The Gospels in Harmony Sermon #68-9317

John 5:8-13

As we continue with the teaching of the man at the pool of Bethesda, we are reminded of the vivid portrait this story tells of our lost souls rising at the power of the truth in Gods Word, Jesus Christ.

Many times I have been in the tutelage of someone far more edified in matters than myself. Too often I have projected myself as being very sure of my own opinion and instead of my teacher telling me that I was incorrect, he or she would simply ask me a question that would make me think.

Think about myself and why I chose to think the way I did or do the things I do. Questioning someone will often make them be honest with themselves even if they do not admit it. Often it is a simple statement in answer that will cause someone to realize the place or condition they are really in. It will make them come to the truth in their heart and they will admit a need for change. In thought or in deed, being honest with one's self is the door that must be opened to reach the path of repentance unto faith. Faith in the truth of the Word of God. Faith in Jesus Christ.

-----Wilt thou be made whole? John 5:6

The man at the pool of Bethesda came to the realization that he would be made whole by God and that was where his faith should lie. Not at the edge of a pool with all the others putting their faith in being first to respond to God's messenger of mercy.

Isn't it just classic for God to be merciful even while trying to teach us wretched sinners, to look to Him for our healing and salvation? Isn't it so perfect of God's love toward us who are so slow to see and take to heart the truth of God's will for us. Isn't it the grace of God that sustains us until our eyes are opened to our true need and how we are to come to Him for that need to be fulfilled?

Our text for today reads:

8 Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.

9 And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked: and on the same day was the sabbath.

10 The Jews therefore said unto him that was cured, It is the sabbath day: it is not lawful for thee to carry thy bed.

11 He answered them, He that made me whole, the same said unto me, Take up thy bed, and walk.

12 Then asked they him, What man is that which said unto thee, Take up thy bed, and walk?

13 And he that was healed wist not who it was: for Jesus had conveyed himself away, a multitude being in that place.

John 5:8-13

Now as we read through these verses of scripture I want you to realize, this man does not know whom he is conversing with. This is important because it brings into light the power of the truth in the Word of God. The power of healing and salvation in the truth of the Word. It was not Jesus this man had faith in. It was the truth in the words spoken to him by this stranger.

We have a tendency to overlook small details in the scriptures because we already know much more about Jesus than this man possible ever would.

However, reducing our thoughts to place ourselves in his condition, his location and his communication with our Lord; his sandals so to speak, we can cut away what really is not there and get a clear view of what this man is seeing, saying, thinking and doing.

What he sees is all manner of sick and handicapped people waiting for the hand of God to be shown by sending an angel to trouble the waters of the pool that one person would be healed by His mercy and grace.

He could see people preparing themselves to push their way to the front edges that they may be first.

And he could see a man who was not ill or handicapped enter the porch area and set His eyes upon him.

----Wilt thou be made whole?

What he says is in answer to a simple question from this man who he does not know.

He answers in the manner of what he has always known. What he has always been told he must do to be healed; the action or works that he must perform to receive healing from God.

What he is thinking while he is giving this answer to this stranger, is the truth that lies in or behind the action or works that he has always felt he needed to perform. The truth was in the Words of this stranger. The truth was pointed straight at this man for him to see with his heart and not his eyes. That truth was faith in the one able to heal him and not his efforts or even luck in being first to do something.

At that very moment this man realized the truth was faith in the one able to heal him, not in what he must do to receive healing.

At that very instant, the very moment his heart received the truth in the words of Jesus he was healed.

I want all of you to grasp this. Salvation is instant. A dying soul is renewed to life the very nanosecond it comes to believe the Word of God. The very moment he grasped the truth of total healing through faith in the implied truth from this man. I say implied because Jesus did not ask him if he had faith to be healed by God. He asked him "Wilt thou be made whole?"

This man’s spiritual eyes were opened to grasp the truth of faith in God for healing.

A person does not make a decision to believe with their heart and soul. A person makes a decision to believe in their head, in their mind.

That is why it is so laughable to hear someone say they have made a decision for Christ. Oh they have DECIDED to believe in Jesus! They have heard enough to convince them that they should believe. They decided it would be a good thing. Get my point?

A decision is made in your feeble little brain, no matter how intelligent you think you are or how convinced you are in your mind.

Faith is not in your head! It is only in your heart, your soul, and faith in the Word of God will heal anyone to salvation.

Once again we see Jesus teaching us by what He says and how He says it.

He is teaching us to hear what the Holy Spirit has to say to us about the underlying truth in these scriptures. Repentance leads to faith, faith lifts us to life, life is in the Word of God, and God gave His Word for us!

