Contents Page
Introduction 2
Giggles Aims3
The Grove Centre Church Hall Site4-11
After School and Holiday Scheme Opening Times5
Holiday Scheme Opening and Closing Times5
After School Club Activities and tea6
Schools We Collect From7
Fees for After School Club8, 9
Other Information10
  • Staff11
Some Pictures12,13
Athelney Primary School Site14 - 21
After School and Holiday Scheme Opening times15
Club Activities and tea16
Schools We Collect From17
  • After School Club Collections17

After School Club Fees18,19

  • Other Club Information20
  • Staff21

Elfrida Primary School Site

  • After School Cub and Breakfast Club Opening times
  • Club Activities and tea
  • Schools We Collect From
  • After School Club Fee
  • Other Club Information
  • Staff

Giggles Holiday Scheme Service22-25

  • Standard or All Inclusive Service23
  • Events and Meeting Point24
  • Fees25
  • Where We Are26

Giggles After School Club & Holiday Scheme

Thank you for enquiring about a place at Giggles After School Club and Holiday Scheme.This pack provides you with information about our background, how we work, and the activities that are available for your child/ren in our club. We are OFSTED registered at all of our sites.

Giggles was set up and established in September 2003 by three young ladies; Miss Natalie Parker, Miss Natasha Parker, and Miss Charlene Lindsay. We have grown from an A.S.C with 6 children on our records having two sites offering A.S.C & holiday scheme service.

At Giggles we aim to give children the right opportunity to learn, play & become independent young people. We hope to offer the best quality of childcare available for an affordable price. We hope to provide you with the peace of mind that your child is being cared for and having fun in a safe place.

All Giggles services provide children with a home from home. We present children with good role models as children learn through imitating adult behaviour, interaction and adult’s attention.

We are OFSTED registered.

Yours Truly


Giggles Aims

  • To provide a safe, caring, clean, fun and stimulating environment to all children
  • To enable parents to work or study knowing that their children are being well looked after in a fun and safe environment
  • To provide quality care and a wide range of trips and activities to suit all children’s needs
  • To provide games that allow all children to learn through play
  • To provide a home from home for all children

The Grove Centre Church After School Club

The Grove Centre ChurchAfter School Club


The Grove Centre Church, Jews Walk,SE26 6QR

After School Club

Monday – Friday 3.15pm – 6.00pm (children are collected from school at home time)

Drop Home Service5.40pm – 7.00pm

Holiday Scheme

Monday – Friday7.30am – 6.30pm

Our closing times may be a little bit later if we are on trips you will be notified in due time.

Depending on demand we will be running:

  • 1 Week in February
  • 8 days at Easter
  • 1 Week in May/ June
  • 5 Weeks Summer Break
  • 1 Week in October
  • Christmas break depends on demand

Club Activities

Giggles provide a range of activities such as


Snooker / pool


Free play

Dance and music


Art and Craft

Festival activities

Garden play


Board games


Group games

Self help skills (Preparing snacks)

Homework club




 0208 852 4399 07949 66 22 68

February 12

Light Snack

Tea is served at approximately 4.30 in the After School club there is a range of foods varied throughout the week including

  • crackers
  • rolls
  • pizzas
  • toast
  • pancakes

Children are offered sweet and savoury flavours and can chose one of each; cheese or turkey ham then jam, chocolate spread or lemon curd, etc. They are also offered crisp, biscuit, raisin, fruit and a drink. Giggles encourage healthy eating so on offer is Cucumber, Carrots, tomato Lettuce.

We do not provide or offer the children fizzy drinks or pork

Schools we collect from

Adamsril SchoolHolly Trinity School

Eliot Bank SchoolHither Green School

Kelvin Grove SchoolSandhurst School

St BartholomewsTorridon School

St Micheals SchoolRushey Green School

Alexandra School


We will provide a walking bus service for the children being collected from local schools they will wear a Visor Jacketescorted byGiggles staff.

Children from the Catford schools will be transported on the Giggle mini bus.

We have a £15 administration fee to be paid on return of forms, we require you to pay a week worth of fees as a deposit on registration.Payments are to be paid in advance.

After School

We at Giggles have two prices this is because we provide a drop home service.

For our local schools (Sydenham area) the fees are as follows:

  • Per session £9.00
  • Per Week £ 42.50 (Monday – Friday)
  • 4 Wkly £170.00.
  • Drop Home £1.00 Extra per session.

Children being collected from Catford schools fees are as follow:

  • Per Session £9.50
  • Per Week £45 (Monday – Friday)
  • 4 Wkly £180 (four weeks)

Siblings of children attending the club get a 10% discount on their total fee due per week or month depending on whether fees are paid monthly or weekly.

Inset day – You will be charged for insect days that land in the middle of term as the club will be open and because all schools do not have the same inset days. However insect days that land at the beginning and end of term you will not be charged for.

Late Fee / Constant Lateness: There is a lateness fee for parents & carer to pay if you are late. Constant lateness will incur a fine.

Other Information

Age Group

We take children from the age of 4 – 11 years.

