MEMORY VERSE: “I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire” (Matthew3:11)
TEXT: Matthew 3:1-12; Acts 19:1-8
The subject of Baptism is of vital importance to the Christian.The word "baptize" (from the Greek baptizo) means "to identify" or "to be made one with". It means to immerse. In general, it refers to the act of identifying one thing with another thing in such a way that its nature or character is changed, or it represents the idea that a real change has already taken place. Proper understanding of its relevance as revealed in Scriptures provides the platform for believer to benefit from the spiritual experience and fulfillment connected with scriptural baptism. John the Baptist the last of the Jewish prophets crowned and closed the dispensation of the Fathers. John began his ministry of Baptism when Christ had not yet commenced His public ministry. Christianity have come a long way, hence in this age believers should be taught to have an in-depth understanding of the ordinance entrenched in the practice of the Faith.
Under the Mosaic law, it was a Jewish practice and requirement for ‘Ritual Purity’ an act of immersion in natural sourced water for purification when an adherent becomes ritually defiled for example by coming in contact with a corpse and other agent of defilement. Immersion was also required for converts to Judaism as part of their conversion. Prophet Isaiah called the backslidden Children of Israel to come Wash (Isaiah 1:16 -19). People who were cured of Leprosy were subject to this ritual purity too.In the eyes of Elisha, Naaman was already cured, but the ceremonial immersion was required for purification (2Kings 5:10). Jesus requested compliance to the laws of Moses from the man healed of leprosy (Matthew 8:3-4).When John the Baptist came into the scene, he connected the Old with the Newby this ordinance thereby translating the human ritual into a divine experience. Jesus submitted to the baptism of John at river Jordan (Matthew 3:13-15).
Q1. Whatwas the concept of Baptism as practiced by the Jewish under the Mosaic Law?Ezek 36:25
The Lord Jesus reckoned submission to John’s Baptism as fulfilling all righteousness. This suggests that obedience to the will and purpose of God for man’s life can be equated to righteousness (1John3:7). Jesus Christ demonstrated the new and living way by showing us an example to follow, hence He commanded the disciples to teach and baptize those who would believe the gospel inall nations,as a symbol of entering into the body “one with Christ” (Galatians 3:27).
Q2. What Spiritual lesson can we learn from Jesus’ submission to the Baptism of John?
What we have inherited through Christ is an unlimited grace that each one of us are meant to be immersed into while show the manifestation of thebenefits in our daily lives. Having this revelation in our mind,keeps our faith strengthened to lead the Christian life and journey. If Baptism has no spiritual significance, Jesus would not have commanded believers to submit to this ordinance (Matthew 28:18-19).
Q3. Describe the difference between the Baptism of John and the one commanded by Jesus to His disciples; have you submitted to the true mode of baptism?
- THE BAPTISMAL EXPERIENCE AND THREAT OF PERVERSION- Exodus14:10-16; 1 Corinthians 10:1-12; Titus 3:3-8.
Apostle Paul used the episode of the children of Israel crossing the red sea (which remains a wonder and mystery till today) to symbolize a type of baptism conducted by God himself while the multitude passed through upon dry ground separated by two walls of great waters.The New Testament scholars admitted the use of the word “baptized” comparative to our access into Christ. This depth of usage of this word depicts a sense of spiritual connectivity with the Divine which is far beyond a literalinitiationsacrament.
Q4. What is the relevance of the expression “Baptized into Christ Body” to the believer? Galatians 3:27
The New birth experience also called conversion, salvation or being born-again is an encounter that describes the effectual working of grace upon a surrendered life by which a person is made anew (reborn in the inner-man). It is a spiritual touch of the divine that brings us “baptized into Christ’s spiritual body”. This explains the complete unity in the community of true believers resulting in uniqueness, powerand the dew of blessing (Psalms 133:1-3; 1Corinthians 12:12-14).