When you turn from head knowledge to heart knowledge you repent unto faith. Instantly you are spiritually healed. The example of this impotent man by the pool is once again the physical example of what occurs to every lost, sick and dying soul that turns from what they think is true in their minds to what they know is true in their hearts. It is the example of instantaneous spiritual healing through faith in Jesus Christ, the living Word of God.

No decision was made by this man. He did not decide that he should, could or would believe. The truth of turning from what he thought he needed; to grasp what he knew in his heart he needed, healed him.

8 Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.

John 5:8

For the first time in his life this man knew that he could rise, take up his bed and walk! That is something a nonbeliever would not do. Someone who could, should or would believe because it certainly seemed to be the right choice. Jesus did not heal him so he would believe. This man knew in his heart he could be healed and it would come through faith and not works. He cast off what he thought to be truth in his mind and grabbed hold of what he knew was true in his heart. Instantly he was healed.

Oh, how glorious is our Father in Heaven! He does not hold back and heal us even unto salvation bit by bit, little by little as our faith grows. No we are totally healed from death. Instantly we are able to rise, take up our beds and walk spiritually as he would have us walk; in faith and obedience to his Word.

9 And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked: and on the same day was the sabbath.

John 5:9

Faith and obedience cannot be separated.

In faith this man rose to obey the Words of Jesus. He still did not know to whom he spoke or who had spoken these Words which had revealed the truth and the power within them. He instantly knew He was saved from a life of groveling to exist and begging for help. He rose in the power of faith to obey without thought of the rules and regulations of the law of the flesh.

The laws the religious elite had created for their glory; the laws that burdened but set no one free.

This man was a Jew. He was well aware of the laws of the Jews but he had been set free by faith in God and feared no man.

10 The Jews therefore said unto him that was cured, It is the sabbath day: it is not lawful for thee to carry thy bed.

11 He answered them, He that made me whole, the same said unto me, Take up thy bed, and walk.

John 5:10-11

Knowing the truth and the power within it will lift you to walk in that power. This man just told the religious leaders and even strict followers of the law that the man that healed him said this is what he was to do.

Oh, do you remember the moments and hours and even days after you gave yourself in total faith to Jesus Christ for salvation? Do you remember how willing and bold you were to follow every Word? Nothing could deter you from walking for Christ; nothing would keep you from obeying His Word.

Oh, I can assure you it is the power of God's saving grace that lifts you beyond the reach of Satan's servants in that new and critical time of your rebirth and healing. Satan never wants to lose a disciple and will send a barrage of servants in an attempt to draw or force you away.

Look at who immediately came to reprimand this man for being obedient to Jesus and look at who demanded to know who would tell him to do so.

Yes, it was some of Satan's best and most obedient servants. It was the professing religious practitioners of that day.

12 Then asked they him, What man is that which said unto thee, Take up thy bed, and walk?

John 5:12

If they could not convince this man to stop following the command of another, then they would surely stop the one who told him to disobey the law.

13 And he that was healed wist not who it was: for Jesus had conveyed himself away, a multitude being in that place.

John 5:13

Jesus appeared at the pools edge to speak to this man whose heart had been prepared to receive the truth. He spoke, gave His command and left.


Do you think that a man who was well known to be sick and disabled for so long would not draw attention when he somehow was completely healed and never entered the water? This was a crowded area. There were any eyes and many ears to see and hear along with many mouths to proclaim this miraculous happening in their midst. No, Jesus did not come to heal all who were there, only the one chosen for His purpose.

Once again we see the doctrine of election. It is quite possible that many of these people would believe because of this miracle. It is quite possible they would be among the multitudes that Jesus would heal at a later time, but for now Jesus was following the plan laid out before Him.

It is not for us to question why one is healed unto salvation and another is not. As I have stated many times the elect are them who God already knows will give themselves in faith to Him through Jesus Christ. God chooses them to have hearts that will hear and believe.

Jesus was not there to heal everyone so they would believe. He was there to heal the one that was ready to believe that the rest would know the truth.

I have known people who were some of the most wretched and vile people you would ever want to know. They were well known for the way they lived and what they did, but when the Word of God entered their hearts they were immediately healed of the decay that filled their souls. They rose, gathered up their lives and walked after Jesus. Saved from eternal damnation and strengthened to follow in His footsteps they were a testimony to the miraculous healing power of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

Only them who have known and serve in the healing power of salvation through faith can truly say they were spiritually, this very sick and disabled man. They were spiritually what he was physically. They know the sickness of sin and continuously repent and confess unto faith and obedience to the Word of God.

The high and mighty saved and you better believe it, professing religions are still at the edge of the pool, pushing and groveling to be first in everyone's eyes. But the one, who repents and confesses the truth of God's love for all, will rise to be seen and known for God's glory.

7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.

9 Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness.

10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.

James 4:7-10

Pastor Steven Freede

Cornerstone Independent Church