Staff ratio

Depending on how many children are expected there will be no less than 3 members of staff on the premises and more if we are going on trips.


We are registered by OFSTED to have 25 children under the age of 8 at The Grove Centre hall site.We can have as many children as considered suitable over the age of 8 years old.


Our van has valid M.O.T, insurance and road tax. Our drivers are fully insured and all hold full UK driving licenses. If you wish to see any documentation regarding the minibus do not hesitate to ask a member of staff, as we will be happy to show you. Please note that all trips will be via the minibus.


Kids Designed Their Own T-Shirts

Kids Showing Off Their Sports Day Certificates 

 Even staff have time to have fun 

It Was Cold But We Still Had Fun At Woburn Safari !!! 


After School Club & Holiday Scheme

Athelney After School Club and Holiday Scheme

Address Athelney Primary School, Athelney Street SE6 3LD

After School Club

Monday – Thursday 3.30pm – 6.30pm (children collected at home time)

Friday2.30pm – 6.30pm (children collected at home time)

Holiday Scheme

Monday – Friday 8.00am – 6.30pm*

*Our closing times may be a little bit later if we are on trips you will be notified in due time.

Depending on demand we will be running:

  • 1 Week in February
  • 8 days at Easter
  • 1 Week in May/ June
  • 5 Weeks Summer Break
  • 1 Week in October
  • Christmas break depends on demand

Club Activities

Giggles provide a range of activities such as


 0208 852 4399 07949 66 22 68

February 12


Snooker / pool


Free play

Dance and music


Art and Craft

Festival activities

Garden play


Board games

Puzzles Cooking

Group games

Self help skills (Preparing snacks)

Homework club



 0208 852 4399 07949 66 22 68

February 12

On site Swimming Lessons and other activities at an additional charge.

Light Snack

Tea is served at approximately 4.30 in the After School club there is a range of foods varied throughout the week including

  • crackers
  • rolls
  • pizzas
  • toast
  • pancakes

Children are offered sweet and savoury flavours and can chose one of each; cheese or turkey ham then jam, chocolate spread or lemon curd, etc. They are also offered crisp, biscuit, raisin, fruit and a drink. Giggles encourage healthy eating so on offer is Cucumber, Carrots, tomato Lettuce.

We do not provide or offer the children fizzy drinks or pork

After School club collections

The children attending the after school club that attend Athelney School in years 4 - 6 will make there awn way down to the after school club, years 1 – 3 will be escorted by a member of staff.

We will provide a walking bus service for the children being collected from local schools they will wear a Visor Jacket and be escorted by giggles staff.

Schools We Collect from

Athelney Primary School

Elfrida Primary School


We have a £15 administration fee to be paid on return of forms, We require you to pay a week worth of fees as a

deposit on registration. Payments are to be paid in advance.

After School Club

Children attending Athelney after school club fees are as follows:

  • Per Session £9.00 (Monday – Thursday)
  • Per Session £10.00 Fridays
  • Per Week £45.00
  • Per Month £180.00 (four weeks)

Siblings of children attending the club pay get a 10% discount on their total fee due per week or month depending on whether fees are paid monthly or weekly.

Inset day and Target setting days – You will be charged for these days during term time as the service will still be available.

Inset days at the beginning and end of termswill not be chargeable. If you are unclear please clarify with a member of staff.

Late Fee - There is a late fee for parents/carers. Persistent lateness may result in your child loosing their place at the club.

Other Information

Age Group

We take children from the age of 4 – 11 years.

Staff ratio

Depending on how many children expected there will be no less than 3 members of staff on premises and more if we are going on trips.


We are registered by OFSTED to have 30 children under the age of 8 at our Athelney site. We can have as many children as considered suitable over the age of 8 years old.


Our van has valid M.O.T, insurance and road tax. The drivers are fully insured and all hold full UK driving licenses. If you wish to see any documentation regarding the minibus do not hesitate to ask a member of staff, as we will be happy to show you. Please note that all trips will be via the minibus.


After School Club & Breakfast Club

Elfrida After School Club and Breakfast Club

Address ElfridaPrimary School, Elfrida Crescent SE6 6EN

After School Club

Monday – Thursday 3.30pm – 6.00pm (children collected at home time)

Friday2.30pm – 6.00pm (children collected at home time)

Breakfast Club

Monday – Friday 7.45am – 9.00am

Club Activities

Giggles provide a range of activities such as


 0208 852 4399 07949 66 22 68

February 12


Snooker / pool


Free play

Dance and music


Art and Craft

Festival activities

Garden play


Board games

Puzzles Cooking

Group games

Self help skills (Preparing snacks)

Homework club



 0208 852 4399 07949 66 22 68

February 12

Light Snack

Tea is served at approximately 4.30 in the After School club there is a range of foods varied throughout the week including

  • crackers
  • rolls
  • pizzas
  • toast
  • pancakes

Children are offered sweet and savoury flavours and can chose one of each; cheese or turkey ham then jam, chocolate spread or lemon curd, etc. They are also offered crisp, biscuit, raisin, fruit and a drink. Giggles encourage healthy eating so on offer is Cucumber, Carrots, tomato Lettuce.

