Global Final Exam Jeopardy


100- What is the place where a stream begins called?


200- What is potential evapotranspiration?

The total amount of water that is released into the air by plants and evaporation.

300- Which type of stream is moving faster a stream with laminar or turbulent flow?


400- When will the water budget of an area have a deficit?

When the PE is higher then the P, or when the temperature is very high

500- Explain why there it is more likely to have a water budget surplus during the winter?

There is precipitation and the temp is low so there is not much evapotranspiration


100- What is an autotroph?

An organism that makes its own food through photosynthesis

200- What is turbidity?

The clarity of the water, more turbid=more suspended matter

300- What are the 3 major types of wetlands?

Bogs, swamps and marshes

400- How does the wetlands help filter pollutants out of ecosystem?

Slow moving water and plants store carbon instead of releasing a lot of CO2

500- What are 3 of the roles of the wetlands?

Cycle nutrients, filter pollutants, protect from erosion, habitats, food factories and spawning grounds


100- What is happening to the amount of arable soil in the United States?

It is rapidly decreasing

200- Explain what contour farming is and how it helps decrease erosion.

Planting crops across a slope prevents erosion by slowing down run-off

300- What is desertification?

When soil is completely deteriorated to the point it becomes a desert.

400- What is one negative impact no-till cultivation has on the soil?

Requires use of pesticides because weeds remain in soil.

500- How does crop rotation help keep nutrients in the soil?

Different crops that use different nutrients are planted in a field each year, this gives the soil a chance to replenish the nutrients


100- What are 2 characteristics of a pest?

Spreads disease, destroys properties, competes for resources, and acts as nuisance.

200- What is one way farmers use genetic methods to control pest populations?

Bioengineered crops, sterile male pest releases, host plant resistance

300-What is the action threshold?

The point at which the pest population is high enough to begin using IPM methods.

400- What are 2 biological methods of limiting pest populations?

Parasitoids, predators, pathogens and weed feeders

500- What is one positive and one negative effect of using synthetic chemical pesticides and biorational chemical pesticides?

Synthetic- fast acting but harmful to env., biorational- slow acting but better for env.

Environmental Health

100- What is effluent water?

Wastewater dumped directly into the urban water supply

200- What is one of the 4 gases that contribute to air pollution that we discussed in class?

Ozone, CO, SO2 and NO2

300- What is biomonitoring?

Using populations of different species in water to determine level of pollution

400- What are the 3 gases that cause the formation of acid rain?

Carbon, sulfur and nitrogen

500- What are 3 negative effects of acid precipitation?

Kills small organisms in lakes, deteriorates structures, leaches nutrients out of soil.