Many religious practices are held today in error because of ignorance in one part and on the other part, unwillingness to study (to show ourselves approved) the word of God with the intent to discover the deep treasure of the Holy Spirit. Some of such falsehoods include; Infant Baptism, unscriptural mode of conducting water baptism, belief that water baptism practically washes away our sins, delivers from death and the devil, and give eternal salvation (once saved forever save) to all who accepts the teaching etc.
Q5. Why is unity; the mark of true Christian brotherhood missing in the Assemblies of our time?
It is not uncommon to notice that people who come to Christ for a New life experience approach Him with their Headrather than their Heart. This accounts for the unsaved multitude in the Church because they have nothad the baptismal experience. Like Jesus did to His disciples, let the Lord open our understanding, that we might understand the Scriptures and apply our hearts to wisdom and life everlasting. Then we will no longer be tossed to-and-fro by every wind of erroneous doctrines. Ultimatelycease to be victims of deceitful Preachers who are wolves in sheep clothing with satanic agenda to draw men into perdition and hell.
- THE TEACHING ON WATER BAPTISM–Matthew 3:13-17;Mark 16:14-20;Acts18:24-25.
After an individual has given his life to Jesus and experienced the new life with the assurance of the Holy Spirit in his heart that he or she is now a child of God, Water Baptism is the next ordinance to submit unto. It’s part of the process of adoption into the Christian faith. Our Lord Jesus showed us the example in submitting to John’s Baptism by Immersion. John did not baptize all who offered themselves as candidates. Baptism is tied to genuine repentance the undeniable evidence of a change of heart.
Some school of thought believes that baptism can be by Sprinkling; for Church membership; In the Name of Jesus alone not Father, Son and the Holy Ghost, and some prescribe multiple Baptism. It cannot be over emphasised, the relation of Repentance and Faith to Baptism declared in scriptures. This relationship is undoubtedly with damnable consequence if not understood and applied with fear and trembling. For God is no respecter of Persons(Act 10:34).
Q6. What’s the purpose of Baptism in Water; have you submitted to the true mode of baptism?Acts 2:38
The core teaching on water baptism focuses on Baptism of Repentance as pointed out under the New Testament that a genuine repentance is mandatory before anyone receive this ordinance.John's baptism was not based on or authorized by the Jewish law or pagan religious customs and traditions. The people of his day were familiar with the act or practice of baptism. Jesus tells us that the baptism that John taught was from heaven, not from men(Matthew 21:25). It was the first time in human history in which a person had the opportunity to be baptized for the remission of his sins, pagan and Jewish religious customs, notwithstanding. A necessary refinement in the administration of baptism had to be made following the death of Jesus, Rather than submitting to the baptism of John, which was a baptism of repentance, we can now be baptized “into Christ” in His authority; “In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost” (Romans 6:3-4; Matthew 28:19).
Salvation does not come through water baptism but by grace through faith in the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. The Scripture records a catalogue of those who got assurance of salvation without having had water baptism in the following references: the sick of palsy healed by Jesus Christ (Matthew 9:1-7); Zacchaeus(Luke 19:1-10); the thief on the cross (Luke 24:39-43);those who believed in Antioch(Acts 11:20-21)-.
Q7. Does Salvation come through Water Baptism or by Grace through faith? Ephesians 1:7; 2:8-9.
- THE BAPTISM OF SUFFERING – Mark 10:35-40; Matthew26:30-39; Luke 12:49-53
In the New Testament we learn the deepening significance of Baptism and its increased demand upon the life, heart and conscience of the baptized. In addressing the sons of Zebedee, Christ had asked, "Can ye drink of the baptism that I drink of, and can ye be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?"They knew not what they asked (1) because his kingdom was spiritual and heavenly, not carnal and earthly, as they supposed; (2) because they sought the glory before gaining the victory; (3) because perhaps they thought that His kingdom was based on natural relationship.