We do not provide or offer the children fizzy drinks or pork

After School club collections

The children attending the after school club that attend Elfrida School in years 4 - 6 will make there awn way down to the after school club, years 1 – 3 will be escorted by a member of staff.

This after school club & Breakfast Club is solely for the children that attend Elfrida Primary School.

Breakfast Club Collections

Childrenattending the breakfast Club will be escorted to the infant and juniors playground, using a walking bus from the community hall.All the children will be given a personal book mark made by themselves, to hand to our staff as a recognition that they have been handed to their teacher.


We have a £15 administration fee to be paid on return of forms, We require you to pay a week worth of fees as a

deposit on registration. Payments are to be paid in advance.

After School Club

Children attending Elfrida after school club fees are as follows:

  • Per Session £8.00 (Monday – Thursday)
  • Friday £9.00 (2:30 start)
  • Per Week £40.00
  • Per Month £160.00 (four weeks)

Breakfast Club

  • Per Session £2.50 (Monday – Friday)
  • Per Week £12.50
  • Per Month £50.00 (four weeks)

Siblings of children attending the club pay get a 10% discount on their total fee due per week or month depending on whether fees are paid monthly or weekly.

Inset day and Target setting days – You will be charged for these days during term time as the service will still be available.

Inset days at the beginning and end of termswill not be chargeable. If you are unclear please clarify with a member of staff.

Late Fee - There is a late fee for parents/carers. Persistent lateness may result in your child loosing their place at the club.

Other Information

Age Group

We take children from the age of 4 – 11 years.

Staff ratio

Depending on how many children expected there will be no less than 3 members of staff on premises and more if we are going on trips.


We are registered by OFSTED to have 30 children under the age of 8 at our Elfrida site. We can have as many children as considered suitable over the age of 8 years old.


Our van has valid M.O.T, insurance and road tax. The drivers are fully insured and all hold full UK driving licenses. If you wish to see any documentation regarding the minibus do not hesitate to ask a member of staff, as we will be happy to show you. Please note that all trips will be via the minibus.


Natalie -Qualified Manager

Natasha- Club Manager

Alisha – Club Manager

Bonnie- After School Club Assistant

Dean – After School Club Assistant

Corriena-After School Club Assistant

Thomas- After School Officer

Angelita- After School Club Officer

Gemma- After School Club Officer

Ronnie – Apprentice

Senel- Apprentice

Daniel- Apprentice

Rhyce- After School Club Assistant (bank Staff)

Ryan – After School Club Officer (Bank Staff)

Giggles Childcare Services

Holiday Scheme Options

Holiday Scheme

We offer a holiday scheme during school breaks with two price options Standard or All Inclusive.

Standard provides children with breakfast and a light tea. Breakfast options will range from cereals, toast, and porridge with hot chocolate. Light tea will be sandwiches, rolls, croissants, fruit, raisins, yoghurt, and biscuits. Water and milk will be on offer throughout the day. For the standard service you will need to provide your child/ren with a packed lunch. There will also be an additional cost for trips that we attend.

All inclusive option includes all standard option features, as well as a daily hot healthy freshly prepared nutritious meal for lunch (no need to provide a packed lunch) and all trips are included in the price (no what you’re paying for from the start).

Events for Holiday Schemes

Before each half term you will receive a booklet with all the information about the forthcoming half term club.

Parents/carers choosing the standard option will receive a registration chart to tick the days and trips they would like their child to attend. All trips are first come first serve, you will be informed when booking if you have a space. A space is reserved for you on the days that you tick so if your child does not attend you will still have to pay. If you are interested in a trip you do not initially book, please discuss availability with a member of staff. Any available spaces will be allocated on first come first serve.

Parents using the all inclusive will receive a booklet with all the information about the forthcoming half term club. Which include a registration chart to tick the days you require, a lunch menu and information about all trips your child will be attending.

Our all inclusive option is available to all parents irrespective of school, however will operate from our St Bartholomews site

Holiday Scheme Meeting point

KIDS CORNER, Hither Green Lane, Catford – 8.00am

TORRIDON LIBRARY, Torridon Road, Catford – 8.10am

We provide a pick up point for Holiday Scheme parents that live in the Catford, Lewisham. The meeting point is KIDS CORNER on Hither Green Lane. If arranged we will return the children back to the same meeting point for 5.45pm. There will be a late fee of £5 for parents arriving after 5.50pm.

There is no drop home service during the Holiday Scheme.

Holiday Scheme Fees

All Inclusive

£23 per day this includes breakfast, hot lunches, tea, and trips.

If you register more than one child the second child will be charged £20.70p (10% discount)

Standard Price

£16.50 per day this includes breakfast, and tea, trips are at an additional cost. Children will need to be provided with a Pack lunch.

If you register more than one child the second child will be charged £14.85p (10% discount)

Fees are due daily on the morning they arrive. If you are paying weekly you must pay a week in advance. Half term consisting of 1 or 2 weeks must be paid in full two weeks before we start.

Where We Are Located

St Bartholomews Site