Consumer & Family Advisory Committee (CFAC) - Approved

Date this meeting: 06/16/15

Date/time/location of next meeting: August 18, 2015, 6:15 p.m. – 1120 Seven Lakes Rd, West End, NC

Attending: Leann Henkel, Stephanie Antkowiak, Stephen Cohen, Loida Colonna, Rebecca Creasey, Shirley Hart, Elaine Hayes,

Libby Jones, Allen Little, Cindy Mallernee, I. Azell Reeves, Lori Richardson, Irma Robledo, Ronald Unger, Ashely Wilcox

Absent: Marianne Kernan, Chris Laughlin

Excused: Marianne Kernan, Chris Laughlin


Liaison Present: Anne Kimball

DHHS Representative Present: Suzanne Thompson

Recorder: Sandra Dunlap



Call to Order
Leann Henkel / The meeting was called to order at 6:18 p.m. by Chair Henkel.
Approval of Minutes
May 19, 2015 / The committee reviewed the minutes from the 05/19/2015 meeting. / The minutes were reviewed by the committee. Stephen Cohen made a motion to accept the minutes. Ronald Unger seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Members voted to excuse the absences of Stephanie Antkowiak, Carol DeBerry, Shirley Hart, Cindy Mallernee, Irma Robledo, from the May 2015 meeting.
Members voted to excuse the absences of Marianne Kernan and Chris Laughlin from this (June) meeting as they provided justification for their absence.
2015 Community Needs Assessment
Tana Wirtz
Brenda Woods / Chair Henkel introduced Tana Wirtz and Brenda Woods of Sandhills Center Network Operations Department. Ms. Wirtz and Ms. Woods presented the 2015 Provider Capacity/Community Needs Survey/Gaps Analysis results. The survey was developed based upon state reporting guidelines. The survey was distributed electronically and manually in both English and Spanish throughout the catchment area. They also answered questions from the floor. Ms. Woods requested CFAC’s help in distributing the survey in 2016.
Quarterly Quality Management Reports
Martheia Fairley / Chair Henkel introduced Martheia Fairley of Sandhills Center’s Quality Management unit who presented the quarterly reports.
Ms. Fairley presented the Sandhills Center quarterly reports on monitoring, investigations, complaints and incident reports to the committee.
Ms. Fairley answered questions from the floor.
Annual Review of Bylaws
Leann Henkel / Chair Henkel asked everyone to review the Sandhills Center CFAC bylaws and make any recommendations for changes at the June meeting. / Ronald Unger made a motion to keep the bylaws as written for 2015-2016. Stephen Cohen seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous; the motion carried.
Consolidated Balance & Income Statement
Anne Kimball / Consolidated Balance & Income Statement for:
May 31, 2015
Total Revenues (YTD) / $315,342,403
Total Expenditures (YTD) / $256,373,060
Change in Fund Balance (YTD) / $58,969,343
Chair’s Report
Leann Henkel
Anne Kimball / Chair Henkel introduced Anne Kimball to speak on key points House Bill 372 supports and potential mergers. Using the CEO’s report to the Board as reference, Ms. Kimball explained HB 372 and the differences between the House and Senate discussions regarding LME/MCOs.
Chair Henkel asked if committee members had ideas for special projects. Some responses were:
·  Once we have special educational sessions on the areas of mental health, a support project related to the area will be discussed and implemented within a couple of months. (Recommended by Libby Jones)
Committee Reports
Chair Leann Henkel / Tabled
CFAC Member Announcements
Chair Leann Henkel
Lori Richardson / Sandhills Center has a new Human Resources Director, Leonard Covington. He will be based in West End.
Dave Richards with be the new NC Medicaid Director and Dave Armstrong will move into the Deputy Secretary of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities position.
CFAC member Carol DeBerry passed away on June 02, 2015. Lori Richardson attended the remembrance ceremony.
Other Announcements
Chair Henkel / Arc of High Point is hosting a Wing Fest on June 20, 2015 at the Farmers Market in Greensboro.
Cindy Malernee attended NC Disability Rights meeting in May at the Greensboro Police Department.
Other Business
Anne Kimball / Ms. Kimball reviewed the handouts in members’ packets.
·  CFAC agenda
·  Unapproved minutes May 2015
·  Community Needs Assessment PowerPoint, Survey/Provider Capacity, Community Needs Assessment Assessment/Gaps Analysis Report
·  Quality Management Reports: Investigation, monitoring, complaints, incidents.
·  Consolidated Balance Sheet and Income Statement
·  Chief Executive Officer’s Report
·  1915 (b)/(c) Medicaid Waiver Operations Report May 2015
·  House Bill 372
Speakers from the Floor / Ron Huber reminded committee members to be of assistance if some people need help to write a letter or email their Representatives.
Adjourn / The meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m. / Stephen Cohen made a motion to adjourn. Lori Richardson seconded the motion. The motion carried. No one opposed.