from the passage:

With your body, you can jump. With your body, you can blink.

With your body, you can spit. You can even sit down to think.

Which word could replace the word think and still sound right?

a. read

b. pink

c. eat

d. drink