A Literary Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Celebrating His Life and Legacy

Collective Voices

in partnership with

The Coalition for African Americans in the Performing Arts, Inc.

(C. A. A. P. A.)


10th Annual

Poetry Extravaganza

Date: Saturday, January 14, 2006

Time: 2:00 PM to 5:30 PM

Place: Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library

901 G Street, NW, Washington, D.C.

(Lower level Auditorium, Room A-5)

Master Of Ceremonies – Kwame Alexander

Music by: The Malcolm X Drummers and Dancers, The C. Anthony Bush Jazz Ensemble, Sydney March and Lorenzo Sands. Soloists, Andraea Keene & Pamela Simonson.

Presented in collaboration with the Language and Literature Div. of the MLK, Jr. Memorial Library.

For further info. contact the library at 202.727.1281, Ladi Di at 301.735.4571, Billye Okera at 202.320.4343 . or Sistah Joy at 202.246.0111.

Major event sponsorships by Prudential Financial, The Newseum and Barnes & Noble Books

Reception following program This is a free-to-the-community event