Pyramid Summative
This packet belongs to:
______Period ______
Ohio State Standard:
Explain how early civilizations (Ancient Egypt) with unique governments, economic systems, social structures, religions, technologies and agricultural practices and products flourished as a result of favorable geographic characteristics and how the cultural practices and products of these early civilizations can be used to help understand the eastern hemisphere today.
I Can Statements:
1. I CAN explain why the Egyptians settled in this area; why location and environment were important.
2. I CAN identify and explain the cultural practices of ancient Egypt including:
· Class structure
· Beliefs
· Writing
· Government
· Customs and traditions
3. I CAN identify and explain how the cultural and scientific contributions influenced later civilizations.
You will be creating a 3-D Pyramid that covers all standards for our Ancient Egypt unit. This will count as a summative grade. In order to successfully complete this project, you must follow each step carefully.
I will introduce a new topic each day during the first part of class. During the rest of the class period, it will be your job to complete the assignment that goes along with that day’s topic. If you begin to fall behind, it is expected that you complete the necessary steps for homework in order to keep up. For you to be successful in this project, you must be:
1. Attentive
2. Organized
3. Responsible
Step 1: Create a Map
Label and color a map of Ancient Egypt. Please follow each step below and place a check next to what you have completed to keep organized.
Draw and Label the following. Use pencil first, then your Ultra-Fine Point Sharpie:
The spacing of your items is VERY important, so plan it out first … make a rough draft.
_____ The Nile River
_____ Mouth of the Nile River
_____ Upper Egypt
_____ Lower Egypt
_____ Giza (use for this city)
_____ Cairo (use for this city, the capital)
_____ Create a MAP KEY in the lower-left corner. Be sure to include the following (use ruler to draw the box):
_____ WATER – Use Blue colored pencil to trace the Nile River and shade all bodies of water
_____ DESERTS – Use Yellow colored pencil to shade in all deserts
_____ FERTILE LAND – Use Green colored pencil to shade the lands along the banks of the Nile River
to show the fertile lands (fertile soil)
_____ for city
_____ for capital
_____ Add a COMPASS ROSE ------>
_____ Create the TITLE, “Ancient Egypt”
(once all of the above is complete, find a nice open space to add this title)
_____ Add AT LEAST THREE (3) pictures that represent the locations on your map
(Example: A camel or sun for the deserts, cute little pyramids near Giza or mountain peaks in Upper Egypt)
Add lots of color and be as neat as you can
Step 2: Uses of the River
In the lined portion of the triangle, write a short paragraph that explains the FOUR reasons why Egyptians chose to live by a river (same reasons as in Mesopotamia).
Use pencil first, then your Ultra-Fine Point Sharpie.
Before you begin writing, brainstorm ideas here …
1: ______
2: ______
3: ______
4: ______
In the 3 sections below the paragraph, pick 3 of the 4 reasons that Egyptians chose to live by a river and ILLUSTRATE them (draw). Add lots of color and be as neat as you can.
Step 3: Social Classes
1. Read the passage below labeled “Egyptian Class System”
· As you read, HIGHLIGHT facts in the passage that describe who is in each class.
2. Using the social class pyramid template, fill in each level with the people that belong to that class (Use pencil first, then your Ultra-Fine Point Sharpie).
Egyptian Class System
In ancient Egypt a person’s social classes was decided by his or her profession or job. The social stratification was like a pyramid. At the very bottom of the “social pyramid” was the lower class that included slaves and war captives.
Above the lowest class were farmers, tomb builders, and soldiers. These two groups of workers represented the greatest percent of the Egyptian population. They supported the professionals above them just as the base of a pyramid supports the rest of the structure.
Above the low level of workers were skilled craftsman and merchants. That included artists, metal workers, potters, weavers, and others who labored with their hands to make such items as furniture, jewelry, coffins and carts. The merchants then sold and traded the goods.
Above the skilled craftsmen were the scribes. The scribes were really the only Egyptians who knew how to read and write. There were many job opportunities for these people, such as writing letters for townspeople, recording harvest, keeping accounts for the Egyptian army, and business record- keeping.
More scholarly people were above the ordinary scribes. Some of these scholars advanced to higher positions such as doctors, priests, engineers and architects. Some of the duties of the priests included staying at the temple for three months at a time, never leaving, in addition to working as a judge and teacher. Doctors were versed in using herbal remedies to cure the sick. They even performed surgery without being put to sleep! Magic, charms, and spells were also often used as a psychological cure. Engineers were responsible for planning and building monuments, temples, and pyramids. Architects made plans for buildings, but did not do the actual work.