The Lord had clearly stated that“bymy cross and passion”will I attain to the kingdom; therefore the same way must be trodden by those who seek the same end. Our Lord here describes his passion as his Cup. The "cup" everywhere in Holy Scripture, signifies a man's portion, which is determined for him by God, and sent to him. The Baptism at River Jordan by John had prepared Jesus for the Baptism of Suffering. So we are! This He understood early in His ministry. At Gethsemane he prayedfor the Cup to pass over Him
The Lord Jesus had the Authority to call for the host of heaven to His aide, but told Peter “Put up thy sword in to the sheath; the cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it”? He choose to suffer, deprived of legitimate earthly pleasure, smitten and stricken of His adversary, arrested unjustly, betrayed, condemned to death by crucifixion, tortured by the Roman soldiers, abandoned by His disciples, friendsand loved ones, beaten and scourged, made to carry the heavy Cross all the way to Golgotha, given vinegar when He thirst and finally died along-side with Criminals on the Cross. What else could have been worse than these? He drank the cup “Baptism of suffering” for us.The believer doesn’t have to deliberately inflict injuries upon himselfunder the guise of suffering for Christ (Mark10:39)“…Ye shall indeed drink of the cup that I drink of; and the baptism that I am..”.Hencewe are called to endure persecution,sufferings, deprivation, injustice, hunger, nakedness and even death. Believers should expect to suffer with or for Christ; the essence of the Baptism of Suffering.
Q8. What is capable of separating us from the love of Christ?Romans 8:35-39.
- THE BAPTISM IN THE HOLY GHOST –Ezekiel 36:25-27; Joel 2: 25-29;Acts 1:3-9
The mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit is promised to all flesh; and those who meet God’s conditions can receive God’s abundance (John 7:37-39). The few men of old who the Spirit came upon did not all enjoy His continuous abiding presence. What a great privilege we have as Christians to partake of the fullness of the Spirit which the Old Testament saints did not receive. The Baptism in the Holy Ghost is the enduement of power from on High upon the sanctified believer. It is “the promise of the Father” and when one receives this “gift of the Holy Ghost”, it’s accompanied by the initial evidence of speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives utterance; a language unlearned previously.The Baptism in the Holy Ghost is not the New birth, or Regeneration. It is not the sanctification experience. Jesus prayed for the sanctification of His disciples and yet commanded them to wait for the enduement of power(Luke 24:49).
Q9. Mention some misunderstanding people have about the Holy Ghost?
The Holy Spirit is not just illumination, feeling of joy, liberty and victory in prayer, self-denial or zeal. He is not a mere impersonal forceor a mere power, more thanan influence that we feel. He is a person who seeks to live within us and use us. The Holy Spirit is Divine Personality who we must honor, worship, fellowship with and listen to. He is called the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of the Living God, the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of Holiness, the Spirit of Life, and the Spirit of wisdom. He is called the Eternal Spirit;the Comforter and theSpirit of the Father. The Holy Ghost is Eternal, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Holy. He is the inspirer of the Holy Scriptures, the general Overseer of the militant Church, the Great Teacher, helper and Guide of all the saints, the Character Builder of all members of the Body of Christ. The Holy Ghost is the third person in the Trinity.
Q10. How does one qualify for the Baptism of the Holy Ghost experience?Acts 3:19
Long ago, Prophet Ezekiel proclaimed in the passage above, God’s intention (the times of refreshing) to sanctify the heart of man so that He could put His Spirit within him permanently. Jesus knowing the indispensability of the experience of Heart Circumcision (Sanctification), prayed for the disciples“Sanctify them through thy truth: Thy word is truth” (John 17:15-26). This is a prerequisite for the Spirit Baptism.Just as you got saved by faith, so you receive purity of heart by faith and get the enduement from on high by faith. All these experiences happen under the superintendent of obedient and earnest prayers. This third dimension of Grace Experience is for you. You can receive the Holy Ghost today if you are willing and obedient (Acts 2:39).
1 Bible Study: Wednesday; 7:30pm; Prayer Meeting: Friday; 7:30pm; Sunday Service: Sunday -7:30pm
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