Above the priests, doctors, and engineers were the high priests and noblemen, whom the pharaoh appointed as his close assistants, generals, and administrators. Together, they formed the government.
The vizier was the pharaoh’s closest advisor; his right-hand man. He was at a level by himself. Then, directly above him, at the very top of the social pyramid was the pharaoh. The pharaoh of Egypt was not simply a king and a ruler, but was considered a god on Earth!
Step 4: Gods and Goddesses
The Egyptians were polytheistic, meaning they believed in many gods goddesses. Follow the steps below in this activity about Egyptian religion.
1. On Google Classroom, you’ll find a link to a website introducing you to many of the Egyptian gods and goddesses.
· Before you select a god to report on, check out a few of them first. You might stumble into one you really like.
· Note: You are allowed to view other websites if you think you need a little more information.
2. You will be writing a short paragraph on the lined section of the Step 4 triangle. Use pencil first, then your Ultra-Fine Point Sharpie. Before your final copy though, you should write a quick draft that includes the answers to the following questions:
_____ What is your god’s name?
_____ What was this god in control of or represent?
_____ Why was this god important to the Egyptian people?
_____ Provide 1-2 interesting extras (facts) about your god.
3. Draw or print a picture of your god and glue in the picture frame.
Note: If you choose to PRINT, we have a computer lab day scheduled where you can print in black/white, or you can print your image in color at home.
Step 5: The Mummification Process
Mummificationis the preservation of the human body after death. Some mummies are preserved wet, some are frozen, and some are dried. It can be a natural process or it may be purposefully done. The Egyptian mummies were purposefully done by drying out the body.
Today, you will write out the steps Egyptians used to mummify their dead.
1. Read the provided article entitled, “How Are Mummies Made?”
· While reading, HIGHLIGHT important steps in the mummification process and number them as you see them.
2. Write out the 8 steps of mummification on the Step-5 triangle provided. Use pencil first, then your Ultra-Fine Point Sharpie.
Step 6: Hieroglyphics (Your Cartouche)
In ancient Egypt,kings, and sometimes others, encircled their name hieroglyphs with a design that is known as a cartouche. For the most part, the cartouche is a name plate attached to a coffin that identifies the name of a king of Egypt.
1. Go to Google Classroom and click on the link
“Make Your Own Cartouche.”
2. Type your FIRST NAME ONLY in the box provided.
· When cutting this out, remember to cut around, and keep, the ENGLISH version of your as well.
· If it does not print, you may need to highlight it, copy, and print it on a Word document.
4. If you have time, color in the hieroglyphics
Step 7: Contributions
1) to give something (such as money, goods, ideas or time) to help a person, a group of people, or organization
2) to help to cause something to happen
Use the websites/handouts provided to find SCIENTIFIC and CULTURAL contributions Ancient Egypt has left behind.
Fill in the table below.
Write out each reason in complete sentences on your final copy using your Ultra-Fine Point Sharpie.
1. ____ Pick three contributions that you believe to be the MOST important. You should research many before selecting your final three.
2. ____ Explain why these three, out of all of the Egyptian contributions, were the MOST important to them.
3. ____ How did these contributions make an impact on later civilizations? Can you make any connections between the Egyptian contributions and us today?
What was the Contribution? / Why was it important (to them)? / How did it makean impact (on us)?
Step 8: Interesting Facts
1. Research several “Interesting Facts about Ancient Egypt” using the websites/handouts provided.
2. Find ONE fact that has to do with each of the categories below (5 interesting facts in all). Place a check on the line as you finish each category:
____ Culture
____ Economics
____ Government
____ Geography
____ Your favorite/most Bizarre (weird or strange)
3. Add these facts to the triangle provided using your Ultra-Fine Point Sharpie.
Step 9: Your Tomb (print at home or in the computer lab)
Lastly, mummify and prepare “the pharaoh” for the afterlife. Step 9 is located inside the pyramid at the bottom. Check off each step once you complete it:
____ 1. Build a Mummified Body
· You can use actions figures, markers, or clothespins as the body and wrap it in toilet paper or athletic tape
· You can search the Internet to find a 2-D mummy to use if you prefer. I may have some basic mummies printed already, check with me …
· You can choose to cut a picture and add your face to the mummy (or a celebrity face) … or not at all.
____ 2. Get TEN (10) Pictures
· Think of 10 items that you (or the celebrity) would like to take with you to your afterlife
· You can print at home or get cut out pics from magazines
____ 3. Bring TWO (2) Small Treasures
· You will also take these to the afterlife (coins, fake jewels, charms, etc.)
· You may want to hot glue these items onto the pyramid depending on how heavy they are